
Telehouse Canada Launches Its First Three Data Centres in Toronto

Telehouse Canada Launches Its First Three Data Centres in Toronto

Telehouse Canada在多倫多推出了其首批三個數據中心。
PR Newswire ·  06/10 22:00

Global data centre leader grows carrier ecosystem at Canada's most critical data centres to increase connectivity and accelerate Canadian digital economy


TORONTO, June 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Telehouse Canada, a leading colocation data centre service provider, has officially launched its first three data centres in downtown Toronto. The announcement marks Telehouse Canada's plans to drastically grow the country's carrier ecosystem and continue to expand its facilities to power Canada's digital transformation and support the rollout of high-speed Internet nationwide.

2024年6月10日,加拿大領先的託管數據中心服務提供商Telehouse Canada在多倫多市中心正式推出了其首批三個數據中心。這一聲明標誌着Telehouse Canada計劃大幅擴大該國的運營商生態系統,並繼續擴展其設施以推動加拿大的數字化轉型,並支持全國高速互聯網的推廣。

Telehouse Canada's three new carrier-neutral data centres, located at 151 Front Street West, 250 Front Street West and 905 King Street West, act as a nerve centre of Canadian telecommunications and a central meeting point for internet service providers (ISPs), application service providers (ASPs) and Canada's largest telecommunication carrier networks. By connecting different networks and providers together, the data centres play a critical role in facilitating Canadians' experience of the digital world as vast, seamless, fast and interconnected.

Telehouse Canada的三個新的運營商中立數據中心位於151 Front Street West、250 Front Street West和905 King Street West,是加拿大電信業務的神經中樞以及互聯網服務提供商(ISPs)、應用服務提供商(ASPs)和加拿大最大電信運營商網絡的中心會議點。通過連接不同的網絡和供應商,這些數據中心在促進加拿大人在數字世界的體驗中發揮着至關重要的作用,使其變得更爲龐大、無縫、快速和相互連接。

More than half (50 per cent) of all Canada's carriers, service providers (xSPs) and content providers have a presence at Telehouse Canada's data centres, making this interconnected hub the main gateway for Canada's internet traffic flow, helping Canadians connect digitally with each other and the rest of the world.

超過一半(50%)的所有加拿大運營商、服務提供商(xSPs)和內容提供商都在Telehouse Canada的數據中心設有業務,使這個相互連接的中樞成爲加拿大互聯網流量的主要入口,幫助加拿大人與世界其他地方進行數字連接。“我們是第一個擁有專業數據中心專業知識的全球領導者,擁有並運營這些設施,我們帶來了三十多年的組織成長經驗,”Telehouse Canada總裁兼首席執行官Satoshi Adachi表示,“我們有足夠的能力幫助加速加拿大的數字經濟,支持加拿大企業擴大其數字化業務,並尋求到達新的全球市場。”

"We are the first global leader with specialized data centre expertise to own and operate these facilities, and we're bringing more than three decades of experience helping organizations grow," said Satoshi Adachi, President and CEO of Telehouse Canada. "We're well-equipped to help accelerate Canada's digital economy and support Canadian businesses as they scale their digital operations and look to reach new global markets."

由於轉向5G、物聯網技術的傳播以及加拿大政府的互聯互通戰略,對高級互聯性服務的需求在加拿大迅速增長。Telehouse Canada目前在其三個數據中心託管約200個互聯性合作伙伴。該公司旨在通過升級設施、擴大容量並探索增加加拿大市場份額的機會,顯著擴大此生態系統的規模,並滿足日益增長的需求。

Demand for advanced connectivity services is growing rapidly in Canada due to the transition to 5G, the spread of IoT technology and the Canadian government's Connectivity Strategy, which will extend high-speed Internet access to all Canadians by 2030. Telehouse Canada currently hosts around 200 connectivity partners across its three data centres. The company aims to significantly grow this ecosystem and meet growing demand by upgrading facilities, expanding capacity and exploring opportunities to grow its Canadian presence.


"We recognize the significance of these data centres to Canada's digital infrastructure and how we can contribute to building Canada's technology leadership and competitive edge in an increasingly interconnected world," said Adachi. "Our commitment to carrier-neutrality means organizations have the flexibility to partner with network providers that best suit their needs to minimize costs and maximize performance. Ultimately, our goal is to significantly expand the size of this diverse ecosystem by fostering a supportive and collaborative partnership environment."

隨着各行各業的企業加速推動數字轉型,採用人工智能技術和雲服務,數據中心也將通過高度彈性的託管和數字連接服務支持其發展。展望未來,Telehouse Canada正在探索藉助KDDI和Telehouse的全球專業知識的機會,以滿足加拿大對更多支持人工智能的數據中心基礎設施的需求增長。

As businesses across all industries jump start their digital transformation and adopt AI technology and cloud services, the data centres will also support their growth through highly resilient colocation and digital connectivity services. Looking ahead, Telehouse Canada is exploring opportunities to leverage KDDI and Telehouse's global expertise to meet growing Canadian demand for more AI-supportive data centre infrastructure.

作爲全球超過3000家企業的值得信賴的支持者,Telehouse Canada爲加拿大的組織提供了機會,通過連接遍佈10多個國家的45個互連數據中心,擴大其全球業務。

Providing trusted support for more than 3000 companies globally, Telehouse Canada offers Canadian organizations the opportunity to grow their global presence with access to over 45 across interconnected data centres in 10+ countries.


The official launch comes after Telehouse, together with parent company and Japanese telecommunications leader, KDDI, signed an agreement to acquire three Toronto data centres in June 2023. Now fully operational, the enhanced carrier-neutral data centres provide more than 30MW of IT load.

關於Telehouse,Telehouse是KDDI Group旗下的領先全球數據中心服務提供商,彙集了包括運營商、移動和內容提供商、企業、雲提供商和金融服務公司在內的3000多個商務夥伴。Telehouse成立於1989年,提供可靠、安全、靈活的託管業務,使組織能夠通過快速、高效、安全的互連加速市場進程並創造商業機會。欲了解更多信息,請訪問:

About Telehouse
關於KDDI Corporation,1953年,KDDI Group作爲日本政府倡導的一項倡議從日本開展其國際網絡的發展,已成爲領先的全球電信公司,在全球60多個城市和100多個地點運營。KDDI部署了重大的國際基礎設施,包括其全球網絡,這是一個數字化的專有網絡,使用光纖連接歐洲、北美、亞洲和澳洲。在日本擁有超過5000萬訂閱用戶的客戶群體,KDDI向其全球客戶提供移動電話服務、網絡服務和IT解決方案。欲了解更多信息,請訪問:

Telehouse is a leading global data centre service provider under KDDI group, bringing together more than 3,000 business partners including carriers, mobile and content providers, enterprises, cloud providers and financial services companies. Established in 1989, Telehouse provides reliable, secure, and flexible colocation, enabling organizations to accelerate speed to market and create business opportunities through fast, efficient and secure interconnections. For more information visit:


About KDDI Corporation

Created in 1953 as an initiative spearheaded by the Japanese government to develop their international network from Japan, KDDI Group has become a leading global telecommunications company, operating in more than 60 cities and 100 locations around the world. KDDI deployed major international infrastructures, including its Global Network, a digitized proprietary network with optic-fibre linking Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. With a customer portfolio of over 50 million subscribers in Japan, KDDI offers mobile phone services, network services and IT solutions to its global customers. For more information visit:


SOURCE Telehouse Canada

來源:Telehouse Canada

