
Onecent Technology Celebrates 2 Million Unique Users Milestone

Onecent Technology Celebrates 2 Million Unique Users Milestone

Onecent 科技慶祝獨立用戶數達到 200 萬里程碑
PR Newswire ·  06/10 20:34

HONG KONG, June 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- "We're both humbled and proud to say we've hit the 2 million unique user mark," said Onecent Technology CEO Aladdin. This achievement comes as the company marks a remarkable 100% growth over the past two years, doubling its user base from 1 million to 2 million. This success highlights Onecent Technology's dedication to putting users at the core of its innovations and services.

2024年6月10日,香港/美通社/--"我們很自豪並感到卑微,我們已經超過200萬的用戶數量。"Onecent Technology的首席執行官Aladdin說道。這一成就在公司過去兩年的發展中獲得了100%的增長,將用戶數量從100萬翻倍至200萬。這一成功突顯了Onecent Technology在其創新和服務中以用戶爲核心的專注。

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The rapid expansion of Onecent Technology's user base is largely driven by the popularity of its video chat and social apps: Ocean Balls and PKLudo. These apps have not only garnered a substantial following but have also set new benchmarks in the industry for user engagement and satisfaction. In particular, PKLudo has achieved an extraordinary milestone of 1.6 million downloads, underscoring its widespread appeal and the trust users place in Onecent Technology's offerings.

Onecent Technology的用戶基數的快速擴張在很大程度上是由其視頻聊天和社交應用程序的受歡迎程度推動的:Ocean Balls和PKLudo。這些應用程序不僅獲得了大量的關注度,而且還爲用戶參與和滿意度設立了新的行業基準。特別是,PKLudo已經達到了160萬次下載的特別里程碑,突顯了它的廣泛吸引力和用戶對Onecent Technology產品的信任。

Ocean Balls and PKLudo have each played a crucial role in transforming how users connect and interact with each other. By focusing on delivering high-quality, innovative social experiences, these apps have managed to captivate and retain a diverse and global user base. The success of these apps is a testament to Onecent Technology's commitment to creating platforms that resonate with users and enhance their digital interactions.

Ocean Balls和PKLudo在完全改變用戶之間的連接和互動方面都發揮了至關重要的作用。通過專注於提供高質量,創新的社交體驗,這些應用程序設法吸引並留住了多樣化和全球範圍的用戶基礎。這些應用程序的成功證明了Onecent Technology致力於創建與用戶共鳴並增強他們數字互動的平台的承諾。

CEO Aladdin attributes this growth to the company's unwavering focus on user satisfaction and its ability to adapt to the evolving needs of its audience. "Our journey from 1 million to 2 million users has been driven by our commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of our users. We are dedicated to providing the best possible experiences through our apps, and this milestone is a reflection of that dedication," Aladdin stated.


Looking ahead, Onecent Technology aims to continue its upward trajectory by further enhancing its app features and expanding its reach. The company plans to invest in new technologies and innovations that will keep its user base engaged and attract new users. This forward-thinking approach is designed to maintain the momentum of growth and ensure that Onecent Technology remains at the forefront of the social and video chat app market.

展望未來,Onecent Technology旨在通過進一步增強其應用程序功能和擴大其影響力來繼續實現上升趨勢。該公司計劃投資於新技術和創新,以保持其用戶基礎的參與和吸引新用戶。這種前瞻性的方法旨在保持增長的勢頭,並確保Onecent Technology仍然處於社交和視頻聊天應用程序市場的前沿。

For more information, please visit Onecent Technology.

有關更多信息,請訪問Onecent Technology。

Media Contact:
Allen C.
Onecent Technology
Marketing Manager
+852 62300445
Email: [email protected]

Allen C.
Onecent Technology
+852 62300445
電子郵件:[email protected]

About Onecent Technology:
Onecent Technology is a leading developer of innovative video chat and social apps designed to connect people around the world. With a user-centric approach, the company is committed to creating engaging and high-quality digital experiences that enhance communication and interaction.

關於Onecent Technology:
Onecent Technology是一家領先的創新視頻聊天和社交應用程序開發商,旨在連接全球人民。公司以用戶爲中心的理念致力於創建有吸引力且高品質的數字體驗,以增強溝通和互動。

SOURCE Onecent Technology

來源:Onecent Technology

