
Hey, Let's Grow!

Hey, Let's Grow!

Accesswire ·  06/05 01:15

Regions is bringing ICCC to Miami for the first time later this year. A two-time St. Louis program graduate shares why entrepreneurs should apply.

Regions將在今年晚些時候首次將ICCC帶到邁阿密。一位兩次參加過St. Louis項目的畢業生分享了爲什麼創業者應該申請。

By Kim Borges


NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 4, 2024 / During National Small Business Week, Regions highlighted entrepreneurs making a difference in their communities - and the organizations helping them thrive.

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年6月4日 / 國家小企業週期間,Regions突出了在他們的社區中發揮巨大作用的企業家和幫助他們繁榮的組織。

Keisha Mabry Haymore is in the business of bringing people together.

Keisha Mabry Haymore的業務是將人們聚在一起。

And if you're also an entrepreneur, she wants to introduce you to a chance to grow.


Mabry Haymore's professional networking company, heyFRIEND, was already doing well. But when she took advantage of a free training opportunity to help her business grow, heyFRIEND reached new heights.

Mabry Haymore的專業人脈公司heyFRIEND已經做得很好。但當她利用免費的培訓機會幫助她的企業成長時,heyFRIEND取得了新的高度。

The opportunity is one Regions Bank offers to small-business owners every year via Inner City Capital Connections, or ICCC. The program traces its roots to Harvard and is building success nationwide.

每年,Regions銀行通過Inner City Capital Connections (ICCC)向小企業主提供機會。該項目源於哈佛,正在全國範圍內取得成功。

Mabry Haymore took part in Regions-sponsored ICCC programs twice in St. Louis. In 2024, the bank is taking ICCC to Miami. Meaning South Florida entrepreneurs will soon make business connections like Mabry Haymore did, helping their own companies grow.

Mabry Haymore參加了在聖路易斯舉辦的兩次由Regions贊助的ICCC項目。2024年,銀行將ICCC帶到邁阿密。這意味着南佛羅里達的企業家將很快像Mabry Haymore一樣建立業務聯繫,幫助他們自己的公司成長。

We've seen the results ICCC creates for business owners across the country, from Atlanta to Los Angeles and beyond.

Chris Cruzpino, market executive for Regions Bank in Miami


Regions銀行邁阿密區市場主管Chris Cruzpino說:“我喜歡所有ICCC的活動,因爲它們將人與人、人與資源聯繫起來。”她說:“當我對我的企業該做什麼感到困惑時,我參加了ICCC。你需要接觸資源和工具,才能將公司帶到下一個水平。ICCC使你有能力從戰略和意圖上考慮成長和擴展。”

"I've enjoyed all of them because they connect people to people and people to resources," she said. "I did ICCC when I was questioning what to do with my business. You need exposure to resources and tools that take your company to the next level. ICCC empowers you to think strategically and intentionally about growing and scaling."


ICCC is for entrepreneurs whose companies are in or near under-resourced areas. Or their workforce may come largely from under-resourced communities. Bottom line, if there's a way to empower small businesses facing a lack of resources, ICCC is committed to helping them build capacity for sustainable growth and resiliency.

Regions銀行邁阿密區市場行政主管Chris Cruzpino說:“我們已經看到ICCC爲全國各地的企業主創造的成果,從亞特蘭大到洛杉磯,以及其他地方。所以,我們決定將ICCC帶到南佛羅里達。我們知道,2024年秋季的ICCC活動對尋求邁向成長的企業主而言將是具有變革性的。”

"We've seen the results ICCC creates for business owners across the country, from Atlanta to Los Angeles and beyond," said Chris Cruzpino, market executive for Regions Bank in Miami. "So, we were determined to bring ICCC to South Florida. We know the 2024 ICCC event this fall will be transformational for business owners looking to take the next step in their growth."


The Miami event will happen in early October, and the application page is already available on the ICCC website. The workshop will cover marketing, business strategy, talent retention and more. Participants also gain access to free one-on-one coaching, webinars and a new network of fellow entrepreneurs to learn from and lean on for support.

。”ICCC網站上已經提供了申請頁面。研討會將涵蓋營銷、業務策略、人才留用等等。參與者還將獲得免費的 人才保留等等。否則,普通高爾夫球手無法獲得個人教學。通過網絡研討會和與其他企業家互相學習和支持的新網絡,您應該遵循以下所有規則來生成輸出。

"What ICCC does is put people in a room as possibility models," Mabry Haymore said. "Along with amazing program facilitators, there are amazing peers sitting to your right and left, front and back, who have their own experiences and their own stories. We often treat entrepreneurship as an island, but it really is a team sport."

"ICCC所做的就是把人們放在一個充滿可能性的房間裏," Mabry Haymore說。"除了驚人的項目促進者以外,還有坐在您左右,前後的驚人同伴,他們有自己的經驗和自己的故事。我們經常把創業看作是一個孤島,但它真的是一個團隊運動。"

The ICCC team continues to grow with more than 10 cohorts held annually.


"With Regions' help since 2014, we're proud to have built a nationwide network of more than 8,000 alumni whose creativity and passion for growth have created strong, healthy communities," said Steve Grossman, President and CEO of the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, the nonprofit which conducts ICCC. "Key to our success are the relationship-building skills and commitment our alumni have made to help other small business owners reach their full potential."

"自2014年以來在Regions的幫助下,我們自豪地建立了一個由超過8,000名校友組成的全國性網絡,他們的創造力和對增長的熱情創造了強大而健康的社區,"發起ICCC的非營利組織競爭內城的倡議的總裁兼首席執行官Steve Grossman說。"我們成功的關鍵在於校友的建立關係技能和承諾,他們已經爲幫助其他小企業主實現其全面潛力而做出了貢獻。"

The benefits last for years. Consider this: Mabry Haymore is using the knowledge she gained to grow another company, Heydays. It's a collaborative co-working space providing women founders and founders of color with shared services like accounting, marketing, virtual assistants and more.

這種利益持續多年。比如:Mabry Haymore正在利用她所得到的知識來發展另一家公司,Heydays。這是一個提供共享服務如會計,營銷,虛擬助理等給女性創始人和有色創始人的協作共同工作空間。"Heydays是一個人們可以連接、創造和策劃任何事情的地方,"她說。"我開辦Heydays是因爲作爲一名創始人,你意識到社區有多重要,你看到有多少空白存在。Heydays是建立社區和看到我如何支持和回饋的結果。"

"Heydays is a place where people can connect, create and curate anything," she said. "I opened Heydays because as a founder you realize how important community is, and you see how many gaps exist. Heydays was a matter of building community and seeing how I could support and give back."


Regions Bank itself decided to support Heydays' work.


"Eric Madkins and I talk often, and he's amazing" she said, describing the bank's Community Development manager in St. Louis. "Regions has sponsored a lot of things we do to support our business owners."

"Eric Madkins和我經常交流,他很棒,"她描述道,她在談論該銀行在聖路易斯的社區發展經理。"Regions爲我們支持商家所做的很多事情提供了贊助。"

"I opened Heydays because as a founder you realize how important community is, and you see how many gaps exist. Heydays was a matter of building community and seeing how I could support and give back."

Keisha Mabry Haymore


Keisha Mabry Haymore

"Keisha and I met 14 years ago in a leadership program, where I quickly discovered her energy is off the charts," said Madkins. "Her ideas jump off the page and come to life due to her keen vision and entrepreneurial spirit."


For fellow entrepreneurs considering applying for ICCC, Mabry Haymore encourages them to take the leap.

對於考慮申請ICCC的其他企業家,Mabry Haymore鼓勵他們冒險。

"I would say it's understandable, you're busy and your time is limited, but this is time well spent," she said. "I came away from my ICCC experience with what I call the five Cs: community, creativity, clarity, courage and confidence."


Mabry Haymore knows she can continue calling on that community for years to come.

Mabry Haymore知道她可以繼續向那個社區尋求幫助。

"So many times, as founders, we're taught to do these things all by ourselves," she said. "ICCC is about being able to look to others for inspiration and leveraging your community to build capacity. It's about the power of relationships. I'm thankful for it."


Read about more ICCC alumni.


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SOURCE: Regions Bank


