
Private Equity Giant Blackstone Targets Japanese Market, Anticipates 'Accelerated Growth': Report

Private Equity Giant Blackstone Targets Japanese Market, Anticipates 'Accelerated Growth': Report

Benzinga ·  06/11 03:28

Private equity giants such as Blackstone Inc (NYSE:BX) have seemingly gobbled up everything in the United States market, from pet care to real estate, even eying a purchase of sports teams. The NYC-based investment management company has eyed a new opportunity: the Japanese market.


What Happened: Nikkei Asia reported that Blackstone is planning to invest $9.6 billion in Japan by 2027.


"There are a number of factors that have come together that have really accelerated growth in the Japanese economy as well as investment opportunities," Blackstone President Jonathan Gray told Nikkei. "It's been the return of inflation to the Japanese economy, the strength in the stock market, the policies under Prime Minister [Fumio] Kishida, which have encouraged individual Japanese to move from savers to investors, which we think is very important, the encouragement of companies to focus on return on equity and to look at selling noncore divisions."

“有很多因素匯聚在一起,加快了日本經濟的增長以及投資機會,” Blackstone總裁喬納森·格雷告訴日經。他說:“這是日本經濟回歸通脹,股市強勢,菅義偉首相實行的政策鼓勵日本人從儲蓄者轉變爲投資者,這非常重要,公司鼓勵關注股東回報率並考慮出售非核心部門。”

The iShares MSCI Japan ETF (NYSE:EWJ) is up over 9% in 2024 and the Japanese Yen is as weak against the U.S. Dollar as it has been in several decades.

iShares MSCI Japan ETF(NYSE:EWJ)在2024年上漲超過9%,日元對美元的弱勢已達數十年之久。

Why it Matters: Blackstone is not alone in pursuing opportunities in the Japanese market. Investment managers, including Bain Capital and KKR & Co Inc (NYSE:KKR), are increasingly favoring Japan rather than China and India for investment opportunities.

爲什麼很重要:黑石並不是在追求日本市場機會方面孤軍奮鬥。投資管理人尤其是貝恩資本和KKR & Co Inc(NYSE:KKR)越來越青睞日本而非中國和印度的投資機會。

Carlyle Group, which has previously invested in Japan, saw an internal rate of return of 28%, compared with around 8% to 14% for major Carlyle funds with focuses in Europe or Asia, according to Nikkei.


Berkshire Hathaway Inc (NYSE:BRK) (NYSE:BRK) has made several investments in Japan in recent years. CEO Warren Buffett famously prefers to invest in American companies, but a favorable Japanese interest rate environment led Berkshire to take stakes in the following Japanese conglomerates in 2020:


  • Itochu Corp. (OTC:ITOCY)
  • Mitsubishi Corp. (OTC:MSBHF)
  • Mitsui & Co., Ltd (OTC:MITSY)
  • Sumitomo Corp. (OTC:SSUMY)
  • Marubeni Corp. (OTC:MARUY)
  • 伊藤忠商事株式會社(OTC:ITOCY)
  • 三菱商事股份有限公司(OTC:MSBHF)
  • 三井物產株式會社(OTC:MITSY)
  • 住友商事株式會社(OTC:SSUMY)
  • 丸紅株式會社(OTC:MARUY)

The late vice-chairman Charlie Munger championed Berkshire's Japanese investments.


"It was like having God just opening a chest and just pouring money into it," Munger said.


Also Read: Blackstone To Grant Equity To Rank-And-File Employees At US Buyouts: Report


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