
Putting Sustainability at the Heart of ERP

Putting Sustainability at the Heart of ERP

Accesswire ·  06/07 22:30

Feature by Sophia Mendelsohn



馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE /2024 年 6 月 7 日/SAP

Sustainability has evolved from a boardroom buzzword to a critical driver of business success and strategic differentiation. To thrive, companies are going to need to understand how to operate in a modern, low-carbon, circular economy. SAP solutions will support them by embedding sustainability into every aspect of their operations.

可持續發展已從董事會的流行語演變爲業務成功和戰略差異化的關鍵驅動力。爲了蓬勃發展,公司需要了解如何在現代、低碳的循環經濟中運營。SAP 解決方案將通過將可持續發展融入其運營的各個方面來爲他們提供支持。

At our customer flagship event, SAP Sapphire, we're discussing how we support customers with their biggest challenges, looking at future trends, and unveiling the latest product innovations.

在我們的客戶旗艦活動 SAP Sapphire 上,我們將討論如何支持客戶應對他們面臨的最大挑戰,展望未來趨勢,併發布最新的產品創新。

This makes the event the perfect opportunity to highlight how we are redefining the way companies manage sustainability through our ERP-centric, cloud-based, AI-enabled approach.



以 ERP 爲中心

For true business model transformation, sustainability needs to be at the core of how companies operate. At SAP, we integrate sustainability data into cloud ERP business processes, which helps companies connect financial and non-financial information and thus treat carbon like money. This makes all decisions financially and environmentally sound while enabling customers to record real impacts and report audit-ready environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics seamlessly.

要實現真正的商業模式轉型,可持續發展必須是公司運營方式的核心。在SAP,我們將可持續發展數據整合到雲ERP業務流程中,這可以幫助企業連接財務和非財務信息,從而像對待金錢一樣對待碳排放。這決定了所有財務決定 環保,同時使客戶能夠記錄實際影響並無縫報告可供審計的環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 指標。



Instant access to fast-evolving innovations is only possible through the cloud. Our modern cloud-based solutions ensure that businesses can quickly adopt new functionality and stay ahead in a rapidly changing environment.



支持 AI

Business AI is revolutionizing the way we approach sustainability. At SAP, AI takes complex sustainability tasks reliant on sustainability data and ERP data and makes them automated and auditable. It enables companies to improve operational efficiency, foster greater transparency around supply chain emissions, design and plan more effectively, and automate time-consuming tasks. SAP Business AI is built on the data and processes that run the business world, including sustainability related information from both inside and outside the company's walls, making our solutions smarter, faster, and more effective.

商業人工智能正在徹底改變我們實現可持續發展的方式。在 SAP,人工智能依靠可持續發展數據和 ERP 數據執行復雜的可持續發展任務,並使其實現自動化和可審計。它使公司能夠提高運營效率,提高供應鏈排放的透明度,更有效地設計和規劃,並自動執行耗時的任務。SAP Business AI 建立在運行商業世界的數據和流程之上,包括來自公司內部和外部的可持續發展相關信息,使我們的解決方案更智能、更快、更有效。

With SAP Business AI, we support our customers' efforts to optimize for sustainable impact. This year at SAP Sapphire, we are thrilled to announce two new AI-driven sustainability use cases:

藉助 SAP Business AI,我們支持客戶努力進行優化,以實現可持續影響。今年,在 SAP Sapphire,我們很高興地宣佈了兩個新的 AI 驅動的可持續發展用例:

  • Emission Factor Mapping with AI: Available in SAP Sustainability Footprint Management, this feature enhances the accuracy and speed of carbon footprint calculations through automated, intelligent suggestions. By reducing the manual effort involved in mapping emission factors, businesses can achieve more precise measurements and make informed decisions faster.
  • ESG Report Generation with AI: This capability allows for the automatic generation of ESG reports based on the data within SAP Sustainability Control Tower. This not only streamlines the reporting process but also helps ensure that the data is reliable and actionable, providing a clear picture of a company's sustainability performance.
  • 使用 AI 繪製排放因子圖:該功能在 SAP 可持續發展足跡管理中可用,可通過自動智能建議提高碳足跡計算的準確性和速度。通過減少繪製排放係數所涉及的人工工作,企業可以實現更精確的測量並更快地做出明智的決策。
  • 使用 AI 生成 ESG 報告:此功能允許根據 SAP 可持續發展控制塔內的數據自動生成 ESG 報告。這不僅簡化了報告流程,還有助於確保數據的可靠性和可操作性,從而清晰地反映公司的可持續發展表現。

Our comprehensive approach to carbon management is becoming a reality as we introduce new sustainability tracking, monitoring, and reporting features within the SAP cloud ERP portfolio as well as a new solution that will help customers manage sustainability commitments and comply with global regulations.


  • Advanced Carbon Calculator Engine: This powerful tool featured in SAP Sustainability Control Tower and SAP Sustainability Footprint Management integrates ERP data from SAP S/4HANA Cloud and other sources and embeds results back into business processes for informed decision-making. As such, it allows customers to meet Greenhouse Gas Protocol reporting standards, offering advanced, granular calculations of both product and corporate carbon footprints.
  • SAP Green Ledger will be released at the end of 2024. The solution will help customers connect their emissions data and financial data, allowing customers to easily understand the correlation between emissions and finances, model sustainable business scenarios, and then act with decisions that are both financially and environmentally.
  • 高級碳計算器引擎:SAP可持續發展控制塔和SAP可持續發展足跡管理中的這一強大工具集成了來自SAP S/4HANA Cloud和其他來源的ERP數據,並將結果嵌入到業務流程中,以便做出明智的決策。因此,它允許客戶滿足《溫室氣體協議》的報告標準,提供產品和企業碳足跡的先進、精細的計算。
  • SAP Green Ledger 將於 2024 年底發佈。該解決方案將幫助客戶連接其排放數據和財務數據,使客戶能夠輕鬆了解排放與財務之間的相關性,對可持續的業務情景進行建模,然後做出財務和環境方面的決策。

At SAP, we believe that the future of business is inextricably linked to sustainability. This is why sustainability is a key pillar of our growth strategy. Businesses must recognize that sustainable practices are not just ethical choices, but strategic financial decisions that drive innovation, reduce costs, and mitigate risks.

在 SAP,我們相信業務的未來與可持續發展密不可分。這就是爲什麼可持續發展是我們增長戰略的關鍵支柱的原因。企業必須認識到,可持續實踐不僅是道德選擇,也是推動創新、降低成本和降低風險的戰略財務決策。

Moreover, sustainable transformation opens up significant economic opportunities. By transforming their operations around sustainability, businesses can create a modern, low-carbon, circular economy that benefits both the environment and their bottom line, enhancing overall resilience.


This transformation aligns business success with global sustainability goals, paving the way for a more sustainable, valuable, and prosperous future.


Sophia Mendelsohn is chief sustainability and commercial officer at SAP.


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