
A New Sustainable Approach for EssilorLuxottica's Operations in Italy

A New Sustainable Approach for EssilorLuxottica's Operations in Italy


Charenton-le-Pont, France (June 10, 2024) – EssilorLuxottica implements an innovative project near Pescara, Italy which oversees the recovery and reconversion of industrial land surrounding the site of Barberini, a world-class optical glass lens manufacturer and part of EssilorLuxottica. Covering almost 40 hectares, EssilorLuxottica will create a large solar farm to produce renewable energy along with a green area hosting sports facilities and natural food crops for the corporate staff restaurants, with a sustainable and circular approach.


Covering an area of 25 hectares, the solar farm will be the first large-scale ground-mounted photovoltaic system built and directly managed by EssilorLuxottica and will have a total power of 20MW. The plant is expected to generate approximately 30,000 MWh of renewal energy per year (equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of approximately 10,000 families) and will be connected directly to Barberini's industrial site to maximize self-consumption of onsite renewable power production.


The new solar farm, together with the photovoltaic panels which are already installed on the roofs of Barberini's buildings and on most of the Company's plants throughout the world, is a testament to the Group's commitment to increase the production of renewable energy and confirms the ongoing investments to improve the efficiency across its logistic and manufacturing facilities and to reduce energy and water consumption.


The project is being implemented in coordination with local institutions and is part of the Company's journey since 2019, following the completion of the acquisition of Barberini. The Group's investments have made it possible to create a modern production area in Città Sant'Angelo which, in addition to hosting a new building with LEED certification for eco-compatibility, no longer uses fossil fuels and hosts the cultivation of native species such as olive trees, Abruzzo's pear tomatoes, and melliferous plants in the areas close to the production sites. The Group works with local firm Tenuta Fragassi to introduce natural food production from this plant together with the ones from the new crops around the solar farm in its corporate staff restaurants. This in turn supports EssilorLuxottica's Eyes on Food program launched in 2022 with Italian chef Davide Oldani to promote a healthy and responsible eating in the workplace.

該項目是與當地機構協調實施的,並是自2019年收購Barberini以來,公司旅程的一部分。該集團的投資使得在切塔·桑特安傑洛創造了一個現代化的生產區,該區域除了爲環保獲得LEED認證的新建築外,不再使用化石燃料,並在接近生產場所的區域種植本地品種,如橄欖樹、阿布魯佐的巨型番茄和蜜源植物。該集團與當地公司Tenuta Fragassi合作,將這個工廠的自然食品生產與太陽能電站周圍的新水果作物一起引入企業員工餐廳。這反過來支持EssilorLuxottica的“食物使眼睛更健康”項目,該項目由意大利大廚Davide Oldani於2022年推出,旨在促進職場健康和負責任的飲食。

Additionally, the area near the photovoltaic plant will also be open to the community and feature educational aspects of circularity and ecology initiatives along with seasonal crops, gardens and beekeeping. The site is expected to be completed in early 2025.


"We are continuing to realize EssilorLuxottica's vision to produce extraordinary results in the market alongside major sustainability initiatives and investments to ensure an ethical and responsible approach. Today, we mark another key step to keep improving our energy efficiency globally while supporting our goal to become carbon neutral in our direct operations around the world by next year, as outlined in our Eyes on the Planet corporate sustainability program", said Francesco Milleri, Chairman and CEO of EssilorLuxottica.

“我們繼續實現EssilorLuxottica在市場上創造出色成果的願景,同時支持我們的能源效率全球持續改進,通過本公司Eyes on the Planet企業可持續發展計劃明年目標逐步成爲全球直接運營的碳中和集團,以確保道德和負責任的方法。 ”— Francesco Milleri,EssilorLuxottica的主席兼首席執行官。Charenton-le-Pont,法國(2024年6月10日)-EssilorLuxottica在意大利佩斯卡拉附近實施了一項創新項目,該項目監督附近工業用地的恢復和重建Barberini的世界級光學玻璃透鏡製造商之一,此項目佔地近40公頃。

