
NaaS Technology Inc. Announces Updated Effective Date of ADS Ratio Change

NaaS Technology Inc. Announces Updated Effective Date of ADS Ratio Change

能鏈智電 ·  06/07 12:00

BEIJING, June 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NaaS Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: NaaS) ("NaaS" or the Company"), the first U.S. listed EV charging service company in China, today provides an update on the effective date of the change of the ratio of its American Depositary Shares (the "ADSs") to its Class A ordinary shares (the "ADS Ratio"). The ADS Ratio change was previously announced on May 30, 2024 and originally planned to become effective on or about June 10, 2024. According to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., the depositary bank for the Company's ADS program, the ADS Ratio change will take effect at the open of business on June 13, 2024 (U.S. Eastern Time).

2024年6月7日,北京 /美通社/--納斯技術公司(納斯達克:NaaS)(“NaaS”或“公司”),中國第一家在美國上市的充電服務公司,今天發佈了有關其美國存托股份(“ADSs”)與其A類普通股(“ADS Ratio”)之比例變更的生效日期的更新。ADS Ratio變更於2024年5月30日前宣佈,並原計劃於2024年6月10日左右生效。根據摩根大通銀行(JPMorgan Chase Bank,N.A.),公司ADS計劃的存託銀行,ADS Ratio變更將於2024年6月13日(美國東部時間)開盤時生效。

As previously announced, for the Company's ADS holders, the change in the ADS Ratio will have the same effect as a one-for-twenty reverse ADS split and the current ADS Ratio of one (1) ADS to 10 Class A ordinary shares will be changed to a new ADS Ratio of one (1) ADS to 200 Class A ordinary shares.

正如先前宣佈的那樣,對於公司的ADS持有人,ADS Ratio的變更將具有與一種20換1的反向ADS拆分相同的效果,當前的1 ADS對10 A類普通股的ADS比率將變更爲新的1 ADS對200 A類普通股的ADS比率。

Each ADS holder of record at the close of business on the date when the change in ADS Ratio is effective will be required to surrender and exchange every 20 existing ADSs then held for one (1) new ADS. The depositary bank will arrange for the exchange of the current ADSs for the new ones. The ADSs will continue to be traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol "NaaS."

在ADS Ratio變更生效日收盤時的每個ADS持有人將需要交回並交換每20個現有ADS,換取1個新的ADS,存託銀行將安排現有ADS與新ADS的交換。ADS將在納斯達克交易所以“NaaS”爲標的繼續交易。

No fractional new ADSs will be issued in connection with the change in the ADS Ratio. Instead, fractional entitlements to new ADSs will be aggregated and sold by the depositary bank and the net cash proceeds from the sale of the fractional ADS entitlements (after deduction of fees, taxes and expenses) will be distributed to the applicable ADS holders by the depositary bank. The change in the ADS Ratio will have no impact on the Company's underlying Class A ordinary shares, and no Class A ordinary shares will be issued or cancelled in connection with the change in the ADS Ratio.

與ADS Ratio變更有關的分式新ADS將不會發行。相反,新ADS的分式權益將被整合並由存託銀行出售,扣除費用、稅金和開支後,淨現金收益將由存託銀行分配給適用的ADS持有人。ADS Ratio的變更對公司的基礎A類普通股不會產生影響,並且在ADS Ratio變更中不會發行或註銷任何A類普通股。

As a result of the change in the ADS Ratio, the ADS trading price is expected to increase proportionally, although the Company can give no assurance that the ADS trading price after the change in the ADS Ratio will be equal to or greater than 20 times the ADS trading price before the change.

由於ADS Ratio的變更,ADS交易價格預計將成比例增加,儘管公司不能保證ADS Ratio變更後ADS交易價格將等於或大於變更前的ADS交易價格的20倍。

About NaaS Technology Inc.


NaaS Technology Inc. is the first U.S. listed EV charging service company in China. The Company is a subsidiary of Newlinks Technology Limited, a leading energy digitalization group in China. The Company provides one-stop solutions to energy asset owners comprising charging services, energy solutions and new initiatives, supporting every stage of energy asset's lifecycle and facilitating energy transition.


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