Forge Resources Announces Completion of First 2024 Planned Drill Hole at Alotta, Showing Porphyry Style Mineralization
Forge Resources Announces Completion of First 2024 Planned Drill Hole at Alotta, Showing Porphyry Style Mineralization
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 5, 2024) - Forge Resources Corp. (CSE: FRG) (OTCQB: BNNHF) (FSE: 5YZ) ("FRG" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion of the first 2024 planned drill hole at Alotta, showing porphyry style mineralization. The continuation of the Phase 1 drilling program is on schedule. Hole ALT-24-001 has now been completed with diamond drilling to a depth of 402 metres. Hole ALT-24-002 is now underway and is also located in the Payoff Zone area.
溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省 -- (新聞稿 - 2024年6月5日) --Forge Resources corp. (CSE: FRG) (OTCQB: BNNHF) (FSE: 5YZ) ("FRG"或"公司")很高興宣佈Alotta的2024年第一次計劃鑽孔已經完成,顯示出斑岩樣式的礦化。第一階段鑽探項目的延續進展順利。孔位ALT-24-001經過金剛石鑽探深度爲402米。現在ALT-24-002已經展開,同樣位於Payoff Zone區域。
Hole ALT-24-001 located at proposed drill site PDH-001 and the first hole to drill test the Payoff Zone. The hole azimuth/dip: 135 / -50 degrees and final depth of 402 metres tested underneath Payoff Zone, where strongly anomalous rock samples (up to 8.7 g/t gold) were sampled over a 200 x 300 m area.
孔名岩心記錄及鑽探到200米的區間的巖性研究表明,巖芯具有連續的礦化特徵,由常見的硫化物條狀礦物和砷銅礦的微量礦物組成位於預計鑽探地PDH-001的孔口處,是第一個鑽探測試Payoff Zone的孔位。孔高/傾角: 135度/-50度,深度爲402米,在Payoff Zone下方進行了測試,此處有高度異常的岩石樣品(最高8.7克/噸黃金),覆蓋了200 x 300米的面積。
Visually, ALT-24-001 appears to have a higher concentration of pyrite stringers than what was observed in two November 2023 drillholes. In November 2023 two drill holes were completed on the property which confirmed the porphyry style nature of mineralization. As announced on February 24, 2024, Hole ALT-23-01 intercepted 211.65 metres of 0.46 grams/tonne gold from the first ever diamond drill hole on the property.
視覺上,ALT-24-001相比2023年11月的兩個鑽孔,顯示有更高濃度的黃鐵礦雲母條狀礦物。武器庫是在該地產完成的,確認了該物化合物爲斑岩樣式。如2024年2月24日發佈的消息所述,ALT-23-01鑽孔從該物業上第一個鑽探孔位截取了211.65米深度0.46克/噸黃金。ALT-24-001鑽孔井身位於山脊附近,用於向南鑽孔,並在目標下方。這種地形使鑽孔可以保持近表面(~100米)路徑,達到最終深度,大約低於地表200米,具有足夠的能力測試Payoff Zone的近表面礦化。
ALT-24-001 Drill collar has been placed near the ridgetop to drill south, below the target. This topography allows the drill hole to maintain a near-surface (~100 metres) path and reach its final depth, approximately 200 metres below surface, giving adequate ability to test near-surface mineralization at the Payoff Zone.
- Core logging and geotechnical studies to the 200-metre interval indicates the core hosts continuous mineralization consisting of common sulphide stringers with trace occurrences of chalcopyrite and molybdenite.
- Lorne Warner作爲Forge Resources corp.的主席及P.Geo科學家表示,系統性勘探顯示Alotta有望擁有大型的斑岩礦牀,至今爲止,我們的非常有限的鑽探正在證實這個潛力。在春季項目中,我們正在測試之前未曾鑽探過的大面積目標,如果成功的話,它將證明Alotta有潛力在世界上最大的未開發斑岩礦牀之一,Casino礦牀的附近託管一個潛在巨大的礦牀。"
- Core is primarily exhibiting pervasive chlorite alteration which overprints red-brown alteration. Several intrusions of the quartz porphyry are observed and generally identified through the concentration of phenocrysts as well as the size and shape of quartz phenocrysts.
- - ALT-24-001鑽探平台。
Lorne Warner, President, and P.Geo for Forge Resources Corp., comments, " Systematic exploration indicated the Alotta to have the potential to host a large porphyry deposit and our very limited drilling to date is confirming that potential. The spring program is testing never before drilled targets over a large area and if successful, it will prove Alotta's potential to host a large potential deposit in close proximity to one of the largest, undeveloped porphyry deposits in the world, the Casino deposit."
圖2突出顯示了Alotta物業內的高優先級目標區域,其中可能存在黃金 - 銅 - 鉬,斑岩樣式的礦化。這些目標區域中沒有任何一處進行過鑽探。在2023年11月,物業上完成了兩個鑽孔(ALT-23-001和ALT-23-002),並證實了礦化的斑岩樣式特徵。 " 系統性勘探表明,Alotta具有儲存大型斑岩礦牀的潛力,我們迄今爲止極其有限的鑽探正在證實這種潛力。春季計劃將測試覆蓋大面積、從未鑽探過的目標,如果成功,將證明Alotta有可能儲存大型礦牀,且與世界上最大的未開發斑岩礦牀之一——Casino礦牀非常接近。
Figure 1 - ALT-24-001 Drill Platform
圖1。麥金太爾布魯克項目區域,紅線爲邊界(111公里 - ALT-24-001鑽探平台。
Figure 2 outlines the high priority target areas within the Alotta property with potential gold-copper-molybdenum, porphyry style mineralization. None of these target areas have been drill tested. In November 2023 two drill holes (ALT-23-001 and ALT-23-002) were completed on the property which confirmed the porphyry style nature of mineralization.
圖2突出顯示了Alotta項目的高優先級目標區域,其中可能存在黃金 - 銅 - 鉬,斑岩樣式的礦化。這些目標區域中沒有任何一處進行過鑽探。在2023年11月,物業上完成了兩個鑽孔(ALT-23-001和ALT-23-002),並證實了礦化的斑岩樣式特徵。
The Alotta property consists of 96 mineral claims that cover approximately 1,926 hectares that is located 50 km south-east of Western Copper and Gold's Casino deposit. The Casino deposit is one of the most economic, greenfield copper-gold mining projects in the world which is ranked as one of the top ten largest, undeveloped, copper-gold porphyry deposits in the world. Western Copper and Gold announced on April 30, 2024, the completion of their bought deal public offering with gross proceeds of $46 million. Subsequently, on May 6, 2024, they announced the completion of a further $5 million financing with Rio Tinto.
Alotta項目由96個地質礦權組成,佔地面積約爲1,926公頃,距離Western Copper和Gold的賭場礦牀東南50公里。賭場礦牀是世界上最具經濟價值的新發現銅黃金礦業項目之一,被評爲全球十大未開發銅黃金斑岩礦牀之一。Western Copper和Gold在2024年4月30日宣佈完成募集總收益爲4600萬美元的公開發行的收購協議。隨後,在2024年5月6日,他們宣佈完成了另外500萬美元的融資,與力拓簽署了協議。
Figure 3 provides an illustration of the Casino Deposit superimposed over unglaciated, anomalous copper in soil geochemistry.
Figure 4 - Alotta Camp
圖4 - Alotta營地
Qualified Person
Lorne Warner, P.Geo, and President of Forge Resources Corp. is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical disclosure in this news release.
Forge Resources Corp.的總裁、註冊地質師Lorne Warner審查並批准了本新聞稿中的科學技術披露,他是按照43-101國家規定定義的合格人員。
About Forge Resources Corp.
關於Forge Resources Corp。
Forge Resources Corp. is a Canadian-listed junior exploration company focused on exploring and advancing the Alotta project, a prospective porphyry copper-gold-molybdenum project located 50 km south-east of the Casino porphyry deposit in the unglaciated portion of the Dawson Range porphyry/epithermal belt in the Yukon Territory of Canada.
Forge Resources Corp.是一家加拿大掛牌的初創勘探公司,專注於探索和推進Alotta項目,該項目位於加拿大育空地區Dawson Range斑岩/低溫熱液脈系的未被冰川覆蓋部分,是一個有前途的斑岩銅黃金鉬項目,距離賭場斑岩礦牀50公里。
In addition, the Company holds a 40% interest in Aion Mining Corp., a company that is developing the fully permitted La Estrella coal project in Santander, Colombia. The project contains eight known seams of metallurgical and thermal coal.
此外,該公司持有Aion Mining Corp.40%的股權,該公司正在開發具有完全許可的哥倫比亞聖安唐德拉的La Estrella煤炭項目。該項目包含8個已知的冶金和熱能煤炭層。
On behalf of the Board of Directors
"Cole McClay", CEO Forge Resources Corp.
"Cole McClay",Forge Resources公司的CEO。
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain of the statements made and information contained herein may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to, information concerning the Company's intentions with respect to the development of its mineral properties. Forward-looking information is based on the views, opinions, intentions and estimates of management at the date the information is made, and is based on a number of assumptions and subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated or projected in the forward-looking information (including the actions of other parties who have agreed to do certain things and the approval of certain regulatory bodies). Many of these assumptions are based on factors and events that are not within the control of the Company and there is no assurance they will prove to be correct. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by applicable securities laws, or to comment on analyses, expectations or statements made by third parties in respect of the Company, its financial or operating results or its securities. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. We seek safe harbor.