
COSCO SHIPPING Partners With Clients to Create a Multimedia Feast for Paris Olympics

COSCO SHIPPING Partners With Clients to Create a Multimedia Feast for Paris Olympics

中遠海運 ·  06/04 12:00

COSCO SHIPPING has teamed up with domestic cultural industry clients to embark on a multimedia display construction project for the Paris Olympic Games. This collaborative endeavor sees the participation of both COSCO SHIPPING Lines (COSFRE) and COSCO SHIPPING Lines France. The involved equipment has been meticulously containerized and shipped as part of the project.

中國海運集裝箱運輸股份有限公司聯合國內文化產業客戶開展了爲巴黎奧運會進行的多媒體顯示屏建造項目。此次合作項目涉及中遠海運 (COSFRE) 和中遠海運法國公司。參與的設備已經被精心裝箱並作爲項目的一部分運往目的地。


The client is tasked with constructing external multimedia displays for five prominent venues of the Olympic Games, including iconic sites like the Eiffel Tower Stadium and the Champ de Mars Arena. These displays are set to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the Paris Olympic Games.



Serving as the logistics facilitator for this project, COSCO SHIPPING Lines (COSFRE) is entrusted with the crucial role of collecting 103 pallets of audio and video equipment from various locations across China. This is done via "less-than-truckload" services, where small vans perform pick-ups and deliveries. The carefully packed cargo is then consolidated in a Shanghai warehouse before being shipped by sea to the port of Le Havre in France. The anticipated arrival of the cargo is in early July. Upon arrival, COSCO SHIPPING Lines France will take charge of unpacking, sorting, and delivering the equipment directly to each Olympic venue.

擔任本項目的物流服務提供商,中遠海運 (COSFRE) 被委託負責從中國各地收集 103 個托盤的音頻和視頻設備。這是通過“零擔”服務完成的,即小型貨車進行提貨和交付。經過精心包裝的貨物隨後在上海倉庫內進行集裝,並通過海運運往法國的勒阿弗爾港口。貨物預計於七月初到達。到達後,中遠海運法國公司將負責拆箱、分類和直接將設備交付給每個奧運場館。

