
Maxis Is Ready to Complete the SSA Process

Maxis Is Ready to Complete the SSA Process

明訊 ·  06/07 12:00
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Maxis is ready to complete the Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB) share subscription agreement (SSA) process in accordance with the SSA's terms and to sign the Shareholders Agreement (SHA) with DNB. This puts Maxis firmly on track to an early completion of its SSA process and to participate in the rollout of the second 5G network, well ahead of the timeline announced by the Minister of Communications, YB Fahmi Fadzil, on 2 June 2024.

馬克西斯準備按照股份認購協議的條款完成數字國民有限公司(DNB)的股份認購協議(SSA)流程,並與DNB簽署股東協議(SHA)。這將使馬克西斯堅定地走上早日完成其SSA過程,參與第二個5G網絡的推出,並提前了通信部長法米·法茲爾(Fahmi Fadzil)於2024年6月2日宣佈的時間表。

Maxis wholeheartedly supports and is fully committed to a swift implementation of the Government's dual 5G network model. Maxis looks forward to playing a major role in advancing Malaysia's digital agenda as an active and key participant in the upcoming phase of the nation's 5G rollout. This includes promoting 5G and 5G-Advanced (5.5G) adoption and innovation among consumers, businesses and the government sector.



We want to see an early conclusion to the SSA process as it will provide greater certainty to the nation's dual 5G network rollout. Completing the SSA process is a pragmatic and necessary step to commence the transition to a dual 5G network. Maxis is fully prepared to start building the second 5G network immediately to accelerate the nation's 5G plan and bring its economic benefits to Malaysians at a faster pace. - Goh Seow Eng, Chief Executive Officer of Maxis

我們希望儘早結束SSA進程,因爲這將爲國家的雙重5G網絡推出提供更大的確定性。完成SSA流程是開始過渡到雙重5G網絡的務實和必要步驟。馬克西斯已準備好立即開始建設第二個5G網絡,加速國家的5G計劃,並以更快的速度將其經濟效益帶給馬來西亞人民。- 馬克西斯首席執行官吳紹榮

