
Meet the Scholars: Celebrating Outstanding Recipients of the 2024 Live Más Scholarship

Meet the Scholars: Celebrating Outstanding Recipients of the 2024 Live Más Scholarship

與學者會面:慶祝2024 Live Más獎學金的優秀獲獎者
Accesswire ·  06/10 21:45

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 10, 2024 / Yum! Brands:

北安普頓/ ACCESSWIRE /2024年6月10日/百勝集團:

Taco Bell blog


For nine years, the Taco Bell Foundation has fueled students' boldest ambitions to create good through the Live Más Scholarship, a program rooted in the belief that our youth hold the key to the future. By providing transformative scholarships, valuable networking platforms, and professional development resources, we're simply adding to the fervor that's already burning bright in these students. Change starts with them - read on to discover the unique stories of five 2024 Live Más Scholarship recipients who are truly making a difference.

9年來,塔科貝爾基金會通過“Live Más獎學金”項目,爲學生們的最大抱負注入新能量。該項目旨在通過提供變革性的獎學金、有價值的網絡平台和專業發展資源,對這些學生的激情進行了加強。改變始於他們--繼續閱讀,探索這五位獲得2024年“Live Más獎學金”的獨特故事,他們真正在創造改變。

Axel O. - Incoming Freshman, Las Vegas, NV

Axel O. - 即將入學的新生,內華達州拉斯維加斯

Axel's profound connection to mariachi music is more than a hobby; it's a heartfelt tribute to his heritage. As the Student Director of the acclaimed Mariachi Joya of Las Vegas High School, he's set to attend the University of Nevada Las Vegas and join their first cohort of the Mariachi Education Program. Having performed at the Grammys and the White House, Axel is committed to sharing the enrichment that mariachi has brought to his life.

Axel與墨西哥馬里亞奇音樂有着深刻的聯繫,這不僅是一種愛好,更是他對傳統文化的深情致敬。作爲備受讚譽的拉斯維加斯高中Mariachi Joya樂隊的指揮,他將加入內華達大學拉斯維加斯分校的Mariachi教育計劃的第一屆學生中。Axel曾在格萊美獎和白宮表演,他致力於分享Mariachi給他帶來的豐富,傳承傳統文化。

Tallulah M. - Incoming Freshman, Omaha, NE

Tallulah M. - 即將入學的新生,內布拉斯加州奧馬哈

Tallulah juggles roles as a photographer, community volunteer, athlete, and an aspiring trauma surgeon. Her dedication as a soccer goalkeeper has fueled her desire to enter the medical profession, drawing parallels between the decisive nature of both fields. Raised in a Hispanic community, she observed the rarity of Latina surgeons and is determined to prove that big dreams are attainable. With plans for pre-med at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Tallulah aims to continue her hospital volunteer work and nurture her photographic artistry.


Ritisha L. - Incoming Freshman, Atlanta, GA

Ritisha L. - 即將入學的新生,喬治亞州亞特蘭大

Ritisha's zeal for neuroscience has propelled her to champion mental health awareness. Her volunteer work ranges from providing companionship at a hospice to supporting a suicide prevention hotline. She has also shared her insights on mental health technologies through a TEDx talk. Ritisha is continuing her education at Emory University, determined to deepen her impact by conducting research and furthering the dialogue on mental health and suicide prevention.


Gracie S. - Incoming Freshman, Perris, CA

Gracie S. - 即將入學的新生,加利福尼亞州佩里斯

Inspired by athletics from a young age, Gracie founded the nonprofit 'Girls on the Mound' to support young women navigating the male-dominated sports business industry. Gracie is a Taco Bell team member and received a once in a lifetime surprise from her sports idol Davante Adams when the wide receiver surprised her with the scholarship at his Las Vegas football camp in April. Gracie aspires to further her education in business management and marketing, while also breaking barriers for women passionate about sports.

從小受到運動的啓發,Gracie創立了非營利組織“Girls on the Mound”,支持那些在男性主導的體育產業中摸爬滾打的女性。Gracie是塔科貝爾餐廳的一名員工,在四月份的拉斯維加斯橄欖球營地裏,她收到了她的體育偶像Davante Adams的展示同讚譽的驚喜,成爲了獎學金的獲得者。Gracie有望進一步學習業務管理和市場營銷,同時打破女性熱愛體育的障礙。

Ethan C. - Incoming Junior, Garden Grove, CA

Ethan C. - 即將入學的大三學生,加登格羅夫

Ethan is a passionate storyteller studying Film Production at Chapman University. Growing up in a multicultural household, he developed a keen eye for untold stories in everyday life. From personal family documentaries to a film shedding light on racial injustice, his broad scope of work aims to share narratives other than just his own.


The Taco Bell Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity. For more information visit


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