
Amy Jordan to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Her "Victory Dance Project" With Commemorative Event in West Palm Beach

Amy Jordan to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Her "Victory Dance Project" With Commemorative Event in West Palm Beach

PR Newswire ·  06/04 19:00

Presented by HSS Florida, Celebrity Host Joy Cashmere will Serve as Master of Ceremonies and Talk Show Personality Tamron Hall to Receive the Women of Valor Award via recorded video acceptance.

由佛羅里達HSS呈現,名人主持 Joy Cashmere 擔任主持人,脫口秀名人 Tamron Hall 將通過錄制的視頻接受 Women of Valor 獎項。

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Amy Jordan, the Founder and Artistic Director of The Victory Dance Project, is excited to commemorate the professional dance company's 10th anniversary on June 22nd, 2024 at 3:00PM. Tickets are available to purchase at

佛羅里達西棕櫚灘,2024 年 6 月 4 日 / PRNewswire / - 創始人兼藝術總監 Amy Jordan 激動地宣佈,專業舞蹈公司 The Victory Dance Project 將於 2024 年 6 月 22 日下午 3:00 在 慶祝成立 10 週年。請前往網站購買門票。

Amy Jordan
Amy Jordan

The event is a unique performance at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts Rinker Playhouse. The celebration includes local dancers from The Demetrius Klein Dance and Art Stage. The Victory Dance Project, with a cast of South Florida dancers that will present signature works. Additional guest artists include PACE Dance NYC. We invite the South Florida community to join the movement of hope and possibility.

此次活動是在克拉維斯表演藝術中心林克常設劇場進行的獨特表演。慶祝活動包括來自 Demetrius Klein 舞蹈藝術舞臺的本地舞者。The Victory Dance Project 提供由南佛羅里達舞者組成的陣容,呈現代表作品。額外的嘉賓藝術家包括 PACE 舞蹈集團。我們邀請南佛羅里達社區加入到希望和可能的運動中來。

"We are all living in a continued state of global trauma," said Amy Jordan, Award-winning author, speaker, coach, and choreographer. "This mission is about the power of movement to overcome any adversity."

“我們都生活在全球創傷的持續狀態中,”獲獎作者、演講人、教練和編舞 Amy Jordan 說道。“這個使命關乎運動的力量,克服任何逆境。”

Jay Cashmere will be serving as the master of ceremonies for our event. He has been recognized with four Emmy Awards from the Suncoast Chapter.

Jay Cashmere 將擔任我們活動的主持人。他曾獲得 Suncoast Chapter 四項艾美獎的認可。

"I'm honored to be able to work with Amy Jordan and the Victory Dance Project," said Celebrity Host Jay Cashmere.

“我很榮幸能與 Amy Jordan 和 Victory Dance Project 合作,”名人主持 Jay Cashmere 說。

The anniversary gala includes 'Woman of Valor' award. Previous recipients include Broadway star and Presidential Medal of Freedom laureate Chita Rivera. Ms. Rivera passed away on January 30, 2024. The Victory Dance Project is dedicated to carrying on her legacy. The recipient of this year's "Women of Valor" award is Tamron Hall, who will accept the award via recorded video acceptance.

週年慶典包括“ Woman of Valor”獎項。之前的獲得者包括百老匯明星和總統自由勳章獲得者 Chita Rivera。Ms.Rivera於2024年1月30日去世。The Victory Dance Project 致力於延續她的傳奇。今年的“Women of Valor”獎項將頒給 Tamron Hall,她將通過錄制的視頻接受獎項。

About The Victory Dance Project
The Victory Dance Project, founded on May 31, 2014, is a professional dance company on a mission to 'Make the Impossible Possible with the Power of Movement.'

關於 The Victory Dance Project
The Victory Dance Project 成立於2014年5月31日,是一家專業的舞蹈公司,旨在“通過運動的力量實現不可能”。

About Amy Jordan
Ms. Jordan, a West Palm Beach native, and former dancer was crushed by a bus in 2009. She has been rebuilt after near death and amputation of her right leg. Amy is now on a life journey to inspire the world to create "Victory in the Moment," and always "Dance Because You Can."

關於 Amy Jordan
Amy Jordan 是西棕櫚灘本地人和前舞者,在 2009 年被公共汽車撞擊後受到沉重打擊。她經歷了幾乎死亡和右腿截肢後得以重生。Amy 現在正在進行一個人生旅程,以啓發世界創造“勝利的時刻”,並始終“因爲你可以而跳舞”。

Amy is also the subject of the acclaimed documentary feature film 'Amy's Victory Dance,' available on Amazon Prime and most major platforms. The film is directed by two-time Emmy nominee and celebrity choreographer Brian Thomas.

Amy 還是備受好評的紀錄片《 Amy's Victory Dance 》的主題,該紀錄片可在亞馬遜全球貨幣和大多數主要平台上觀看。該影片由兩次艾美獎提名和名人編舞 Brian Thomas 執行導演。

For information on Amy's book Dance Because You Can' 5 Steps to Transform Trauma to Triumph, the movie, and extensive media including The Tamron Hall Show.

有關 Amy 的書《 Dance Because You Can '》、 5 步轉換創傷爲勝利的電影以及廣泛的媒體報道,包括 Tamron Hall Show 的信息。

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SOURCE Amy Jordan

Amy Jordan

