
River Logic Announces Staufen as a Referral Partner for Its Value Chain Optimization Technology

River Logic Announces Staufen as a Referral Partner for Its Value Chain Optimization Technology

River Logic宣佈Staufen成爲其價值鏈優化科技的推薦合作伙伴。
PR Newswire ·  06/10 22:00

River Logic's innovative Value Chain Optimization Solution will be represented and integrated by leading consulting firm to provide enhanced supply chain capabilities for clients

River Logic的創新價值鏈優化解決方案將由領先的諮詢公司代表並整合,爲客戶提供增強的供應鏈能力。

DALLAS, June 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- River Logic, a global innovator in network design and optimization, announced today that Staufen, a Lean Management consulting service and academy, joined their Partner Program where Staufen can refer businesses to River Logic. With the introduction of the Digital Planning Twin and River Logic's Value Chain Optimization Solution, Staufen is opening up new opportunities to offer its customers optimized supply chain functionalities to support their business goals.

2024年6月10日,德克薩斯州達拉斯/美通社/--全球網絡設計和優化創新者River Logic今日宣佈,精益管理諮詢服務和academy Staufen加入了他們的合作伙伴計劃,Staufen可以向企業推薦River Logic。隨着數字化計劃孿生和River Logic的價值鏈優化解決方案的引入,Staufen正在爲其客戶打開新的機會,爲其業務目標提供優化的供應鏈功能。

Staufen offers consulting services and management work strategies with focus on operational excellence based on lean philosophy to prevent waste, increase organizational productivity, and improve product quality. Additionally, Staufen helps managers and employees to establish sustainable change process coupled with continuous development with intuitive strategies and methods through empowerment and a teachable corporate culture. With River Logic as a reliable technology and business partner who has extensive experience in the consulting industry as well as expertise in solving complex supply chain challenges, Staufen will support companies to improve their supply chain network performance and increase the resilience, robustness and responsiveness.

Staufen提供諮詢服務和基於精益哲學的管理工作策略,以預防浪費,提高組織生產力並提高產品質量。此外,Staufen通過賦權和可教授的企業文化實現可持續發展的變革過程,幫助管理人員和員工通過直觀的策略和方法建立可持續的變革過程。River Logic作爲一個可靠的技術和業務夥伴,在諮詢行業擁有豐富的經驗以及解決複雜供應鏈問題的專業知識,Staufen將支持企業提高其供應鏈網絡性能,並提高其彈性,韌性和響應能力。

"As specialists in operational excellence and supply chain network management, our experts work with state-of-the-art tools to better meet the needs of our customers. Working with River Logic ideally supports our holistic approach to making the entire supply chain, including individual partners, more responsive, robust and efficient," said Christian Ullrich, Principal at Staufen. "We look forward to the partnership and the innovative capabilities that River Logic's optimization models and ad hoc analytics will provide."

“作爲運營卓越和供應鏈網絡管理專家,我們的專家使用最先進的工具以更好地滿足客戶的需求。與River Logic合作理想地支持了我們的整體方法,即使整個供應鏈包括個別合作伙伴都更具響應性,韌性和效率,”Staufen負責人Christian Ullrich表示。“我們期待着夥伴關係和River Logic的優化模型和即席分析提供的創新能力。”

"While evaluating joint opportunities with Staufen's excellent team of consultative professionals, we will provide prospective clients with supply chain network optimization solutions that will allow them to solve for strategic, financial and operational needs," said Carlos Centurion, President of River Logic. "Our Value Chain Optimization solution, combining end-to-end supply chain scenario management, including financial modeling, sustainability, and utilization of AI, will help streamline processes for better returns on investment. Together with Staufen, we will focus on providing increased efficiencies for all involved, while maintaining Staufen's market reputation as a continued leader and reference for operational excellence."

“在評估Staufen卓越的諮詢專業團隊的聯合機會時,我們將提供供應鏈網絡優化解決方案,使客戶能夠解決戰略,財務和運營需求,”River Logic總裁Carlos Centurion表示。“我們的價值鏈優化解決方案,結合端到端的供應鏈場景管理,包括財務建模,可持續性和AI的利用,將有助於優化流程,從而獲得更好的投資回報。與Staufen一起,我們將專注於爲所有涉及方提供更高的效率,同時保持Staufen作爲持續的運營卓越領導者和參考的市場聲譽。”

About Staufen
Staufen is the leading top management consultancy for operational excellence, enabling its clients to improve results in all areas along the value chain. The dovetailing of process excellence and leadership excellence also ensures a continuous improvement culture in the long term. With suitable strategies and methods, Staufen sets the right changes in motion and quickly achieves measurable success. The consultancy enables companies to establish a performance-enhancing corporate culture and sustainably increase value creation. With 280 employees worldwide, the international consultancy for operational excellence supports clients in the fields of performance improvement, supply chain network management, organizational development, digitalization and Industry 4.0. See. Learn. Act. Live.

Staufen是管理卓越方面的領先頂級管理諮詢公司,使客戶能夠改善在整個價值鏈上各領域的結果。流程卓越和領導力卓越的交織也確保了長期的持續改進文化。通過合適的策略和方法,Staufen推動正確的變革並迅速取得可量化的成功。該諮詢公司使企業建立了一個增強性能的企業文化,並可持續地提高價值創造。作爲一家全球諮詢公司,Staufen在運營卓越方面擁有280名全職員工,支持客戶在績效提升、供應鏈網絡管理、組織發展、數字化和工業4.0等領域。 見.學.行.生。

About River Logic
Founded in 2000, River Logic is a global leader in supply chain strategy and planning, helping companies across a wide range of industries resolve complex, cross-functional trade-off decisions while optimizing key objectives like growth, margin, service levels and more. The foundation of River Logic's technology is a Digital Planning Twin, which helps companies easily, quickly and thoroughly assess a truly end-to-end set of scenarios, not only including Network Design Optimization, but full value chain that extends to product portfolio, sustainability targets and the financial impact in terms of profitability and the ability to finance the operation. To learn more, visit: .

關於River Logic
River Logic成立於2000年,是供應鏈策略與規劃方面的全球領導者,幫助各行各業的企業解決複雜的跨職能權衡決策問題,同時優化關鍵目標,如增長、利潤、服務水平等。River Logic技術的基礎是數字計劃孿生,幫助企業輕鬆、快速和全面地評估一個真正的端到端場景集,不僅包括網絡設計優化,而且還包括延伸到產品組合、可持續性目標和利潤能力、以及融資經營的全價值鏈。欲了解更多信息,請訪問:。

Media Contact:
Hila Eyal,
Chief Marketing Officer at River Logic,
[email protected]

River Logic首席營銷官Hila Eyal,
River Logic的首席營銷官,
[email protected]

SOURCE River Logic, Inc.

來源:River Logic, Inc。

