

Keep's membership service has been further upgraded and its health consumption service has sparked institutional bullishness.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 11 11:00

With the official opening of the 618 promotion on major e-commerce platforms, content payment platforms have also sounded the horn for member promotions. Keep, as a sports technology platform with sports content as its core competitiveness, has launched a limited-time member welfare activity, which has attracted the attention and positive feedback of sports enthusiasts. As the trend of rational consumption gradually returns to the public, Keep's member "mid-term exam" is not so much a promotion as an advocacy of self-discipline and a healthy lifestyle, leading a new concept of healthy consumption.

The health industry continues to boom, and Keep promotes health consumption during the 618 promotion

In recent years, "big health" has become a rigid demand for consumption. According to the "Healthy China 2030" outline, by 2030, China's residents will have a health literacy level of 30%, the output value of the health industry will reach 16 trillion yuan, and the big health industry will become the most promising industry in the 21st century.

According to related experts, health consumption refers to the expenses incurred by consumers in the process of self-management and self-control to ensure health, including basic health and medical services, as well as new types of consumption such as wearable health products and online sports services. Keep, as a leading domestic sports technology brand, its user consumption behavior on the platform is basically a health consumption.

According to platform information, this time Keep members have launched the 618 promotion on various platforms such as Douyin, JD, and Tmall. From May 20th to June 20th, Keep members will directly issue discount benefits. Multiple card types including membership cards, smooth cards, and student cards can enjoy ultra-low discounts, and they can be recharged immediately without waiting for pre-sales. Among them, Keep's annual membership card is as low as 158 yuan and comes with an additional 2 months, equivalent to a daily unit price of less than 0.4 yuan.

With the improvement of the public's health awareness, the scale of Keep members and their willingness to pay for member content are steadily increasing. According to Keep's latest annual report, Keep's membership penetration rate in 2023 reached 10.7%, far exceeding the industry average; the number of member course exercises increased by more than 200% compared with 2022; the average monthly member retention rate and activity level have improved compared with 2022.

Personalized and intelligent customized solutions, institutions are looking forward to the membership model

Different from the paid design of entertainment content platforms, in addition to high-quality and professional fitness content, users need training content that suits themselves and matches their abilities and needs. Therefore, the core value of Keep membership is not only boutique professional content courses, but also customizes different training plans for each person through intelligent data analysis, so that all content is not only "high-quality and high-volume," but also "teaching according to their aptitude."

And this data analysis capability mainly comes from the accumulation of Keep's user scale, the completeness of recording functions, and the application of AI intelligence technology.

The exclusive body assessment testing rights enjoyed by Keep members are the important basis for the accumulation of this data ability. Keep can provide members with tests on physical status such as body type, body posture, and sports abilities such as hips and legs, waist and abdomen, and running, and form a personal sports data file and targeted analysis report for members based on the health data synchronized through hardware wearing devices, and then provide more scientific short- and long-term training plans and dietary guidance. At the same time, advanced Keep members (smooth card) users can also receive real-time data feedback and guidance during the process of using exclusive live courses.

Previously, Keep co-founder Peng Wei said at the Keep App 8.0 release conference that through technologies such as camera shooting and AI recognition, Keep can detect 67 bodily problems, with an average accuracy rate of over 95%. Under the condition of no heart rate equipment, Keep provides millions of users with daily testing of exercise load, maximum oxygen uptake, FTP and other exercise indicators. In the future, Keep will continue to improve the coverage of exercise indicators, more accurately predict changes in body shape, weight, and muscle strength, and create more accurate scientific exercise solutions for users.

Many authoritative brokerage institutions are bullish on the development of Keep members. Keep, as the largest online fitness platform in the country, has gradually highlighted its advantages in content acquisition and member realization. The current member penetration rate has reached 10.7%. It is expected that under the improvement of high-quality content, outdoor scene expansion, and AI empowerment, member retention and transformation are expected to further improve.

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