
SCI Ventures: A New Era of Spinal Cord Injury Scientific Innovation

SCI Ventures: A New Era of Spinal Cord Injury Scientific Innovation

SCI Ventures:脊髓損傷科學創新的新時代
PR Newswire ·  06/11 03:45

SHORT HILLS, N.J., June 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Maggie Goldberg, President and CEO, Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, discusses the launch of SCI Ventures, the world's first philanthropic venture fund and groundbreaking global initiative dedicated to catalyzing the funding and commercialization of innovative treatments for spinal cord injury (SCI).

Maggie Goldberg,總裁兼首席執行官,Christopher&Dana Reeve基金會,討論了SCI Ventures的推出,這是全球首個慈善風險基金和破​釜沉舟的全球倡議,致力於催化創新脊髓損傷(SCI)治療的資金和商業化。

Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Executive Memo

Christopher&Dana Reeve基金會執行備忘錄

Maggie Goldberg
Maggie Goldberg

Life's defining moments are often strung together on invisible thread, the path between them illuminated only after the world shifts.


A family facing a child's devastating injury hatches an ambitious plan to pursue a cure for paralysis from a living room in New Jersey. A celebrated actor embarks on a quest to transform spinal cord injury research. Lives intersect. Missions merge.


A movement quietly grows.


Mothers and veterans and grandchildren join the effort, entering marathons and hosting fundraisers and fighting to give loved ones the hope they deserve. Year after year, they raise the money to support the labs, to sustain the science, to defy the skeptics until, one by one, the breakthroughs deemed impossible arrive.


Sometimes we're lucky enough to recognize these milestones in real time, glimpsing the spark before it ignites.


Today, the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation is thrilled to announce the launch of SCI Ventures, the world's first philanthropic venture fund dedicated to catalyzing the funding and commercialization of innovative treatments for spinal cord injury (SCI).

今天,Christopher&Dana Reeve基金會非常高興地宣佈推出SCI Ventures,這是全球首個旨在催化脊髓損​傷(SCI)創新治療資金和商業化的慈善風險基金。

This groundbreaking global initiative — kicking off with $27 million and an anticipated $40 million by year's end — is a direct response to the momentum currently transforming the field of spinal cord injury research.


After decades of incremental gains, long awaited therapies are finally within reach. The notion that paralysis is treatable — that blood pressure and cardiovascular function might be regulated by epidural stimulation, that new pathways can bridge scar tissue — is no longer simply a dream of determined families.


But moving these life-changing treatments beyond the lab demands a new kind of collaboration.


SCI Ventures was co-founded in a unique partnership between the Reeve Foundation and leading spinal cord injury organizations including Wings for Life, the International Spinal Research Trust ("Spinal Research"), the Promobilia Foundation and Shepherd Center. Its mission is to bridge the gap from bench to bedside, supercharging innovative lab breakthroughs, boosting early-stage companies, and building financial incentives to bring treatments to market.

SCI Ventures是Reeve基金會和其他領先的脊髓損傷組織(包括Wings for Life、國際脊髓研究信託基金(“脊髓研究”)、Promobilia基金會和Shepherd Center)獨特合作的成果。它的使命是彌合從實驗室到牀邊的差距,加速創新實驗室突破,支持初創公司,建立帶動市場療法的經濟激勵措施。

Modeled on the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the JDRF T1D Fund for Type 1 diabetes, SCI Ventures grew out of the Reeve Foundation's pioneering investments in ONWARD Medical and AXONIS Therapeutics. The fund will build on the success of these investments, targeting therapies that restore function alongside emerging technologies with the potential to fully repair the spinal cord.

SCI Ventures以囊括綠膿桿菌基金會和JDRF T1D基金會(類型1糖尿病)爲模板,是Reeve基金會在ONWARD Medical和AXONIS Therapeutics方面領先投資的衍生項目。該基金將在這些投資的成功基礎上,針對恢復功能的療法以及完全修復脊髓的新技術。

Though Reeve and the co-founding organizations will provide knowledge gathered across decades of experience with spinal cord injury, SCI Ventures is an independently managed fund. Founding Managing Director Adrien Cohen, a tech entrepreneur and investor who co-founded Tractable and Lazada — two 'unicorn' startups whose worth climbed to $1 billion — will direct investments in consultation with neuroscientists from around the world. All profits from investment gains will be channeled back into the fund, accelerating the pace of discovery to meet the potential of this moment.

儘管Reeve和合作的組織將提供幾十年對脊髓損傷的經驗,SCI Ventures仍是一個獨立管理的基金。初創管理董事Adrien Cohen是一位科技創業者和投資人,他聯合創辦了Tractable和Lazada——兩家被譽爲“獨角獸”的初創公司,市值達到了10億美元——將與來自世界各地的神經科學家諮詢投資。​所有投資收益的利潤都將被回饋到基金,加速發現的步伐,以滿足這一時刻的潛力。

For so many of us, the launch of SCI Ventures is an extraordinary milestone that's decades in the making.

對於我們許多人來說,SCI Ventures的推出是一個里程碑,是幾十年的努力。

When 17-year-old Henry Stifel sustained a spinal cord injury in a car accident in 1982, there was nowhere for his parents to turn for help, no organization with its gaze trained on a cure. So, Hank and Charlotte Stifel decided to build their own.


The Stifel Paralysis Research Foundation set up shop at a bridge table in a spare bedroom later that year. Hank, Charlotte, and friends dedicated to helping Henry and all those impacted by spinal cord injury immersed themselves in academic journals and began scouring the world for researchers able — and willing — to study spinal cord injury. The plan was simple. Fund new labs. Recruit promising scientists. Prove the naysayers wrong.


And they did.


By the time Christopher Reeve was paralyzed in a horseback riding accident in 1995, the Stifels' pursuit of progress had laid a foundation for transformative change; Reeve's embrace of the mission and unyielding quest to find a cure for paralysis would provide the spark that launched a new era in research.

1995年,克里斯托弗·裏夫(Christopher Reeve)在馬術比賽中癱瘓時,斯蒂費爾一家的進步追求爲變革性的變化奠定了基礎;裏夫對這一使命的接受和對治療癱瘓的堅定追求,提供了點燃開啓研究新時代的火花。

The newly named Christopher Reeve Foundation rocketed into the public consciousness with Chris at its center. He increased the Foundation's reach as he traveled the country spotlighting innovative labs, pushing for increased federal funding, and challenging Congress to support stem cell research. With his voice rising above the whoosh of his ventilator — and the unmistakable smile curling his lips — Reeve captured the public's imagination, his vision for spinal cord injury research redefining what was deemed possible.


Over four decades, the Reeve Foundation seeded the field with nearly $145 million. Our investments critically boosted the work of early pioneers, including UCLA scientist Reggie Edgerton whose lab demonstrated that damaged spinal cords could adapt and be retrained with epidural stimulation. As the scope of research expanded, Reeve fueled efforts to restore long sought functional gains, including hand dexterity, bladder function and blood pressure regulation; helped launch The Big Idea, the first comprehensive clinical trial studying epidural stimulation in patients with paralysis; and advanced an understanding of spinal cord biology that underpins the breakthroughs of recent years.

40多年來,裏夫基金會爲該領域注入了近1.45億美元。我們的投資極大地推動了早期先驅的工作,包括UCLA科學家Reggie Edgerton的實驗室證明了受損的脊髓可以通過硬膜外電刺激適應和重新訓練。隨着研究範圍的擴大,裏夫推動努力恢復追求已久的功能性收益,包括手部靈活性、膀胱功能和血壓調節,並幫助發起了第一個全面研究癱瘓患者硬膜外電刺激的"大想法",並推進了支撐最近突破的脊髓生物學的認識。

And we're not finished yet. Today, 20 years since Christopher's passing, the launch of SCI Ventures represents a critical next step in his and the Reeve family's determination to identify cures for this injury and address the subsequent medical challenges that severely impact quality of life for those living with paralysis.

而我們還沒有完成。時至今日,距離克里斯托弗去世20年,SCI Ventures的推出代表着他和裏夫家族下定決心找到治癒此傷害並解決影響癱瘓患者生活質量的隨後醫療挑戰的關鍵下一步。

The progress in spinal cord injury research — the very success that inspired SCI Ventures — stems from the determination of all the families since the Stifels and the Reeves who refused to give up hope. But until transformational treatments are in hand, there is still much to be done.

脊髓損傷研究的進展——正是啓發SCI Ventures的非常成功——源於所有家庭的決心,自Stifels和Reeves以來,他們不願放棄希望。但在擁有變革性治療方法之前,仍有許多工作要做。

As SCI Ventures bridges the critical gap between bench and bedside, the Reeve Foundation will continue the work that brought us to this moment. In the coming year, we will tap the expertise of our Spinal Cord Injury Advisory Board, comprised of leading scientists from across the country, to help identify results-driven research that will yield the greatest impact for community members. We will seek out innovative new scientists and fund labs gaining speed. This summer, we will cohost the second Reeve Foundation Symposium, linking scientists and academics with industry peers and investors — sparking new conversations and watching for flickers of light.

隨着SCI Ventures填補了工作和牀邊之間的關鍵差距,裏夫基金會將繼續開展帶領我們邁向成功的工作。在未來一年中,我們將利用我們的脊椎損傷顧問委員會的專業知識,該委員會由全國領先的科學家組成,以幫助確定產生結果的研究,從而爲社區成員產生最大的影響。我們將尋找新的創新科學家,並資助不斷髮展的實驗室。今年夏天,我們將與合作舉辦第二屆裏夫基金會研討會,將科學家和學者與行業同行和投資者聯繫起來,引發新的對話並尋找閃光點。

Like the Stifel and Reeve families — like so many of you — we will imagine a brighter future and work tirelessly until it arrives.


To learn more about SCI Ventures, visit and follow SCI Ventures on LinkedIn here.

要了解有關SCI Ventures的更多信息,請訪問SCIVentures.com並在此處關注SCI Ventures LinkedIn。

About the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation


The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation is dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by funding innovative research and improving the quality of life for individuals and families impacted by paralysis. Additionally, through a cooperative agreement with the Administration for Community Living, the Reeve Foundation's National Paralysis Resource Center (NPRC) promotes the health, well-being, and independence of people living with paralysis, providing comprehensive information, resources, and referral services assisting over 128,000 individuals and families since its launch in 2002. The Reeve Foundation is committed to elevating our community's voices and needs to achieve greater representation and independence.


We meet all 20 of the Better Business Bureau's standards for charity accountability and hold the BBB's Charity Seal. For more information, please visit or call 800-225-0292.


Media Contact:
Julia Leonard, Media Specialist
[email protected]

[email protected]

SOURCE Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation


