
IsoEnergy Commences Planned 30-Hole Summer Exploration Program in the Athabasca Basin

IsoEnergy Commences Planned 30-Hole Summer Exploration Program in the Athabasca Basin

PR Newswire ·  06/04 19:00

SASKATOON, SK, June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - IsoEnergy Ltd. ("IsoEnergy" or the "Company") (TSXV: ISO) (OTCQX: ISENF) is pleased to announce the commencement of the summer exploration program on its eastern Athabasca Basin uranium properties (Figure 1). The program encompasses a total of 30 diamond drill holes for 9,825 metres of drilling on the Larocque East and East Rim projects to follow up positive results from the winter exploration program.

2024年6月4日,SASKATOON,SK/美通社——IsoEnergy Ltd.(“IsoEnergy”或“公司”)(TSXV: ISO)(OTCQX: ISENF)很高興宣佈,在它的阿薩巴斯卡盆地東部鈾礦物業(圖1)上開展夏季勘探計劃。該計劃涵蓋了總共30個鑽孔,共計9,825米的鑽探,針對Larocque East和East Rim項目展開,以跟進冬季勘探計劃的積極結果。



Figure 1 – Location map of the Hurricane deposit and exploration projects in the eastern Athabasca Basin. (CNW Group/IsoEnergy Ltd.)
圖1 - 颶風礦牀和東部阿薩巴斯卡盆地勘探項目的位置圖。 (CNW Group / IsoEnergy Ltd.)
Figure 2 – Location of Larocque East project summer 2024 drilling at Target Areas A, B, C and D. (CNW Group/IsoEnergy Ltd.)
圖2 - Larocque East項目2024年夏季鑽探在A,B,C和D目標區域的位置。 (CNW Group / IsoEnergy Ltd.)
Figure 3 – East Rim project map showing the locations of the summer 2024 planned diamond drilling. (CNW Group/IsoEnergy Ltd.)
圖3 - East Rim項目地圖,顯示了夏季2024年計劃的金剛石鑽井地點。(CNW Group/IsoEnergy Ltd.)
Figure 4 – Bulyea River Geochem and geophysical signature. (CNW Group/IsoEnergy Ltd.)
圖4 - Bulyea River地球化學和地球物理跡象。(CNW Group/IsoEnergy Ltd.)

