
West Monroe Hires Dan Freiman as Chief Financial Officer

West Monroe Hires Dan Freiman as Chief Financial Officer

West Monroe聘請丹·弗雷曼擔任致富金融(臨時代碼)官。
PR Newswire ·  06/05 22:30

Freiman's experience includes 30 years of financial leadership and excellence during periods of growth and change

弗雷曼有30年的金融領導經驗和卓越表現, 在創業和轉型時期具備出色的能力。

CHICAGO, June 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- West Monroe, a global business and technology consulting firm, announced today that Dan Freiman joined as chief financial officer. Freiman has 30 years of financial leadership experience in both the public and private sectors, most recently as the CFO of JSI, a technology driven consulting firm providing broadband solutions to U.S. based communications companies.

2024年6月5日,芝加哥 /美通社/--West Monroe是一家全球業務和技術諮詢公司,宣佈丹•弗雷曼(Dan Freiman)加入公司,擔任首席財務官。弗雷曼在公共和私營部門都有30年的金融領導經驗,最近任美國通信公司提供寬帶解決方案的科技驅動諮詢公司JSI的首席財務官。

In joining West Monroe, Freiman will provide financial leadership for the firm as it evolves to meet the demands of a highly dynamic environment. He will also lead a highly tenured finance team that supports the firm's unique 50-50 ownership structure among employees and MSD Partners, the family office of Michael Dell. His oversight will include capital structure management, investment decisions, cash flow, risk management, tax, treasury services, corporate development, controllership and financial planning and analysis.

加入West Monroe後,弗雷曼將爲公司提供財務領導,滿足高度動態環境下的需求。他還將領導一個高水平的財務團隊,支持公司員工和MSD Partners(Michael Dell的家族辦公室)之間獨特的50-50所有權結構。他的監督範圍包括資本結構管理、投資決策、現金流、風險管理、稅收、財務寶庫、企業發展、財務管控和規劃分析。

In particular, he will continue the firm's adoption of new systems like Workday and enhance the firm's financial processes to invest in capabilities for guiding clients through technology-driven change. In addition to this, Freiman will play a pivotal role in helping the firm make informed investment decisions and achieve new levels of efficiency by improving processes and leveraging automation all while the firm expands its global presence.


"We are excited to welcome Dan to West Monroe's executive leadership team. Dan brings a wealth of outside experience to the firm from various industries that represent our client base, along with hands-on experience at other professional services firms," said Kevin McCarty, chairman and CEO of West Monroe. "Dan's track record for success during periods of growth and change, along with his aptitude for building relationships, is the right kind of financial leadership for West Monroe at this time."

“我們很高興歡迎丹加入West Monroe的高管團隊。丹從代表客戶群體的各個行業中獲得了外部經驗,同時在其他專業服務公司擁有實踐經驗,從而爲West Monroe提供了正確的財務領導方法,特別是在成長和變革期間的成功記錄,以及建立關係的能力,是West Monroe現階段所需要的正確類型的財務領導。“West Monroe的董事長和首席執行官Kevin McCarty說道。

This is one of several senior leadership moves the firm is making to reflect evolving market conditions and client needs. Last month, West Monroe appointed Gil Mermelstein to the role of president; he was previously chief operating officer.

這是公司的幾項高級領導變動之一,以反映不斷變化的市場條件和客戶需求。上個月,West Monroe任命吉爾•默梅爾斯坦(Gil Mermelstein)爲總裁,他此前擔任首席運營官。

Prior to JSI, Freiman was the CFO of publicly held NII Holdings, Inc. (formerly Nextel International), a $620 million wireless communications provider operating in in Latin America. Over nearly 20 years with the organization, he held various roles with direct responsibility for almost every aspect of financial management, including financial planning and analysis, accounting and reporting, treasury, capital structure and liquidity, taxation, investor relations and corporate development. During his tenure as CFO, he raised $115 million in a convertible note offering and renegotiated $450 million of loans to improve terms, while serving as a board member on several subsidiary boards.

在加入JSI之前,弗雷曼曾擔任公開股份的NII Holdings,Inc.(前稱Nextel International)的首席財務官,該公司是在拉丁美洲運營的6.2億美元無線通信提供商。在該公司工作近20年期間,他的職責涉及幾乎所有財務管理方面。他擁有多種角色,包括負責財務規劃和分析、會計和報告、財務財政、資金結構和流動性、稅務、投資者關係和企業發展。在擔任首席財務官期間,他通過發行可轉換債券籌集了1.15億美元的資金,並重新談判了4.5億美元的貸款,以改善條款,同時擔任幾個子公司董事會成員。

"West Monroe has a good pulse on the market, and its executive team has shown a willingness to evolve the firm's operations and investments to stay competitive," Freiman said. "One of the things that caught my attention is the firm's distinct reputation for helping clients create value from technology. As a finance leader, I have an appreciation for leveraging technology and look forward to growing the firm via that point of differentiation."

“West Monroe對市場具有準確的洞察力,其高管團隊表現出願意發展公司的運營和投資,以保持競爭力。”弗雷曼說道。“吸引我的其中一件事,是公司在幫助客戶從技術中創造價值方面享有獨特的聲譽。作爲一名財務領導者,我很欣賞利用技術並期待通過該公司的差異化點實現成長。”

Freiman follows Zach Jones, who spent 13 years at West Monroe, including the last six of them as CFO, and played a pivotal role in the CFO search committee.

弗雷曼接替扎克·瓊斯(Zach Jones),後者在西門羅工作了13年,其中最後6年擔任首席財務官,並在首席財務官搜索委員會中發揮了關鍵作用。

Freiman is a graduate of the University of Maryland, where he earned a bachelor's degree in accounting and an MBA with a concentration in finance. In 2010, Treasury and Risk Magazine recognized him as one of the 40 top business leaders under the age of 40. He currently resides in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., and will be based in West Monroe's Washington D.C. office.

弗雷曼畢業於馬里蘭大學,獲得會計學學士學位和金融專業的MBA學位。2010年,財務與風險雜誌將他評選爲40位40歲以下的頂尖商業領袖之一。他目前居住在華盛頓特區的郊區,並將駐紮在West Monroe的華盛頓特區辦事處。

About West Monroe
關於West Monroe West Monroe是一家全球業務和技術諮詢公司,與客戶合作通過技術來加速價值。我們不僅爲客戶工作,而是與客戶合作——參與共創之旅並將我們的目標與他們的目標對齊。我們的專業知識涵蓋行業、戰略、人員、流程和技術,確保快速和有影響力的成果。我們的僱員所有權結構和心態推動這種互惠互利的成功。我們一直是《財富》和《今日美國》的頂級工作場所,同時還是福布斯雜誌和Forrester分析公司的領先顧問之一。了解我們如何幫助加速您的業務發展請訪問。

West Monroe is a global business and technology consulting firm that partners with clients to accelerate value through technology. We stand out by not just working for, but with our clients—engaging in the journey of co-creation and aligning our goals with theirs. Our expertise spans industry, strategy, people, process, and technology, ensuring rapid and impactful outcomes. Our employee ownership structure and mindset drive this mutual success. We are consistently celebrated as a top workplace by Fortune and USA Today, and as a leading consultancy by Forbes and Forrester. Learn how we can help accelerate your business at


Media Inquiries
Christina Galoozis
Director, Communications & Public Relations
[email protected]

傳媒和公共關係主任Christina Galoozis
[email protected]

Shira Cohen
Manager, Public Relations
[email protected]

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West Monroe Partners

