
Azimut Updates on Its Strategic Approach, Launches Work Programs

Azimut Updates on Its Strategic Approach, Launches Work Programs

GlobeNewswire ·  06/11 18:30

LONGUEIL, Quebec, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Azimut Exploration Inc. ("Azimut" or the "Company") (TSXV:AZM) (OTCQX:AZMTF) is pleased to provide an update on its business strategy and comprehensive 2024 field season (see Figure 1). The most recent corporate presentation is available on the Company's website.

魁北克隆格伊爾,2024年6月11日(環球新聞專線)——阿茲慕勘探公司(“阿茲慕” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:AZM)(OTCQX: AZMTF)很高興提供其業務戰略和2024年綜合實地考察季的最新情況(見圖1)。最新的公司介紹可在公司網站上查閱。

The Company will hold a webinar on June 20, 2024 at 1pm ET / 10am PT in English and at 2:30pm ET / 11:30am PT in French. A short presentation will be followed by a Q&A session for interested investors and shareholders. Registration can be completed here: English Webinar / French Webinar.

公司將於美國東部時間2024年6月20日下午1點/太平洋時間上午10點以英語舉行網絡研討會,並於美國東部時間下午 2:30 /太平洋時間上午11點30分以法語舉行網絡研討會。簡短的演講之後將爲感興趣的投資者和股東舉行問答環節。註冊可以在這裏完成: 英語網絡研討會 / 法語網絡研討會



  • Azimut is a Quebec-focused explorer holding the province's largest mineral portfolio, mostly in the Eeyou-Istchee James Bay region. It has a robust project pipeline and a minimum budget of $10M for 10 projects, including $6M of partner-funded programs.
  • Azimut是一家專注於魁北克的勘探公司,擁有該省最大的礦產投資組合,主要位於Eeyou-Istchee James Bay地區。它擁有強大的項目渠道,10個項目的最低預算爲1000萬美元,其中包括由合作伙伴資助的600萬美元計劃。
  • Azimut's main projects will be advanced through the following exploration programs:
  • Azimut 的主要項目將通過以下勘探計劃推進:
Elmer (gold, 100% Azimut): Drilling to test new shallow targets, prospecting
JBL1 (lithium, 100% Azimut): Prospecting, possibly drilling
Galinée (lithium, SOQUEM JV): Drilling to outline a discovery in the making, prospecting
Pikwa (lithium, SOQUEM JV): Prospecting, possibly drilling
Corvet (lithium, Rio Tinto option): Prospecting, possibly drilling
Kaanaayaa (lithium, Rio Tinto option): Prospecting, possibly drilling
Pilipas (lithium, Ophir option): Prospecting, possibly drilling
Kukamas (nickel, copper, gold, KGHM option): Prospecting, possibly drilling
埃爾默(金幣,100% 阿茲姆特): 鑽探以測試新的淺層目標,勘探
JBL1(鋰電池,100% 阿齊姆特): 勘探,可能是鑽探
Galineíe(鋰電,SOQUEM 合資企業): 鑽探概述正在進行的發現、勘探
Pikwa(鋰電公司,SOQUEM 合資企業): 勘探,可能是鑽探
Corvet(鋰電池,力拓選項): 勘探,可能是鑽探
Kaanaayaa(鋰電池,力拓期權): 勘探,可能是鑽探
Pilipas(鋰電池、Ophir 選項): 勘探,可能是鑽探
Kukamas(鎳、銅、金、KGHM 選項): 勘探,可能是鑽探
  • Field teams are already active at Elmer, Galinée and Corvet. All prospecting programs will be conducted from early June to late September. Azimut operates the abovementioned projects except Pikwa and Pilipas.
  • 現場團隊已經在埃爾默、加琳和科維特活躍起來。所有勘探計劃將在6月初至9月下旬進行。除皮克瓦和皮利帕斯外,阿茲穆特經營上述項目。
  • Another major initiative, the James Bay Nickel project (110 claim blocks, roughly 200 targets), is under review by senior mining companies with the intent of implementing a regional strategic alliance.
  • 另一項重大舉措是詹姆斯灣鎳礦項目(110個索賠區塊,約200個目標),正在接受高級礦業公司的審查,目的是建立區域戰略聯盟。
  • Azimut has a strong balance sheet with $13M in working capital and shares, and no debt. Management maintains rigorous financial discipline. The Company has 85.4 million shares issued and outstanding since its founding in 1986 with no roll-back.
  • Azimut擁有強勁的資產負債表,擁有1300萬美元的營運資金和股份,沒有債務。管理層保持嚴格的財務紀律。自1986年成立以來,該公司已發行和流通8,540萬股股票,沒有回滾。

Business Strategy


Azimut is a technically driven exploration company that uses advanced numerical targeting to enhance discovery probability while concurrently developing partnerships to minimize the financial risk of exploration. The Company also chooses to advance some projects on its own.

Azimut 是一家以技術爲導向的勘探公司,它使用先進的數值瞄準來提高發現概率,同時發展合作伙伴關係,將勘探的財務風險降至最低。該公司還選擇自行推進一些項目。

  • Predictive modelling: Data processing applied to mineral exploration using a proprietary predictive methodology (AZtechMineTM) to generate exploration projects in underexplored regions. The objective is to increase the discovery probability through state-of-the-art targeting.
  • 預測建模:使用專有的預測方法(AztechMine)將數據處理應用於礦產勘探TM)在未開發區域生成勘探項目。目標是通過最先進的瞄準來提高發現概率。
  • Partnership development: Agreements are signed with seniors and juniors to increase the discovery odds by conducting multiple exploration programs and minimizing the need for recurrent financings. Over time, preserving the Company's capital structure supports per-share value creation. Azimut has one of the lowest share dilution rates in the junior mining space.
  • 夥伴關係發展:與大四和大三學生簽署協議,通過開展多個勘探計劃和最大限度地減少對經常性融資的需求來增加發現幾率。隨着時間的推移,保留公司的資本結構支持每股價值的創造。Azimut 是初級採礦領域股票稀釋率最低的公司之一。
  • Multicommodity approach (gold, copper, nickel, lithium): Azimut takes full advantage of its Quebec-scale mineral potential appraisal and better addresses commodity market volatility.
  • 多商品方法(金、銅、鎳、鋰):Azimut充分利用其魁北克規模的礦產潛力評估,更好地應對大宗商品市場的波動。

2024 Exploration Outlook

2024 年勘探展望

Azimut is focusing its 2024 work programs in the James Bay region, one of the most prospective in Canada. The region has excellent community relationships and governmental support and is well served in infrastructure, including paved highways, airports and a world-class hydro-electric power grid.


Key features and the planned 2024 work activities are presented below for eight of the Company's projects.


ELMER (gold) – 100% Azimut

ELMER(金牌)— 100% 阿茲姆特

  • The project controls a 35km-long greenstone belt that is largely underexplored and hosts a compliant National Instrument 43-101 maiden mineral resource estimate for the Patwon Zone (311,000 oz at 1.93 g/t Au Indicated and 513,900 oz at 1.94 g/t Au Inferred). 75% of the resources are contained within an open-pit shell with a depth of 376 m. Patwon is open along strike and at depth. Four (4) main drill-ready multi-kilometre robust target zones have been delineated and host high-grade gold prospects.
  • Work program:
    • Focused prospecting is underway to assess new prospective sectors along shear zones.
    • At least 3,000 m of core drilling will start in early July to test shallow-depth targets.
  • See press releases of June 29, 2023, and January 4 and April 16, 2024.
  • 該項目控制着一條長達35千米的綠巖帶,該地帶基本上未得到充分開發,其中的Patwon區域首次礦產資源估算值符合國家儀器43-101標準(311,000盎司,金標示值爲1.93克/噸,推斷爲1.94克/噸)。75%的資源包含在深度爲376米的露天殼中。Patwon沿着走向和深度均處於開放狀態。已經劃定了四(4)個可供鑽探的多公里堅固目標區域,這些區域擁有高品位的黃金前景。
  • 工作計劃:
    • 正在進行重點勘探,以評估剪切帶沿線的新前景行業。
    • 至少3,000米的岩心鑽探將於7月初開始,以測試淺水目標。
  • 查看 2023 年 6 月 29 日以及 2024 年 1 月 4 日和 4 月 16 日的新聞稿。

JBL1 (lithium) – 100% Azimut

JBL1(鋰電池)— 100% Azimut

  • Azimut considers this extensive (52 x 28 km) project to be one of the most prospective areas for lithium in the James Bay region based on its strong geochemical footprint in lake sediments (Li, Cs, Rb, Ga and Sn) and more than 100 outcropping mapped pegmatites (not yet sampled for lithium).
  • Work program:
    • High-resolution remote sensing analysis ongoing.
    • Comprehensive prospecting and possible drilling based on results.
  • See press releases of January 23 and August 21, 2023.
  • Azimut 認爲,這個大規模(52 x 28 km)的項目是詹姆斯灣地區最具前景的鋰礦區域之一,因爲該項目在湖泊沉積物(Li、Cs、Rb、Ga和Sn)中的強大地球化學足跡以及超過100塊露頭繪製的偉晶岩(尚未進行鋰採樣)。
  • 工作計劃:
    • 高分辨率遙感分析正在進行中。
    • 根據結果進行全面勘探和可能的鑽探。
  • 查看 2023 年 1 月 23 日和 8 月 21 日的新聞稿。

GALINÉE (lithium) – 50/50 Azimut-SOQUEM JV

GALINE'E(鋰電)— 50/50 Azimut-Soquem 合資企業

  • A significant discovery is in the making, marked by wide high-grade lithium drill intercepts that notably include 2.48% Li2O over 72.7 m, 2.68% Li2O over 54.6 m and 2.13% Li2O over 44.1 m. Additional good results are expected from the second drilling phase completed early May (see PR of April 18, 2023).
    At the project scale, highly prospective areas with a cumulative length of 60 kilometres are based on strong geochemical footprints in lake sediments (Li, Cs, Rb, Ga, Sn) and favourable geology.
  • 一項重大發現正在進行中,其特點是廣泛的高品位鋰鑽探截獲量,其中主要包括 2.48% 的鋰2O 超過 7,270 萬,Li 2.68%2O 超過 5,460 萬和 2.13% Li2O 超過 44.1 m。預計5月初完成的第二階段鑽探將取得更多良好成果 (見 2023 年 4 月 18 日的 PR)。
  • Work program:
    • Metallurgical tests underway on lithium-bearing drilling intercepts.
    • Property-scale till sampling underway to be followed by a prospecting phase.
    • Follow-up drilling to further outline the mineralized zone and test new targets.
  • See press releases of January 9, February 23, April 18 and May 8, 2024.
  • 工作計劃:
    • 正在對含鋰的鑽探截獲物進行冶金測試。
    • 物業規模,直到抽樣開始,然後是勘探階段。
    • 後續鑽探以進一步概述礦化區並測試新目標。
  • 參見 2024 年 1 月 9 日、2 月 23 日、4 月 18 日和 5 月 8 日的新聞稿。

PIKWA (lithium) – 50/50 Azimut-SOQUEM JV

PIKWA(鋰電)— 50/50 Azimut-Soquem 合資企業

  • This 28-kilometre-long project lies immediately along strike of the Corvette Property owned by Patriot Battery Metals ("Patriot"), which hosts the world-class CV5 deposit (initial inferred resource of 109 Mt at 1.42% Li2O).
    High-potential sectors were identified following the 2023 initial lithium-focused prospecting phase.
  • 這個長達28公里的項目緊隨愛國者電池金屬公司(“愛國者”)旗下的克爾維特地產舉行罷工,該地產擁有世界一流的CV5礦牀(初始推斷資源爲1.09億噸,鋰含量爲1.42%)。2O)。
    在 2023 年最初的以鋰爲重點的勘探階段之後,確定了高潛力行業。
  • Work program:
    • Ongoing detailed prospecting, till sampling and possibly drilling based on results.
  • See press releases of January 23, May 17 and August 21, 2023.
  • 工作計劃:
    • 正在進行詳細勘探,直到取樣,可能還會根據結果進行鑽探。
  • 參見 2023 年 1 月 23 日、5 月 17 日和 8 月 21 日的新聞稿。

CORVET (lithium) – Rio Tinto option

CORVET(鋰電池)— 力拓期權

  • Located south-west of Patriot's Corvette Property, this 33-kilometre-long property displays a strong lake-sediment geochemical footprint for lithium and related pathfinders and a favourable geologic context for lithium-bearing pegmatites.
    The initial exploration phase in 2023 comprised high-resolution hyperspectral, LiDAR and digital photogrammetric surveys, lake sediment geochemical surveys, and reconnaissance prospecting.
  • 這座33公里長的房產位於愛國者克爾維特地產的西南部,爲鋰和相關探路者展示了強烈的湖泊沉積物地球化學足跡,也爲含鋰偉晶岩提供了有利的地質背景。
    2023 年的初始勘探階段包括高分辨率高光譜、激光雷達和數字攝影測量、湖泊沉積物地球化學調查和偵察勘探。
  • Work program:
    • Comprehensive prospecting underway and possibly drilling, depending on the results.
  • See press releases of January 23 and July 10, 2023.
  • 工作計劃:
    • 正在進行全面勘探,可能還會進行鑽探,視結果而定。
  • 查看 2023 年 1 月 23 日和 7 月 10 日的新聞稿。

KAANAAYAA (lithium) – Rio Tinto option

KAANAAYAA(鋰電)— 力拓期權

  • Located south of Patriot's Corvette Property, this 25.6-kilometre-long property displays a strong lake-sediment geochemical footprint for lithium and related pathfinders and a favourable geologic context for lithium-bearing pegmatites.
    The initial exploration phase in 2023 comprised high-resolution hyperspectral, LiDAR and digital photogrammetric surveys, lake sediment geochemical surveys, and reconnaissance prospecting.
  • 這座長達25.6公里的房產位於愛國者克爾維特地產以南,爲鋰和相關探路者提供了強烈的湖泊沉積物地球化學足跡,也爲含鋰偉晶岩提供了有利的地質背景。
    2023 年的初始勘探階段包括高分辨率高光譜、激光雷達和數字攝影測量、湖泊沉積物地球化學調查和偵察勘探。
  • Work program:
    • Comprehensive prospecting and possibly drilling, depending on the results.
  • See press releases of January 23 and July 10, 2023.
  • 工作計劃:
    • 全面勘探,可能還會進行鑽探,視結果而定。
  • 查看 2023 年 1 月 23 日和 7 月 10 日的新聞稿。

PILIPAS (lithium) – Ophir option

PILIPAS(鋰電池)— Ophir 選項

  • A potential for lithium-bearing pegmatites was identified based on the regional geological context and remote sensing data. The project also displays a potential for gold-copper mineralized systems.
  • Work program:
    • Ongoing prospecting and mapping.
    • LiDAR and digital photogrammetry surveys.
    • Potential drilling in H2 2024, depending on the prospecting results.
  • See press releases of December 11, 2023 and May 14, 2024.
  • 根據區域地質背景和遙感數據,確定了含鋰偉晶岩的潛力。該項目還顯示了金銅礦化系統的潛力。
  • 工作計劃:
    • 正在進行探礦和測繪。
    • 激光雷達和數字攝影測量調查。
    • 2024年下半年可能進行鑽探,視勘探結果而定。
  • 查看 2023 年 12 月 11 日和 2024 年 5 月 14 日的新聞稿。

KUKAMAS (nickel, copper, gold) – KGHM option

KUKAMAS(鎳、銅、金)— KGHM 期權

  • This 41-kilometre-long project was subject to a substantial program in 2023 comprising a heliborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey (3,199 line-km) and an initial prospecting phase.
    The salient result was the discovery of a nickel-copper-platinum-palladium prospect that correlates well with a strong, kilometre-scale, undrilled electromagnetic anomaly. Several other gold and gold-copper targets were also identified elsewhere on the property.
  • 這個長達41千米的項目在2023年受到了一項實質性計劃的約束,其中包括直升機磁場和電磁勘測(3,199線路千米)和初始探礦階段。
  • Work program:
    • High-resolution remote sensing, lake sediment geochemical survey.
    • Focused prospecting.
    • Possibly maiden core drilling program.
  • See press releases of February 8, 2023, and April 2, 2024.
  • 工作計劃:
    • 高分辨率遙感,湖泊沉積物地球化學調查。
    • 有針對性的勘探。
    • 可能是首次岩心鑽探計劃。
  • 查看 2023 年 2 月 8 日和 2024 年 4 月 2 日的新聞稿。

Other projects of interest to the Company's management are currently subject to data processing and target ranking:


  • James Bay region: Wabamisk (gold, antimony), Doran (copper), Wapatik (nickel-copper, lithium).
  • Nunavik region: Rex (gold, copper, rare earths) and Rex South (gold, copper, tungsten, tin, rare earths).
  • 詹姆斯灣地區:瓦巴米斯克(金、銻)、多蘭(銅)、瓦帕蒂克(鎳銅、鋰)。
  • 努納維克地區:雷克斯(金、銅、稀土)和南雷克斯(金、銅、鎢、錫、稀土)。

Qualified Person


Dr. Jean-Marc Lulin, P.Geo., prepared this press release as Azimut's qualified person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

P.Geo. 的 Jean-Marc Lulin 博士作爲 National Instrument 43-101 意義上的 Azimut 合格人員編寫了本新聞稿 — 礦業項目披露標準

About Azimut


Azimut is a leading mineral exploration company with a solid reputation for target generation and partnership development. The Company holds the largest mineral exploration portfolio in Quebec. Its wholly owned flagship project, the Elmer Gold Project, has advanced to the resource stage with a strong exploration upside. Azimut also advances the Galinée Lithium Project, a significant discovery made in JV with SOQUEM. The Company controls strategic land positions for copper-gold, nickel and lithium in Quebec.

Azimut 是一家領先的礦產勘探公司,在目標制定和夥伴關係發展方面享有良好的聲譽。該公司擁有魁北克最大的礦產勘探投資組合。其全資旗艦項目Elmer Gold Project已進入資源階段,勘探前景強勁。阿茲慕還推進了加林鋰項目,這是與SOQUEM合資的重大發現。該公司控制着魁北克省銅金、鎳和鋰的戰略用地位置。

Azimut uses a pioneering approach to big data analytics (the proprietary AZtechMine expert system) enhanced by extensive exploration know-how. The Company's competitive edge is based on systematic regional-scale data analysis. Azimut maintains rigorous financial discipline and a strong balance sheet, with 85.4 million shares issued and outstanding.

Azimut 使用開創性的大數據分析方法(專有的AztechMine專家系統),並輔以豐富的勘探專業知識。該公司的競爭優勢基於系統的區域規模數據分析。Azimut保持嚴格的財務紀律和強勁的資產負債表,已發行和流通8,540萬股股票。

Contact and Information


Jean-Marc Lulin, President and CEO
Tel.: (450) 646-3015 – Fax: (450) 646-3045

Jean-Marc Lulin,總裁兼首席執行官
電話:(450) 646-3015 — 傳真:(450) 646-3045

Jonathan Rosset, Vice President Corporate Development
Tel: (604) 202-7531

電話:(604) 202-7531

Cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements, which reflect the Company's current expectations regarding future events. To the extent that any statements in this press release contain information that is not historical, the statements are essentially forward-looking and are often identified by words such as "anticipate", "expect", "estimate", "intend", "project", "plan" and "believe". The forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. There are many factors that could cause such differences, particularly volatility and sensitivity to market metal prices, impact of change in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates, imprecision in reserve estimates, environmental risks including increased regulatory burdens, unexpected geological conditions, adverse mining conditions, changes in government regulations and policies, including laws and policies, and failure to obtain necessary permits and approvals from government authorities, as well as other development and operating risks. Although the Company believes that the assumptions inherent in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements, which only apply as of the date of this document. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required to do so by applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,反映了公司當前對未來事件的預期。如果本新聞稿中的任何陳述包含非歷史信息,則這些陳述本質上是前瞻性的,通常以 “預測”、“期望”、“估計”、“打算”、“項目”、“計劃” 和 “相信” 等詞語來識別。前瞻性陳述涉及風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。造成這種差異的因素有很多,特別是市場金屬價格的波動和敏感性、外幣匯率和利率變動的影響、儲備估算的不精確、環境風險,包括監管負擔增加、意想不到的地質條件、不利的採礦條件、包括法律和政策在內的政府法規和政策的變化、未能獲得政府當局的必要許可和批准,以及其他開發和運營風險。儘管公司認爲前瞻性陳述中固有的假設是合理的,但不應過分依賴這些陳述,這些陳述僅適用於本文件發佈之日。除非適用的證券法要求這樣做,否則公司不打算或承擔任何更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述的意圖或義務,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


