
Onyx Gold Receives Drill Permit for King Tut Project and Provides 2024 Exploration Program Update

Onyx Gold Receives Drill Permit for King Tut Project and Provides 2024 Exploration Program Update

Onyx Gold獲得了金圖特項目的鑽探許可,並提供了2024年勘探計劃的更新。
newsfile ·  06/06 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 6, 2024) - Onyx Gold Corp. (TSXV: ONYX) (OTCQX: ONXGF) ("Onyx Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has received its approved Quartz Class 1 Notification for the King Tut Property ("King Tut," "Project" or "Property"), in Yukon's Tombstone Gold Belt (Figure 1). The Company also provides an update on its preliminary summer exploration plans for the Project, including the newly acquired WEAS claims.

溫哥華,卑詩省 - (Newsfile Corp. - 2024年6月6日) - Onyx Gold公司(TSXV: ONYX)(OTCQX: ONXGF)("Onyx Gold"或"公司很高興宣佈,其在育空高原墓碑金帶的圖坦卡蒙項目("King Tut")獲得了批准的石英1級通知("Quartz Class 1 Notification")圖坦卡蒙," "項目計劃議程產業),並提供該項目初步夏季勘探計劃的更新,其中包括新獲得的WEAS申請權。圖1。麥金太爾布魯克項目區域,紅線爲邊界(111公里育空高原墓碑金帶("Yukon's Tombstone Gold Belt")



  • Onyx Gold has received its Quartz Class 1 Notification for the King Tut Project from the Yukon Government. This permit paves the way for the Company to execute its 2024 exploration programs, which include up to 4,900 meters of diamond drilling.
  • Onyx Gold從育空政府獲得了其King Tut項目的石英1級通知。該許可證爲公司執行2024年的勘探計劃鋪平了道路,該計劃包括多達4,900米的金剛石鑽探。
  • The Company has outlined a comprehensive Phase 1 exploration program for the King Tut Project. This program, scheduled for July, includes geological mapping, prospecting, and rock/soil sampling in the Golden Mask, Ra (formerly WEAS), and Main Tut prospect areas. The results of this program will be instrumental in shaping a potential Phase II diamond drilling program.
  • 公司已爲King Tut項目明確了全面的第一階段勘探計劃。該計劃定於7月進行,包括在Golden Mask、Ra(以前爲WEAS)和Main Tut勘探區進行地質測繪、勘探和岩石/土壤採樣。該計劃的結果將對可能的第二階段金剛石鑽探計劃的形成產生決定性影響。
  • Spring data compilation and target generation by in-house staff and external consultants is complete and is under review by Company management.
  • 小組內部員工和外部顧問的春季數據編譯和目標生成已經完成,並正在接受公司管理層的審核。
  • Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited ("Archer Cathro") has been contracted to provide technical assistance and logistical support for the Program.
  • Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited(“Archer Cathro”)已受託提供計劃的技術協助和後勤支持。

"With the arrival of warmer weather and the completion of our Timmins drilling program, our team is excited to shift their focus back to our King Tut property, proximal to Snowline Gold's properties in the Yukon Territory," said Brock Colterjohn, President & CEO. "Our Phase I exploration program is designed to leverage and build upon last year's encouraging results that confirmed widespread gold mineralization across the Main Tut and Golden Mask anomalies."

公司總裁兼首席執行官布羅克·科爾特約翰(Brock Colterjohn)表示:“隨着天氣變暖和我們蒂明斯鑽探計劃的完成,我們的團隊很高興把焦點轉回我們的King Tut產業,該產業毗鄰育空地區的Snowline Gold,並且我們的第一階段勘探計劃旨在利用和構建去年令人鼓舞的結果,這些結果證實了在Main Tut和Golden Mask異常區域存在廣泛的金礦化。”

"We are particularly excited to explore the significantly expanded footprint of the Golden Mask intrusion as well as our recent Ra (WEAS) acquisition. The Ra prospect holds significant gold potential, confirmed by historical work, associated with gold-bearing sheeted quartz veins within an exposed 3 km by 2 km granitic intrusion."

他進一步表示:“我們特別興奮地探索Golden Mask intrusion顯着擴展的足跡,以及我們最近的Ra(WEAS)收購。Ra勘探區域擁有潛在的黃金資源,歷史工作證實,其中包括毗鄰暴露的3 km x 2 km花崗質侵入體內的含金片麻岩脈。”

He further commented, "The Phase I program results will help refine and prioritize drill targets ahead of a potential Phase II diamond drilling program later this summer. We look forward to the busy field season and believe this year's programs mark an exciting step towards our goal of unlocking a new gold discovery in the prolific Tombstone Gold Belt."


Permitting Update


The Quartz Class 1 Notification enables the Company to execute exploration programs pursuant to the Yukon Quartz Mining Act and Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act, which include prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical sampling, and diamond drilling (up to 4,900m) across the Property. The Notification is valid until June 2025 and is renewed annually. The active Class 1 Notification for the recently acquired WEAS claims will be renewed in July 2024.


The Company is also working on regulatory authority and community engagement as part of a Class III Exploration Permit application. Receipt of a Class III Permit would enable expanded exploration field camp construction and increased drilling activities with a duration of five to ten years.


2023 King Tut Program Summary and 2024 Summer Exploration Plans

2023年King Tut項目摘要和2024年夏季勘探計劃

Work by the Company in 2023 focused on a first-ever drill program on the property to test the promising Main Tut and Golden Mask gold-in-soil anomalies, which are associated with two separate intrusion-related gold systems, and the execution of property-wide geophysical surveys, geochemical surveys, and mapping and prospecting programs to refine drill targets and identify prospective areas for future exploration. Results from the inaugural nine-hole 2,123-meter drill program confirmed widespread gold mineralization across the Main Tut and Golden Mask anomalies, including 0.30 g/t Au over 32.50 m in drill hole KT23-005, validating the existence of potential bulk-tonnage reduced intrusion-related gold systems ("RIRGS") on the Property (See Company News Release dated November 15, 2023). In addition, new airborne magnetic surveying and soil sampling have also significantly expanded the size of the mapped intrusions at both targets (Figure 2).

公司在2023年的工作集中在進行了有前景的Main Tut和Golden Mask土中金異常的第一次鑽探計劃上,這兩個異常與兩個不同鉤杆巖體有關。此外,還進行了整個物業的地球物理測量、地球化學測量以及地質測繪和勘探計劃,以細化鑽探目標並確定未來勘探的潛在區域。首次鑽探計劃的結果表明,在Main Tut和Golden Mask異常區域存在廣泛的金礦化,包括鑽孔KT23-005中的0.30克/噸Au,驗證了物業上潛在的大規模還原侵入式金礦系統("RIRGS",見公司發佈的日期爲2023年11月15日的公司新聞)。RIRGS詳見公司新聞發佈,日期爲2023年11月15日。此外,新的空中磁測和土壤採樣也顯著擴大了兩個目標的映巖體規模。圖2).

The Company is preparing to launch an early summer Phase 1 exploration program, which will consist of reconnaissance surface sampling and mapping surrounding the newly acquired Ra intrusion located on the WEAS claims (See Company News Release dated May 9, 2024) (Figure 3) and follow-up fieldwork on the Golden Mask and Main Tut prospects based on last year's encouraging results. The results from this program will inform a potential drilling program later in the summer. Archer Cathro has been contracted to provide technical assistance and logistical support for the Program.

公司正在準備推出一個早期的第一階段勘探計劃,包括對位於WEAS權利要求的新獲得的Ra侵入體周圍的表面採樣和製圖的勘查,詳見2024年5月9日的公司新聞發佈。這個計劃的結果將爲後來的夏季潛在鑽探計劃提供信息。Archer Cathro已經被承包爲該計劃提供技術援助和後勤支持。見2024年5月9日的公司新聞發佈。) (圖3根據去年令人鼓舞的結果,在Golden Mask和Main Tut前景地進行後續的實地工作。這個計劃的結果將爲後來的夏季潛在鑽探計劃提供信息。Archer Cathro已經被承包爲該計劃提供技術援助和後勤支持。

About the King Tut Project


The King Tut Project is located 10 km south of Snowline Gold's consolidated Rogue, Einarson and Cynthia properties and is 50 km from Snowline's Valley discovery made in June 2021. At King Tut, past exploration work by a predecessor company outlined multi-kilometer long gold-in-soil anomalies associated with mapped granitic to granodioritic intrusive bodies, and drilling by the Onyx Gold in 2023 confirmed widespread gold mineralization across the Main Tut and Golden Mask anomalies validating the bulk-tonnage RIRGS potential of the Project. The newly acquired Ann Mark Zone of the Ra intrusion in the center of the Project hosts multigenerational gold-bearing sheeted quartz veins within an exposed, 3 km by 2 km granitic intrusion and drilling by a previous operator intersected 1.0 grams per tonne gold over 21 meters (true width unknown) associated with the sheeted quartz veins, along with surface grab samples of up to 20.1 g/t Au.

金圖特項目位於Snowline Gold的Rogue、Einarson和Cynthia合併物業的南側10公里處,距離Snowline在2021年6月發現的Valley有50公里。在金圖特,由前任公司進行的勘探工作勾勒出了與映像性花崗岩和花崗二巖體相關聯的多公里長土壤富含金屬的異常,而Onyx Gold在2023年的鑽探則確認了Main Tut和Golden Mask異常地區廣泛存在的含金礦化,並驗證了項目大型礦山儲量RIRGS的潛力。Ra侵入體的新獲取的Ann Mark區位於項目中心,內部是一個3公里乘2公里的露頭的花崗質侵入體,其中有多代含金石英脈,並通過以前運營商的鑽探,在石英脈中相交獲得了每噸1.0克的黃金/21米的含金礦石(真寬度未知),和高達20.1克/T的地表混合採樣。

About the Yukon Gold Properties


Onyx Gold controls a portfolio of greenfield gold properties in eastern Yukon, totaling 227 square kilometers. The King Tut Property is Onyx Gold's most advanced and compelling property in the Yukon, located in the heart of an emerging reduced intrusive-related gold district in the Selwyn Basin. Previous fieldwork identified large-scale undrilled gold-in-soil anomalies in a comparable geological setting 50 km from the Rogue/Valley Discovery, one of Canada's most significant new gold discoveries.

Onyx Gold控制了育空東部的一批未開發的金礦產權,總面積爲227平方公里。金圖特產權是Onyx Gold在育空最先進和最有吸引力的產權,在Selwyn盆地新興的還原侵入岩型金礦區的核心位置。之前的實地考察在與Rogue/Valley相似地質背景下的一個可比較的地點發現了大規模未鑽探的黃金土壤異常,它距離加拿大最重要的新金礦發現之一Rogue/Valley不足50公里。

About Onyx Gold

關於Onyx Gold

Onyx Gold is an exploration company focused on well-established Canadian mining jurisdictions, with assets in Timmins, Ontario, and Yukon Territory. The Company's extensive portfolio of quality gold projects in the greater Timmins gold camp includes the Munro-Croesus Gold property, renowned for its high-grade mineralization, plus two additional earlier-stage large exploration properties, Golden Mile and Timmins South. Onyx Gold also controls four properties in the Selwyn Basin area of Yukon Territory, which is currently gaining significance due to recent discoveries in the area. Onyx Gold's experienced board and senior management team are committed to creating shareholder value through the discovery process, careful allocation of capital, and environmentally/socially responsible mineral exploration.

Onyx Gold是一家專注於加拿大成熟採礦區的勘探公司,在安大略省蒂明斯和育空地區擁有資產。公司在大蒂明斯金礦區的高品質黃金項目包括以富含高品位金礦石而著名的Munro-Croesus金礦產權,以及兩個大型早期勘探項目,Golden Mile和Timmins South。Onyx Gold還控制育空地區Selwyn盆地的四個產權,該地區由於最近的發現而日益重要。Onyx Gold經驗豐富的董事會和高級管理團隊致力於通過發掘過程、資本謹慎分配、環境/社會負責任的礦產勘探來創造股東價值。

Qualified Person and Quality Assurance


Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, P.Eng., Executive Vice President for Onyx Gold Corp. and a qualified person ("QP") as defined by Canadian National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this release.

Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, P.Eng.,Onyx Gold Corp.執行副總裁和《加拿大43-101國家證券法規》規定的合格人員,已審核並批准了本發佈中包含的技術信息。QP按照加拿大43-101號國家儀器的定義,已經審查和批准了本發佈中包含的技術信息。

Figure 1 - Regional Map - Yukon's Selwyn Basin

圖1- 區域地圖-育空的Selwyn盆地

Note - Highlighted historical samples noted herein have not been verified by the Company, but they provide evidence for the general gold endowment of the claims. Grab samples are selective in nature and don't necessarily represent bulk tonnage grades

注 - 此處提及的突出歷史樣本未經公司證實,但它們爲權利要求的一般黃金含量提供了證據。選擇採樣具有選擇性,不一定代表總量品位。

Figure 2 - Property Map - King Tut and WEAS Properties - Surface Gold Geochemistry

圖2- 產權地圖-金圖特和WEAS產權-表面黃金地球化學

Figure 3 - Property Map - WEAS Property - Historical Surface and Drilling Results

圖3- 產權地圖-WEAS產權-歷史地表和鑽探結果

On Behalf of Onyx Gold Corp.

代表Onyx Gold Corp。

"Brock Colterjohn"

"Brock Colterjohn"

President & CEO


For further information, please visit the Onyx Gold Corp. website at or contact:

欲了解更多信息,請訪問Onyx Gold Corp.網站: 或聯繫:

Brock Colterjohn, President & CEO
Nicole Hoeller, VP of Corporate Communications

Brock Colterjohn,總裁 & CEO
Nicole Hoeller,企業通信副總裁

Phone: 1-604-629-1165 or North American toll-free 1-855-629-1165
Email: or

電話:1-604-629-1165或北美免費電話 1-855-629-1165

Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements


This news release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-Looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". This information and these statements, referred to herein as "forward‐looking statements", are not historical facts, are made as of the date of this news release and include without limitation, statements regarding discussions of future plans, estimates and forecasts and statements as to management's expectations and intentions with respect to, among other things, the intention of the Company to proceed with the exercise of the Option under the Agreement on the terms and conditions set out therein, the Company's expectation to issue the Shares pursuant to the Agreement, the approval of the TSXV for the Agreement, the Company's future exploration plans, the possibility of the Bonus Payment becoming payable and the expected entering into of the Lock-Up Agreement.


These forward‐looking statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties, and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the Company not receiving the necessary regulatory approvals in respect of the Agreement; changes in the Company's plan with respect to the exercise of the Option and the Company's exploration plans; that the obligation to make the Bonus Payment may be triggered; that the Lock-Up Agreement may not be entered into; recent market volatility; and the state of the financial markets for the Company's securities.


In making the forward looking statements in this news release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including without limitation, that the Company will receive the necessary regulatory approvals in respect of the Agreement, that the Company will be able to comply with the terms of the Agreement, including the issuance of the Shares, in order to exercise the Option, that the Company will have the necessary resources to carry out its exploration plans as anticipated, or at all, and that the Company will receive an executed Lock-Up Agreement from HighGold.


Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. We seek safe harbor.


