
West Red Lake Gold Outlines 2024 Madsen Mine Plans

West Red Lake Gold Outlines 2024 Madsen Mine Plans

GlobeNewswire ·  06/05 19:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd. ("West Red Lake Gold" or "WRLG" or the "Company") (TSXV: WRLG) (OTCQB: WRLGF) is pleased to outline some of the key mine infrastructure and development projects the Company plans to undertake at the Madsen Mine in the near to medium term with the funds from its recent financings.

West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd.("西紅湖黃金礦業"或"WRLG"或"公司")(TSXV: WRLG)(OTCQB: WRLGF)很高興地概述了公司計劃從最近融資中獲得的資金實現在Madsen礦井進行的一些關鍵礦山基礎設施和開發項目的近中期階段。

West Red Lake Gold has a goal to restart the high-grade Madsen gold mine in the second half of 2025. The company is working on a pre-feasibility study detailing that restart plan, which is targeted for release in early 2025.


West Red Lake Gold has identified the mine site projects of scale that will be critical to the restart plan. The Company will be commencing work on these critical path projects in the coming weeks and months, alongside the consistent drilling, exploration, and engineering work that is informing the prefeasibility study and outlining potential project enhancements in the future.


Shane Williams, President & CEO, stated, "With the funds raised in our recent financings, including $10 million in Canadian Development Expense flow-through funding, we are excited to get started on these important projects. With a year of work under our belts at Madsen, we know what needs to be procured, built, and developed at the mine site over the next six to twelve months to achieve our goal of restarting the mine in 2025. We look forward to keeping investors up to date on key milestones as this work progresses."

總裁兼首席執行官Shane Williams表示:"通過我們最近的融資計劃籌集到的資金,包括1,000萬加元的加拿大開發費用流向資金,我們很高興開始這些重要的項目。在Madsen工作了一年之後,我們知道接下來的六到十二個月需要在礦區採購、建造和開發哪些項目才能實現2025年重新啓動礦區的目標。我們期待着隨着這些工作的進展向投資者公佈關鍵里程碑。"



  • Connection Drift: 1,200-meter haulage way to connect the East and West portals/declines at the Madsen Mine, to increase material hauling efficiency, ventilation, and safety. The Company's recent financing (see press release West Red Lake Gold Announces Closing $33 Million Bought Deal Public Offering Including The Full Exercise Of The Overallotment Option, dated May 16th) raised $33 million. Of that total, $10 million were flow-through funds raised for use under the Canadian Development Expense category; that amount is in line with the company's cost forecast for this project. The company is pleased to be able to use flow-through funds of this type to fund development of this key haulage way in the Madsen mine.
  • Primary Crusher: Install a permanent primary crusher as part of the Madsen mill, which previously relied on a temporary leased crusher.
  • Test Mining: Initiate a test mining program to assess longhole stoping and cut-and-fill mining methods on the range of mining environments at Madsen. This will be an essential step in further de-risking the asset.
  • Bulk Sample: Analyze samples from the test mining program through a sample tower to determine representative grade of a bulk sample.
  • Camp: Procure and install a mine camp to house 100 workers at the Madsen mine site.
  • Mine Dry: Procure, install, and staff a facility with showers, change areas, and laundry where workers can transition into and out of work shifts.
  • Evaporators: Install two (2) evaporator fans with the ability to manage 2,000 cubic meters of water daily, to increase overall water management capacity at the mine site.
  • Shaft Rehabilitation: Continue the process of dewatering the mine and rehabilitating the existing shaft, which is now certified to move people for the purpose of inspecting shaft conditions.
  • 連接隧道: 1,200米運輸通道,連接Madsen礦山的東西入口/下降道,提高物料運輸效率、通風和安全性。該公司最近的融資(參見新聞稿 West Red Lake Gold宣佈完成3,300萬美元認購公開發行,包括完全行使超額配售選擇權,日期爲5月16日th),籌集了3300萬美元。其中,籌集的用於加拿大發展費用類別的流向資金爲1000萬美元,這與公司的成本預測相符。該公司很高興能夠利用這種類型的流向資金來資助Madsen礦山這一關鍵運輸通道的開發。
  • 主要破碎機: 將一臺永久性破碎機安裝在Madsen磨機中,這是之前租用設備的替代品。
  • 測試採礦: 對Madsen不同採礦環境的不同採礦方法進行長孔栓擊採礦和割填採礦方案的初步評估,這是進一步降低風險的關鍵步驟。
  • 散樣: 通過樣品勘探塔分析測試採礦計劃的樣本,以確定大宗樣本的代表性等級。
  • 營地: 採購和安裝一個可以容納Madsen礦山100名工人的礦山營地。
  • 乾燥區: 採購、安裝和設立一個設有淋浴、更衣區和洗衣房的設施,供工人在工作與休息班次之間過渡。
  • 蒸發器: 安裝兩個蒸發器,可管理每天2,000立方米的水,以增加礦區整體的水管理能力。
  • 井筒修復: 繼續排水治理和修復現有井筒的過程,現有井筒已經獲得了用於檢查井筒狀況的人員的證書。



As the above site projects progress, West Red Lake Gold will continue its consistent underground drilling work. Over the remainder of 2024 the Company plans to have two (2) diamond drills operating regularly in a program totaling up to 39,000 meters, with two primary objectives:


  • Resource Definition Drilling: 70% of the drilling (approximately 27,000 meters) will be used to increase resource confidence across all known resource domains (Austin, North Austin, South Austin, and McVeigh), in support of the mine restart plan.
  • Resource Expansion Drilling: 30% of the drilling (approximately 12,000 meters) will test the Company's top targets for resource expansion. Expansion drilling is currently focused on the near surface North Austin area. As underground development progresses deeper, other expansion targets will become more accessible and will be incorporated into the drill schedule, such as the Austin extension target between the 12 and 15 levels of the mine and the 8 Zone down plunge extension target
  • 資源定義鑽探: 70%(約27,000米)的鑽探將用於增加所有已知資源領域(奧斯汀,北奧斯汀,南奧斯汀和麥克韋)的資源信心,支持礦山重新啓動計劃。
  • 資源擴展鑽探: 30%(約12,000米)的鑽探將測試公司資源擴展的首要目標。資源擴展鑽探目前側重於近地表的北奧斯汀區域。隨着地下開發向深處推進,其他擴展目標將變得更加易於訪問,並將納入鑽井計劃中,例如介於礦山12和15層之間的奧斯汀延伸目標和8區向下推展的目標。

"Our updated and refined geologic model has been performing well, as evidenced by our success reporting gold mineralization in both infill and expansion drill holes," stated Will Robinson, VP of Exploration. "We are keen to continue building confidence in the Madsen resource with definition holes ahead of our prefeasibility study, to continue expanding the North and South Austin zones where our drill holes have been stepping out from known domains in recent months, and to test additional high caliber targets close to existing underground infrastructure where historic drill intercepts suggest there is good potential to define additional mineralization, like the 8 Zone."

探礦副總裁威爾·羅賓遜表示:"我們更新的、完善的地質模型表現良好,如我們在填充和擴張鑽孔中成功報告的黃金礦化表明。我們熱衷於在可行性研究之前進行定義孔,以繼續擴大North和South Austin區域。這裏是我們近幾個月來的趨勢。在已知域外擴張的鑽孔,並測試靠近現有地下基礎設施的其他高品質目標,歷史鑽探攔截表明,在這些地方定義其他礦化的潛力很大,如8區。"



West Red Lake Gold closed its acquisition of the Madsen Mine on June 19, 2023 (see press release dated June 19, 2023). The Company is proud of the significant work accomplished in the last year.

West Red Lake Gold於2023年6月19日完成了收購Madsen礦山的交易(請參閱2023年6月19日的新聞稿)。公司爲過去一年取得的重要成果感到自豪。

Personnel: The Company has recruited a management team with significant experience across corporate roles in mining, from finance to technical services. The Company has also hired over 100 personnel in roles at the Madsen mine, from drilling to underground development to environmental monitoring to geology and more.


Madsen Drilling: During 2023, the Company drilled a total of 28 Expansion holes for 2,524 meters ("m") and 71 Definition holes for 4,611m from underground at Madsen. In 2024 (as of May 31st), the Company has drilled an additional 62 Expansion holes for 6,076m and 74 Definition holes for 5,803m. Madsen Mine drilling has been directed at two main goals: 1) increasing confidence in the known resource blocks to enable confident detailed mine planning, and 2) testing near-resource targets with potential for new mineralization. The Company has been pleased to issue consistently positive drill results over the last seven months demonstrating progress with both goals.

Madsen鑽探:在2023年,公司通過地下鑽探共鑽探了2524米共28個擴展孔和4611米共71個定義孔。2024年(截至5月31日),公司又鑽探了額外的6,076米,共62個擴展孔和5803米共74個定義孔。 Madsen礦山的鑽孔方向有兩個主要目標:縮小已知資源塊的範圍,以便進行肯定的詳細礦山規劃並測試接近資源的目標,這些目標具有新的礦化潛力。公司很高興能夠連續發表積極的鑽探結果,證明在這兩個目標方面取得了進展。21世紀醫療改革法案礦山重啓分析:在確定之前經營者的Madsen礦山中出現的問題時,已做了大量工作--分析潛在的改進措施,確定每個改進措施的時間和成本,並評估修復或更換的最佳方案。這一過程應用於礦山的每個方面,包括地質模型、障礙設計、採礦方法、地下工程和流程、礦石運輸、磨機部件、磨機參數、運營監督、設備租賃、工人住宿、水處理廠增強等等。

Mine Restart Analysis: Significant work has been done identifying the issues that arose at the Madsen mine under the prior operator - analyzing potential improvements, determining the time and cost of each improvement, and assessing the best course of action as to repair or replace. This process has been applied across every aspect of the mine, including the geologic model, stope designs, mining methods, underground engineering and flow, ore haulage, mill components, mill parameters, operations oversight, equipment leases, worker accommodations, water treatment plant enhancements, and more.


Underground Development: The Company has completed 1,488 meters of underground development at the Madsen mine to access new drill stations, prepare for test mining, and improve ventilation. The Company has also completed rehabilitation and slashing on older workings to make them suitable for modern mining equipment.


Shaft: The hoist mechanism for the 1,275-meter shaft has been refurbished. The Madsen mine is currently dewatered to the 12-level and the company has progressively rehabilitated the shaft, such that the cage is now certified to move personnel for the purpose of inspecting the shaft.

環保與社區:West Red Lake Gold很高興能在Treaty #3領土上運營。公司致力於與Red Lake所有利益相關者建立良好的關係,並樂於支持當地的各項計劃。West Red Lake Gold很榮幸能夠參加Red Lake Anishinaape Pow Wow Circle(6月8日至9日)。

Environment and Community: West Red Lake Gold is pleased to be operating in Treaty #3 Territory. The Company has worked to develop good relations with all Red Lake stakeholders and is pleased to support local initiatives. West Red Lake Gold is honoured to be participating the Red Lake Anishinaape Pow Wow Circle this weekend (June 8-9).

關於West Red Lake Gold Mines:West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd是一家公開交易的礦產勘探公司,專注於推進和開發其旗艦Madsen黃金礦和相關47平方公里的高度潛力土地包,位於安大略省的Red Lake地區。加拿大西北部富有成果的Red Lake金礦區從高品位區域中產生了超過3000萬盎司的黃金,還擁有世界上最豐富的金礦牀。WRLG還擁有位於Red Lake的全部擁有Rowan屬性,包括三個生產過黃金的礦山,即Rowan、Mount Jamie和Red Summit。


關於West Red Lake黃金礦業公司

West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd. is a mineral exploration company that is publicly traded and focused on advancing and developing its flagship Madsen Gold Mine and the associated 47 km2 highly prospective land package in the Red Lake district of Ontario. The highly productive Red Lake Gold District of Northwest Ontario, Canada has yielded over 30 million ounces of gold from high-grade zones and hosts some of the world's richest gold deposits. WRLG also holds the wholly owned Rowan Property in Red Lake, with an expansive property position covering 31 km2 including three past producing gold mines – Rowan, Mount Jamie, and Red Summit.

West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd.是一家礦產勘探公司,以推進和開發在安大略省雷德湖區Madsen金礦和相關的47平方公里高度潛力土地包爲主。剖面豐產的加拿大西北紅湖金礦區已經從高品位區開採出超過3000萬盎司的黃金,並擁有世界上最豐富的金礦牀。WRLG在雷德湖擁有一個佔地31平方公里的擁有Rowan道具的全部產權,包括三個以往製作過黃金的礦山-Rowan、Mount Jamie和Red Summit。


代表West Red Lake黃金礦業有限公司。

"Shane Williams"

“Shane Williams”

Shane Williams
President & Chief Executive Officer

Shane Williams



Freddie Leigh
Investor Relations

Freddie Leigh

Tel: (604) 609-6132

電話:(604) 609-6132

Email: or visit the Company's website at


The technical information presented in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Will Robinson, P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration for West Red Lake Gold and the Qualified Person for exploration at the West Red Lake Project, as defined by NI 43-101 "Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects".

該新聞稿所提供的技術信息已由West Red Lake Gold Mine探勘副總裁Will Robinson,P.Geo.審查並覈准,並是唯一探勘NI 43- 101標準下的West Red Lake項目的合格人員。

The technical information presented in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Maurice Mostert, P.Eng., Vice President of Technical Services for West Red Lake Gold and the Qualified Person for technical services at the West Red Lake Project, as defined by NI 43-101 "Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects".

本新聞稿中提供的技術信息已由West Red Lake Gold礦業技術服務副總裁Maurice Mostert,P.Eng審查並批准,並被定義爲NI 43-101《礦產項目披露標準》下的West Red Lake項目的技術服務合格人員。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.




Certain statements contained in this news release may constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information generally can be identified by words such as "anticipate", "expect", "estimate", "forecast", "planned", and similar expressions suggesting future outcomes or events. Forward-looking information is based on current expectations of management; however, it is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking information in this news release and include without limitation, statements relating to plans for the potential restart of mining operations at the Madsen Mine, such as expectations regarding the preparation and timing of a pre-feasibility study; the identification and execution of the critical path items needed to be procured, built and developed at the mine site; the drilling, exploration, and engineering work, and the potential benefits thereof; the use of funds (including flow-through funds), the performance of the updated and refined geological model; the increase in confidence in the existing resource; the identification of additional mineralization; the identification of, and proposed fixes for, issues identified under the prior operator; the success of the rehabilitation work completed; and achieving and maintaining good relations with Red Lake stakeholders. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information.

本新聞稿中所含信息可能構成“前瞻性資訊”,即適用證券法的意義。前瞻性資訊一般可通過表明未來結果或事件的措辭,例如“預計”、“期望”、“估計”、“預測”、“計劃”和類似表述來識別。前瞻性資訊基於管理層當前的期望,然而,它受到已知和未知的風險、不確定因素和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致本新聞稿中的前瞻性資訊與實際結果存在重大差異,包括但不限於計劃重新啓動馬德森礦的採礦操作的計劃,如關於預可行性研究的準備和時間安排; 爲採礦現場採購、建設和開發所需的關鍵路徑項目的識別和執行; 鑽探、勘探和工程工作及其潛在的益處; 資金的用途 (包括流動資金)、更新和精細化的地質模型的表現; 對現有資源信心的提高; 附加礦化的識別; 對以前運營商發現的問題的識別和擬議的解決方案; 完成的修復工作的成功;以及實現和維護與 Red Lake 利益相關方的良好關係。請注意,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性資訊。

Forward-looking information involve numerous risks and uncertainties and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, market volatility; the state of the financial markets for the Company's securities; fluctuations in commodity prices; timing and results of the cleanup and recovery at the Madsen Mine; and changes in the Company's business plans. Forward-looking information is based on a number of key expectations and assumptions, including without limitation, that the Company will continue with its stated business objectives and its ability to raise additional capital to proceed. Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Additional information about risks and uncertainties is contained in the Company's management's discussion and analysis for the year ended November 30, 2023, and the Company's annual information form for the year ended November 30, 2023, copies of which are available on SEDAR+ at .


The forward-looking information contained herein is expressly qualified in its entirety by this cautionary statement. Forward-looking information reflects management's current beliefs and is based on information currently available to the Company. The forward-looking information is made as of the date of this news release and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances, except as may be required by applicable law.


For more information on the Company, investors should review the Company's continuous disclosure filings that are available on SEDAR+ at .


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


