
MIT Selects Movano Health for Groundbreaking Study on Long COVID and Chronic Lyme Disease

MIT Selects Movano Health for Groundbreaking Study on Long COVID and Chronic Lyme Disease

麻省理工學院選擇Movano Health進行關於開多COVID和慢性萊姆病的突破性研究。
PR Newswire ·  06/10 21:00

Pioneering partnership advances innovative health monitoring, setting the stage for future enterprise opportunities.


PLEASANTON, Calif., June 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In a strategic move that could reshape the understanding of long COVID and chronic Lyme disease, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has forged a partnership with Movano Health for its MAESTRO study to harness the medical grade continuous health monitoring capabilities of Movano's Evie Ring.

加利福尼亞州普萊森頓新聞稿 / 2024年6月10日 - 麻省理工學院(MIT)與Movano Health達成戰略合作,利用Movano Evie Ring的醫療級別連續健康監測功能進行MAESTRO研究,這將是對長期COVID和慢性萊姆病理解的一次重大突破。

The MAESTRO study, a comprehensive study using the latest advancements in medical research, will recruit 300 adults aged 18-35 across four distinct cohorts: those with acute Lyme disease, chronic Lyme disease, long COVID, and a control group. With an estimated 40 million Americans grappling with the debilitating effects of long COVID, and over 600,000 new cases per year of Lyme disease, 10-15% of which will manifest as chronic Lyme, the long-term health impacts of these conditions are still shrouded in mystery. This study holds the promise of unlocking vital answers.

MAESTRO研究是一項利用最新的醫學研究進展的全面研究,將招募300名來自四個不同隊列的18-35歲的成人:患有急性萊姆病、慢性萊姆病、長期COVID和對照組。據估計,有4000萬美國人正在應對長期COVID的影響,每年有超過60萬例萊姆病的新病例,其中10-15%會表現爲慢性萊姆病,這些病症的長期影響仍然被謎團所籠罩。這項研究有望揭開重要答案。, "這項合作意味着世界上一流的研究機構對Movano提供連續可靠、方便使用大數據集能力的信心,迎來個性化患者護理和科學發現的新時代。" Movano Health的首席執行官約翰·馬斯特羅塔羅(John Mastrototaro)說。"我們的戒指解決方案設計滿足嚴格的HIPAA和網絡安全標準,提供了一種創新的健康監測裝置選擇 - 這是一種值得期待的改變。"

"This collaboration signals a vote of confidence from one of the world's preeminent research institutions in Movano's ability to provide continuous, reliable, and convenient access to a large data set, ushering in a new era of personalized patient care and scientific discovery," said John Mastrototaro, CEO of Movano Health. "Our ring solution, designed to meet stringent HIPAA and cybersecurity standards, offers an innovative alternative to existing health monitoring devices – a game-changing solution that is long overdue."

"我們很高興將Evie Ring納入我們的臨床研究,評估長期COVID和慢性萊姆病的進展,並更全面地了解爲什麼一些人從輕度感染中恢復,而其他人則繼續忍受長時間的痛苦。" Michal Caspi Tal博士說。她是麻省理工學院婦科病理研究中心的副科學主任和Tal研究組的負責人。"戒指提供的關於生命體徵和健康的縱向信息的廣度將有助於增強我們對這些令人困擾的病症的理解。"

"We're excited to incorporate the Evie Ring into our clinical study to evaluate the progression of long COVID and chronic Lyme disease and paint a fuller picture of why some people bounce back from a mild infection while others go on to endure prolonged suffering," said Dr Michal Caspi Tal, Associate Scientific Director, the MIT Center for Gynepathology Research and head of the Tal Research Group. "The breadth of longitudinal information related to vital signs and wellness provided by the ring will be instrumental in enhancing our understanding of these debilitating conditions."

Tal研究組概述:在Michal Caspi Tal博士的卓越領導下,Tal研究組是一家領先的免疫工程實驗室,致力於彌補慢性疾病研究方面的嚴重知識空白。這個跨學科團隊利用先進技術開創性的轉化和臨床意義的研究,以增強複雜慢性病的認識、診斷和治療。該組專門研究慢性萊姆病、急性萊姆病、長期COVID和ME / CFS(肌肉疲勞綜合症 / 慢性疲勞綜合症)及其共存的情況,致力於創新的預測診斷,加速疾病軌跡和生物標誌物的發現,建立醫學研究和患者護理的新標準。

About the Tal Research Group
Under the visionary leadership of Michal Caspi Tal, PhD, the Tal Research Group is a state-of-the-art immune engineering lab dedicated to bridging critical knowledge gaps in chronic illness research. Utilizing advanced technologies, this interdisciplinary team pioneers translational and clinically significant studies to enhance understanding, diagnostics, and treatments for complex chronic conditions. Specializing in chronic Lyme disease, acute Lyme disease, long COVID, and ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome), the group investigates their pathologies and co-occurring conditions. Focused on innovative predictive diagnostics, the Tal Research Group accelerates the discovery of disease trajectories and biomarkers, setting new standards in medical research and patient care.

關於Movano Health:成立於2018年的Movano Inc.(Nasdaq:MOVE)旗下的Movano Health正在開發一系列有目的的醫療保健解決方案,將醫療級別數據帶到可穿戴設備的最前沿。Movano Health的設備具有現代和靈活的外形,爲客戶和企業提供了一種創新的方法,捕捉個人的健康數據全面畫像,並將其翻譯成個性化和智能化的見解。Movano Health的專有技術和可穿戴醫療設備解決方案將很快實現在醫療保健的若干患者群體中使用連續數據作爲一種工具來主動監測和管理健康結果。有關Movano Health的更多信息,請訪問
腳註:Movano Health的Evie Ring和Evie Med的商業推出計劃,計劃的成本削減措施,關於我們產品的FDA許可決定的期望,未來的經營業績,產品的開發和特性以及臨床試驗和監管倡議,我們的戰略、定位和未來事件或業績的期望是例子。本新聞稿包含有關我們對未來的期望、預期、意圖、信念或策略的前瞻性聲明。這些前瞻性聲明基於我們截至本日所做的假設,並且可能受到已知和未知的風險和不確定性的影響,這些風險和不確定性可能會導致實際結果、情況和事件與預期不符。因此,您不應過分依賴前瞻性聲明。在本公告中,前瞻性陳述的示例包括我們就商業化推出Evie Ring和Evie Med的計劃、計劃的成本削減措施、關於我們產品的FDA許可決定的預期、預期的未來經營業績、產品開發和特性、產品發佈、臨床試驗和監管倡議,以及我們的戰略、定位和未來事件或業績發表的聲明。導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明不同的重要因素在我們最近的10-K表和任何後續的10-Q季度報告中列出,並在我們向證券交易委員會提交的其他報告中列出,包括在"風險因素"標題下。本發佈中的任何前瞻性聲明僅以本發佈日期爲準。我們不承諾公開更新任何前瞻性聲明,無論是書面的還是口頭的,這些前瞻性聲明可能不時發表,無論是因爲新信息、未來發展還是其他原因。

About Movano Health
Founded in 2018, Movano Inc. (Nasdaq: MOVE) dba Movano Health is developing a suite of purpose-driven healthcare solutions to bring medical-grade data to the forefront of wearables. Featuring modern and flexible form factors, Movano Health's devices offer an innovative approach to delivering trusted data to both customers and enterprises, capturing a comprehensive picture of an individual's health data and uniquely translating it into personalized and intelligent insights.

Movano Health公司簡介:成立於2018年,Movano Inc.(Nasdaq:MOVE)是正在開發一系列有目的的醫療保健解決方案,來將醫療級別數據引入到可穿戴設備的最前沿。Movano Health的設備具有現代和靈活的外形,兼備了準確度和受用性,爲客戶和企業提供了一種創新的方法,捕捉個人的健康數據全面畫像,並將其翻譯成個性化和智能化的見解。
Movano Health的專有技術和可穿戴醫療設備解決方案將很快實現在醫療保健的若干患者群體中使用連續數據作爲一種工具來主動監測和管理健康結果。

Movano Health's proprietary technologies and wearable medical device solutions will soon enable the use of continuous data as a tool to proactively monitor and manage health outcomes across a number of patient populations that exist in healthcare. For more information on Movano Health, visit

有關Movano Health的更多信息,請訪問

Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning our expectations, anticipations, intentions, beliefs, or strategies regarding the future. These forward-looking statements are based on assumptions that we have made as of the date hereof and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, conditions, and events to differ materially from those anticipated. Therefore, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, statements we make regarding plans with respect to the commercial launches of the Evie Ring and Evie Med; planned cost-cutting initiatives; anticipated FDA clearance decisions with respect to our products; expected future operating results; product development and features, product releases, clinical trials and regulatory initiatives; our strategies, positioning and expectations for future events or performance. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements are set forth in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and any subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and in our other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including under the caption "Risk Factors." Any forward-looking statement in this release speaks only as of the date of this release. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.




