
PowerBlock and NewsXPartners (NXP) Join Forces in Supporting Kids' Health and Success

PowerBlock and NewsXPartners (NXP) Join Forces in Supporting Kids' Health and Success

PR Newswire ·  06/10 20:38

NewsXPartners Corporation has joined forces with PowerBlock, Inc. to support Action For Healthy Kids (AFHK), a nationwide nonprofit dedicated to empowering children to develop healthier minds and bodies. PowerBlock designs and makes adjustable, all-in-one dumbbell and kettlebell stacks used by professional athletes and everyday consumers alike across the United States.

NewsXPartners公司已經與PowerBlock公司聯手支持Action For Healthy Kids (AFHK) 的慈善活動,該組織是致力於幫助兒童健康成長的全國性非營利組織。PowerBlock公司的可調節全合一啞鈴和壺鈴被美國的職業運動員和普通消費者所廣泛使用。

NEW YORK, June 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NewsXPartners Corporation (NXP) has announced a collaboration with PowerBlock, Inc., a manufacturer of adjustable dumbbell and kettlebell equipment, to support children's well-being through charitable initiatives. This alliance supports Action For Healthy Kids (AFHK), a nonprofit grassroots organization that promotes holistic children's health. AFHK strives to teach and help children build lifelong healthy habits, empowering them to become happy, healthy adults. [See full press release.]

紐約,2024年6月10日 /PRNewswire/ -- NewsXPartners公司 (NXP)宣佈與可調節啞鈴及壺鈴設備製造商PowerBlock公司合作,通過慈善行動支持兒童健康成長。此次合作旨在支持全國性非營利組織Action For Healthy Kids (AFHK),這個組織致力於宣傳全面兒童健康,並幫助兒童養成終身健康習慣,助力兒童更好地成長爲快樂、健康的成年人。[Action For Healthy Kids (AFHK) 是一個非營利性的草根組織,旨在促進兒童全面健康。AFHK努力通過教育和幫助兒童養成終身健康習慣,幫助兒童成爲快樂、健康的成年人。[查看完整新聞稿。]

NewsXPartners Corporation has joined forces with PowerBlock, Inc. to support Action For Healthy Kids (AFHK), a nationwide nonprofit dedicated to empowering children to develop healthier minds and bodies. PowerBlock designs and makes adjustable, all-in-one dumbbell and kettlebell stacks used by professional athletes and everyday consumers alike across the United States.
NewsXPartners公司已經與PowerBlock公司聯手支持Action For Healthy Kids (AFHK) 的慈善活動,該組織是致力於幫助兒童健康成長的全國性非營利組織。PowerBlock公司的可調節全合一啞鈴和壺鈴被美國的職業運動員和普通消費者所廣泛使用。
NewsXPartners Corporation (NXP) has announced a collaboration with PowerBlock, Inc., a manufacturer of adjustable dumbbell and kettlebell equipment, to support children's well-being through charitable initiatives. This alliance supports Action For Healthy Kids (AFHK), a nonprofit grassroots organization that promotes holistic children's health.
NewsXPartners公司 (NXP) 宣佈與可調節啞鈴及壺鈴設備製造商PowerBlock公司合作,通過慈善行動支持兒童健康成長。此次合作旨在支持全國性非營利組織Action For Healthy Kids (AFHK),這個組織致力於宣傳全面兒童健康,並幫助兒童養成終身健康習慣,助力兒童更好地成長爲快樂、健康的成年人。

For Michelle Titus, PowerBlock's Director of Brand Marketing and E-Commerce, joining forces with NewsXPartners in service to AFHK was a natural outgrowth of her socially conscious inclination. "Our consumer base is very socially conscious, as are we," she says. "As a company, we want to do more to leverage that interest in giving back. When NXP approached us, we sensed a great opportunity to do good by contributing our expertise and resources."

對於PowerBlock公司的品牌營銷和電子商務總監Michelle Titus來說,與NewsXPartners公司一起支持AFHK是她對社會貢獻的自然延伸。她說:“我們的消費者群體非常注重社會責任,我們也同樣如此。作爲一家公司,我們希望通過利用給予的興趣來回饋社會。當NXP公司向我們提出合作機會時,我們感覺到利用自己的專業知識和資源做一點善事的好機會。”

PowerBlock's innovative core product line consists of all-in-one, self-contained dumbbell sets that can be adjusted for lighter or heavier resistance with a simple shift of a pin. "There are many all-in-one dumbbell stacks out there," Titus says, "but none have our slightly angled, isosceles trapezoid build. This patented design creates world-class durability. That's why you'll find PowerBlock products in the workout facilities of all major North American sports leagues."


NewsXPartners Corporation (NXP) looks for stand-out companies, like PowerBlock, whose missions go beyond merely making money. It is a champion of numerous social and humanitarian causes.

NewsXPartners公司 (NXP) 尋找有卓越使命的公司,例如PowerBlock公司。NXP公司是社會和人道主義事業的倡導者。

Originally founded in 2006 to service the public relations and publicity demands of entrepreneurial and developmental-stage enterprises in the health and wellness industries in the Northeastern United States, NXP has since expanded internationally. Today, the firm operates noteworthy campaigns with businesses of all sizes, but its heart and soul still lie in the health and wellness industry.


NXP's Media Director states, "We look for companies wanting to do some good in the world – to make lasting contributions with impacts beyond commerce. In PowerBlock, we see such a company. They produce superior products; it's true. But just as importantly, they are genuinely a good corporate and social citizen." [See full press release.]

NXP公司的媒體總監表示:“我們尋找的是那些想要在世界上做些好事,做出超越商業的有意義影響的公司。在PowerBlock公司,我們看到了這樣一家公司。他們生產出具有超高品質的產品,這是真的。但同樣重要的是,他們真正是一家善良的企業和社會公民。” [查看完整新聞稿。]



NewsXPartners is an international publicity and public relations firm headquartered in New York.

NewsXPartners是一家總部位於紐約的國際公共關係和宣傳公司。R.D. Hasting

Media Contact:
R.D. Hasting
[email protected]

R.D. Hasting
[email protected]

SOURCE NewsXParters Corp (NXP); PowerBlock

來源:NewsXParters Corp (NXP); PowerBlock

