
Annual Storm Restoration Drill Helps Electric Company Employees Prepare for Severe Weather Events

Annual Storm Restoration Drill Helps Electric Company Employees Prepare for Severe Weather Events

第一能源 ·  06/05 12:00

Storm Drill Session

GREENSBURG, Pa., June 5, 2024 -- FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company (FE PA), a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) doing business in western and central Pennsylvania as West Penn Power and Penn Power, recently completed a combined emergency preparation drill focused on testing its storm restoration process in the event severe weather causes outages throughout its vast and heavily forested service area.

賓夕法尼亞FirstEnergy電力公司(FE PA)是FirstEnergy Corp.(NYSE:FE)在西部和中部賓夕法尼亞州經營業務的子公司,作爲West Penn Power和Penn Power從近期開始,最近完成了一項聯合緊急情況準備演習,重點測試其暴風雨恢復流程,以防極端天氣造成停電。在其廣闊且林密的服務區內。

Individuals participated in the annual storm drill both remotely and in person at West Penn Power's Greensburg headquarters – a hybrid approach similar to how employees conduct real-life restoration activities using electronic storm tools to manage work in the field. The drill was designed to prepare employees for storm restoration duties and review restoration processes and storm-management tools critical to safely and quickly getting the lights back on.


John Hawkins, President of FirstEnergy's Pennsylvania Operations: "Storm drills provide our employees a controlled, no-fault forum to practice and sharpen their skills in preparation for severe weather, including summer thunderstorms packing strong wind gusts. Regular emergency drills are another way we work to improve electric service for our customers, in addition to tree trimming and projects we do to harden our electric infrastructure and enhance its resiliency."

FirstEnergy賓夕法尼亞業務總裁John Hawkins說:“風暴演習爲我們的員工提供了一個有控制的,非指責的論壇,讓他們在爲極端天氣做準備時練習和磨練自己的技能,包括夏季雷暴帶來的強風陣風。常規的緊急演習是我們爲客戶改進電力服務的另一種方式,除了我們進行的樹木修剪和增強電力基礎設施以提高其彈性的項目。”

The drill's primary scenario focused on severe weather with organized lines of powerful June thunderstorms capable of producing gusts of greater than 70 mph sweeping across Pennsylvania. The gusts toppled trees, causing widespread damage to poles and wires and disrupting electric service to more than 425,000 of West Penn Power's 746,000 customers and more than 100,000 of Penn Power's 173,000 customers.

這次演習的主要場景集中在嚴重天氣的情況下,有組織的強勁6月雷暴線可造成70英里/小時以上的瞬時陣風席捲賓夕法尼亞。狂風拆倒樹木,引起了電線杆和導線的廣泛損壞,並使West Penn Power的746,000名客戶和Penn Power的173,000名客戶中有超過425,000名客戶的電力服務中斷。

Further complicating the weather drill was a hypothetical second issue that involved significant damage to batteries, battery chargers and other equipment at two electric substations. Drill participants had to quickly puzzle through the safe and efficient restoration of power to customers in the wake of the storm knowing the substations would not be available.


As part of the training, West Penn Power and Penn Power activated their Incident Command System (ICS). ICS is a nationally recognized and accepted emergency management process used by all levels of government – federal, state and local – as well as by many non-governmental organizations and the private sector to coordinate the response to major storms or other natural disasters.


In the aftermath of a major weather event, West Penn Power and Penn Power crews follow a proven restoration process and typically address outages that restore the largest number of customers before moving to more isolated problems. They generally give priority to hospitals and other critical medical facilities, communications facilities and emergency response agencies. After that, crews work to restore power as quickly as possible to the rest of the customers.


For more information about FirstEnergy's storm restoration process and tips for staying safe, visit the 24/7 Power Center at


Penn Power serves approximately 173,000 customers in all or parts of Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Crawford, Lawrence and Mercer counties in western Pennsylvania. Follow Penn Power on X, formerly known as Twitter, @Penn_Power, on Facebook at, and online at


West Penn Power serves approximately 746,000 customers in 24 counties within central and southwestern Pennsylvania. Follow West Penn on X @W_Penn_Power and on Facebook at

西佩恩能源公司爲賓夕法尼亞州中南部24個縣的約746,000名客戶提供服務。在X上關注West Penn Power“@W_Penn_Power”,在Facebook上關注。

FirstEnergy is dedicated to integrity, safety, reliability and operational excellence. Its electric distribution companies form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, serving customers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, Maryland and New York. The company's transmission subsidiaries operate approximately 24,000 miles of transmission lines that connect the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. Visit FirstEnergy online at and follow FirstEnergy on X @FirstEnergyCorp.


Editor's Note: A photo of FirstEnergy employees conducting a storm drill is available for download on Flickr.


News Media Contact: Todd Meyers, (724) 838-6650; Investor Contact: Irene Prezelj, (330) 384-3859

新聞媒體聯繫人:Todd Meyers,(724) 838-6650;投資者聯繫人:Irene Prezelj,(330) 384-3859

