
Innodata Contracted For New Programs From "Magnificent Seven" Big Tech Customer Valued At ~$44M In Annualized Run Rate Revenue

Innodata Contracted For New Programs From "Magnificent Seven" Big Tech Customer Valued At ~$44M In Annualized Run Rate Revenue

Benzinga ·  06/03 20:54

Innodata Inc. (NASDAQ:INOD), a leading data engineering company, today announced that it has been awarded two new large language model (LLM) development programs by one of its existing "Magnificent Seven" Big Tech customers. Innodata anticipates that the new programs, once ramped up, will together result in approximately $44 million of additional annualized run rate revenue. These awards are in addition to the new programs and program expansion with this customer Innodata announced on April 24 and May 7. While Innodata's agreement with this customer contains early-termination-upon-notice provisions, Innodata believes this customer is committed to a significant, multi-year LLM strategy from which Innodata stands to benefit.

領先的數據工程公司 Innodata宣佈已獲得其現有“科技七巨頭”之一的兩個新的大型語言模型(LLM)開發項目。 Innodata預計,這些新的項目一旦啓動,將共帶來約4400萬美元的額外年化營業收入。這些獎項是Innodata自4月24日和5月7日宣佈的與該客戶的新項目和項目擴展以及此類獎項之外的。雖然Innodata與此客戶的協議包含即時解除條款,但Innodata認爲此客戶致力於一個重要的多年期LLM策略,Innodata將從中受益。

