
SucceedSmart's Named a Back-to-Back Winner With Two Globee Awards for Disruptors in Recognition of It AI-Powered Executive Recruitment Platform

SucceedSmart's Named a Back-to-Back Winner With Two Globee Awards for Disruptors in Recognition of It AI-Powered Executive Recruitment Platform

PR Newswire ·  06/04 19:00

The Globee Awards for Disruptors recognition, including a Gold award in the Human Resources category, follows nine other recent award wins for SucceedSmart


LOS ALTOS, Calif., June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SucceedSmart, the pioneer of AI-driven modern executive recruitment, was recognized as a back-to-back winner in the Globee Awards for Disruptors, which recognizes and promotes excellence in industries and sectors that are shaping the future of business.

加利福尼亞洛斯阿爾託斯,2024年6月4日/美通社/ - SucceedSmart成爲連續兩屆榮獲Disruptors諾貝爾獎的獲獎者,該獎項表彰和推廣塑造未來商業的產業和領域的卓越表現。今年Globee Disruptors諾貝爾獎的得主代表了廣泛的領域,展示了開創性的進步和對各自領域的重大貢獻。得獎名單于5月29日公佈,完整名單可在

The winners in this year's Globee Awards for Disruptors represent a wide range of sectors, demonstrating pioneering advancements and significant contributions to their respective fields. Winners were announced on May 29 and the full list is published on the Globee Awards for Disruptors website. SucceedSmart won in the following categories:

Globee Disruptors諾貝爾獎網站上查閱。SucceedSmart在以下類別中獲獎: 網站。SucceedSmart在以下類別中獲勝:

The Globee Awards for Disruptors recognition follows nine other recent award wins for SucceedSmart


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  • Disruptive Products and Services Awards: Human Resources Disruptors (Gold)
  • Disruptive Startups Awards: Disruptive Technology Startup (Silver)
  • 革新性產品和服務獎:人力資源領域的革新者(金獎)
  • 革新性初創企業獎:革新性技術初創企業(銀獎)

SucceedSmart is on a mission to disrupt the $8 billion U.S., $22 billion global executive search industry with its unique blend of the first AI-powered executive recruitment platform and patented accomplishment-based AI matching algorithm, along with human expertise.


While most recruitment approaches match candidates based on skills, this doesn't work for executive candidates. Past accomplishments are a more important indicator and predictor of future performance for senior-level candidates. SucceedSmart's AI-powered search and match algorithm based on accomplishments, rather than skills, received a patent from the U.S Patent and Trademark Office in early 2024.

Based on a super-aggregated cross-industry data set of millions of executive profiles, SucceedSmart's accomplishment-based algorithm matches best-fit candidates with open positions. Expert, human talent advisors then assess each candidate based on qualifications, culture fit, and other criteria to present companies with qualified, interested, and available talent.



"Traditional executive search operates almost entirely offline and is transactional, exorbitantly expensive, inefficient, and exclusionary," said Sanjay Sathé, founder and CEO of SucceedSmart. "Our AI-powered executive recruitment platform significantly reduces hiring time and costs while enabling more inclusive executive recruitment."

“傳統的高管搜索幾乎完全是線下的,交易性的,費用昂貴的,效率低下的和排斥性的,” SucceedSmart 的創始人兼首席執行官 Sanjay Sathé說。 “我們通過顯著減少招聘時間和成本,同時實現更具包容性的高管招聘,使我們的人工智能驅動型高管招聘平台顯著進步。”

"Recognition by the Globee Awards—especially with a Gold award in the Human Resources Disruptor category—is an honor and a testament to our ongoing disruption in the executive recruitment space and broader HR technology industry," Sathé continued.


Get in touch to learn more about how SucceedSmart helps Fortune 100 companies and venture-backed startups fill complex leadership roles with unmatched agility, accuracy, and affordability, while promoting diversity and transparency.


About SucceedSmart
SucceedSmart is an award-winning executive recruiting platform on a mission to modernize leadership recruiting for director to C-level talent. Acting as an extension of talent acquisition teams, SucceedSmart blends technology with human expertise to help companies fill complex leadership roles with unmatched agility, accuracy, and affordability, while promoting diversity and transparency. By leveraging proprietary AI and custom-built accomplishment-based matching technology, along with talent advisors and executive coaches, SucceedSmart drives significant value for organizations looking to fill critical leadership roles. To learn more, visit .

SucceedSmart是一家屢獲殊榮的高管招聘平台,旨在爲董事到C級高管的領導層招聘現代化。SucceedSmart將技術與人類專業知識結合起來,充當人才獲取團隊的延伸,幫助公司以無與倫比的敏捷性,準確性和負擔能力填補複雜的領導崗位,同時促進多樣性和透明度。通過利用專有的人工智能和定製化的基於成就的匹配技術,以及人才顧問和高管教練, SucceedSmart爲尋求填補重要領導層職位的組織帶來了巨大的價值。 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 .

Contact: [email protected], Beth Kempton, 617-640-4743

聯繫人:[email protected],Beth Kempton,617-640-4743

SOURCE SucceedSmart


