
Burt's Bees Celebrates 40th Bee-Day By Giving Back

Burt's Bees Celebrates 40th Bee-Day By Giving Back

Accesswire ·  06/08 00:30

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 7, 2024 / The Clorox Company
By Gabi Laurent, Brand Engagement Manager

由品牌參與經理Gabi Laurent撰寫

Culture Day at Burt's Bees this year was even buzzier than usual as we marked our 40th birthday by reflecting on our roots and our brand's legacy. The celebration featured co-founder Roxanne Quimby as a special guest speaker along with a day of community service and employee connection.

今年蜜蜂祕密基地公司的文化日比往年更有話題,因爲我們慶祝品牌創建40週年,並回顧我們的根源和品牌的傳承。慶祝活動特邀聯合創始人Roxanne Quimby作爲特邀演講嘉賓,並進行了社區服務和對員工的聯接活動。thBurt Shavitz和Roxanne Quimby都遠離城市生活,定居在緬因州的偏遠地區後相識。Burt靠當地的養蜂照顧自己,就在那裏,他駕着他學校巴士拼接成的黃色皮卡車搭載了Roxanne,兩人一拍即合。他教她關於蜜蜂的知識,他們還找到了一本用剩餘的蜂蠟製成蠟燭(1984年)和脣膏(1991年,這證明是有市場的)的食譜書。

Burt Shavitz and Roxanne Quimby met after each abandoned city life to settle in the remote wilderness of Maine. Eking out a living as a local beekeeper, Burt's picked up a hitchhiking Roxanne in his schoolbus-yellow pickup truck, and the two hit it off. He taught her about his bees, and she found a book of recipes they used to turn surplus beeswax into things like candles (in 1984) and lip balm (in 1991 - which turned out to be a keeper).


Culture Day 2024 brought our teammates together to not only celebrate our past but to continue our tradition of giving back to our communities. This annual tradition reinforces the Burt's Bees brand purpose - by nature, for nature. for all.


3 ways we emerged stronger after Culture Day:


  1. To support food security where we live, teammates participated in service activities at Rise Against Hunger and the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina.
  2. Some of us attended a presentation to learn how to support bees, and others became one with nature through a local hike.
  3. Summer camp games from ladder toss to corn hole offered a way for us to have fun and reconnect with each other.
  1. 爲支持我們所在地區的食品安全,團隊成員參加了Rise Against Hunger和北卡羅來納中東部食品銀行組織的服務活動。
  2. 有些人蔘加了學習如何保護蜜蜂的演示,其他人則通過當地徒步旅行與自然融爲一體。
  3. 夏令營遊戲包括階梯投擲和玉米遊戲,爲我們提供了重新連接和快樂的方式。

Roxanne used to say that since we take from nature, we must respect and preserve it. This celebration was a way to carry on her and Burt's legacy of respecting nature so we can all live well.


"No one can do everything, but everyone can do something."

Roxanne Quimby

"沒有人能做到一切,但每個人都可以做一些事情。" Roxanne Quimby


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SOURCE: The Clorox Company


