
2024's Top Enterprise Workforce Management (WFM) Platforms: Insights From Info-Tech Research Group's Emotional Footprint Report, Powered by SoftwareReviews

2024's Top Enterprise Workforce Management (WFM) Platforms: Insights From Info-Tech Research Group's Emotional Footprint Report, Powered by SoftwareReviews

PR Newswire ·  06/04 21:30

The latest Workforce Management Impact Report from Info-Tech Research Group, powered by SoftwareReviews, highlights the top enterprise tools empowering organizations with advanced decision-making capabilities to navigate the evolving market dynamics of today.

Info-Tech Research Group最新發布的Workforce Management Impact Report,由SoftwareReviews提供支持,突出了頂級企業工具,爲組織提供先進的決策能力,以應對當今不斷變化的市場動態。

TORONTO, June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Info-Tech Research Group has published its Workforce Management (WFM) Software Emotional Footprint Report for the enterprise market, powered by SoftwareReviews data. SoftwareReviews, a division of the global research and advisory firm, is a leading source for insights on the software provider landscape. The firm's report names three enterprise workforce management software providers as Champions for the year.

2024年6月4日,多倫多 / PRNewswire - Info-Tech Research Group發佈了其Workforce Management(WFM)Software Emotional Footprint報告,面向企業市場,由SoftwareReviews數據提供支持。作爲全球研究和諮詢公司的分支機構,SoftwareReviews是有關軟件供應商推薦的主要信息來源。該公司的報告將三家企業勞動力管理軟件供應商評爲本年度冠軍。

The latest Workforce Management Impact Report from Info-Tech Research Group, powered by SoftwareReviews, highlights the top enterprise tools empowering organizations with advanced decision-making capabilities to navigate the evolving market dynamics of today. (CNW Group/SoftwareReviews)
Info-Tech Research Group最新發布的Workforce Management Impact Report,由SoftwareReviews提供支持,突出了頂級企業工具,爲組織提供先進的決策能力,以應對當今不斷變化的市場動態。(CNW Group / SoftwareReviews)

In 2024, workforce management software remains essential for aligning workforce capabilities with dynamic business demands. Advanced AI and machine learning enhance forecasting and scheduling accuracy, ensuring that the right employees with the appropriate skills are available precisely when needed. These tools now prioritize employee experience with features like self-service scheduling and mobile access while also adapting to remote and hybrid work models. Additionally, they ensure compliance with labor regulations and integrate seamlessly with other business systems, such as payroll and HR, fostering a comprehensive view of workforce operations. Enhanced analytics capabilities drive data-driven decision-making, enabling organizations to maintain service levels and achieve operational excellence despite fluctuating staffing requirements.


For organizations seeking the ideal workforce management software solution that is best aligned with their specific requirements, SoftwareReviews' report spotlights the leading providers for the year. This recognition is based on authentic feedback from 736 users and SoftwareReviews' Emotional Footprint assessment.


The 2024 Workforce Management (WFM) Software Champions for the enterprise market are as follows:


  • isolved People Cloud, 81 NEF, ranked high for being trustworthy.
  • Dayforce, 76 NEF, ranked high for continually improving.
  • WorkForce Suite, 79 NEF, ranked high for being reliable.
  • isolved People Cloud,81 NEF,因值得信任而排名高。
  • Dayforce,76 NEF,因不斷改進而排名高。
  • WorkForce Suite,79 NEF,因可靠而排名高。
Analyst Insight:

"During a time when every minute of productivity is crucial, workforce management software emerges as an essential tool for organizations striving to fully utilize their human resources," says Lisa Highfield, principal director at McLean & Company and SoftwareReviews. "The top WFM solutions not only handle the practicalities of workforce management but also enable employees to manage their work-life balance, enhancing engagement and reducing stress and absences."

“在每一分鐘的生產力非常關鍵的時期,勞動力管理軟件成爲組織充分利用其人力資源的必備工具。”這是McLean&Company和SoftwareReviews的首席總監Lisa Highfield說的。“最佳的WFM解決方案不僅處理勞動力管理的實際問題,還能使員工管理其工作與生活的平衡,提高掌握並減少壓力和缺勤。”

User assessments of software categories on SoftwareReviews provide an accurate and detailed view of the constantly changing market. The firm's reports are informed by data from users and IT professionals who have intimate experience with the software throughout the procurement, implementation, and maintenance processes.


For more information about Info-Tech's SoftwareReviews, the Emotional Footprint, or the Data Quadrant, or to access resources to support the software selection process, visit

有關Info-Tech SoftwareReviews,情感足跡或數據四象限的更多信息,或者訪問支持軟件選擇過程的資源,請訪問。

About SoftwareReviews

SoftwareReviews is a division of Info-Tech Research Group, a world-class technology research and advisory firm. SoftwareReviews empowers organizations with the best data, insights, and advice to improve the software buying and selling experience.

SoftwareReviews是Info-Tech Research Group的一個分支機構,是一家一流的技術研究和諮詢公司。SoftwareReviews向組織提供最佳數據,見解和建議,以提高軟件購買和銷售體驗。

For buyers, SoftwareReviews' proven software selection methodologies, customer insights, and technology advisors help maximize success with technology decisions. For providers, the firm helps build more effective marketing, product, and sales processes with expert analysts, how-to research, customer-centric marketing content, and comprehensive analysis of the buyer landscape.


Media professionals can register for unrestricted access to research across IT, HR, and software and hundreds of industry analysts through the firm's Media Insiders program. To gain access, contact [email protected].

媒體專業人士可以通過該公司的媒體內幕計劃獲得跨IT,HR和軟件以及數百名行業分析師的研究。要獲取訪問權限,請聯繫[email protected]。

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