
Interfuse Improves Its Support for User Profiles and Knowledge Base

Interfuse Improves Its Support for User Profiles and Knowledge Base

PR Newswire ·  06/06 23:52

MADISON, Wis., June 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Enterprise web software developer, Interfuse has updated its platform to include important information on profile pages and within its expanding Knowledge Base. In this update, the user has the option to add a Homepage URL, Birthdate or Established Date, Residing Country and the ability to add a lengthy bio to their profile page. In addition to these important updates to user profiles, the Knowledge Base has also been updated with alphabetized navigation links. These additions to the platform are paramount for the platform's success.


Madison Liquidators Profile Page on
Madison Liquidators在Interfuse.com上的個人資料頁面

A live example of how this information displays on the front end of is on the profile page for Madison Liquidators. Here you will find the business has added their established date, the country they operate in, a detailed bio about the company and a convenient link to their homepage. With the addition of this information, the company is rewarded for contributions made within the Knowledge Base with a prominent link to their website.

一個實時的例子展示了這些信息如何在interfuse.com的前端顯示,就在Madison Liquidators的個人資料頁面上。在這裏,您會發現該公司已添加了他們的成立日期、他們經營的國家、關於公司的詳細自傳以及一個方便的指向他們主頁的鏈接。隨着這些信息的增加,公司會因其在知識庫內所做的貢獻而獲得向他們網站的突出鏈接。

As the Knowledge Base continues to grow, new navigational features have been considered. To best accommodate the current traffic base and depth of the Knowledge Base information, alphabetical links have been added to the top of the Knowledge Base homepage. An example of how this is used by accessing the letter "C" which currently contains 7 topics. These are provided back to the user in an alphabetical display starting with "Commercial Grade Laminate" and ending with "Credenza Desk".


These links serve as a useful tool for finding existing topics and brainstorming new topics that can be added to the Knowledge Base. More updates on how information can be retrieved from the Knowledge Base are expected in the future. Interfuse is committed to providing cutting-edge products to web-based users and will continue to provide these updates as necessary to ensure the success of the platform.

這些鏈接是發現現有話題和 brainstorming 可以添加到知識庫的新話題的有用工具。在將來,我們預計將有更多關於如何從知識庫檢索信息的更新。Interfuse致力於爲基於Web的用戶提供尖端產品,並將繼續根據需要提供這些更新,以確保平台的成功。

SOURCE Interfuse LLC.

Interfuse LLC的消息來源。

