
Pasofino Gold Completes Drilling at 'Bukon Jedeh', Dugbe Gold Project in Liberia

Pasofino Gold Completes Drilling at 'Bukon Jedeh', Dugbe Gold Project in Liberia

Pasofino Gold完成在利比裏亞的Dugbe黃金項目'Bukon Jedeh'的鑽探。
newsfile ·  06/03 19:50

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 3, 2024) - Pasofino Gold Limited (TSXV: VEIN) (OTCQB: EFRGF) (FSE: N07A) ("Pasofino" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion of its diamond core drilling program testing the Bukon Jedeh 'gold camp' within the Company's Dugbe Gold Project, Liberia.

加拿大多倫多-(新聞稿)-2024年6月3日-Pasofino Gold Limited(TSXV:VEIN)(OTCQB:EFRGF)(FSE:N07A)欣然宣佈完成其鑽探計劃,測試該公司在利比里亞的Dugbe黃金項目中的Bukon Jedeh“黃金礦區”。"該鑽探計劃共進行了11個孔位的1,328米勘探,範圍涵蓋了4公里長的“黃金礦區”。Bukon Jedeh是黃金勘探的一個優先區域,僅距離公司的Dugbe黃金項目10公里,其擁有3.3百萬盎司的測量和指示的礦產資源估計。"或"公司其中幾個孔位包含多米寬的輝石片麻岩夾雜硫化礦物——這富含鼓舞性,因爲附近的Tuzon和Dugbe F礦牀也有相似的岩石類型。該計劃的目標包括關鍵的現有采礦坑,歷史鑽探交叉點以及鑽探以跟進相對富含硫化物礦物的最有前途的孔位。特別值得關注的是該區域東部的一個明顯趨勢,現在被稱爲SPMC-99 Steps趨勢,這是一條1.5公里長的東西向帶,可能連接該地區的兩個最重要的採石場之一,尚未鑽探過。鑽探已按時和預算完成。採樣目前完成了50%,第一批樣品將在6月初送往實驗室。第一批成果預計將在2024年7月公佈,屆時將及時披露。

11 holes were drilled for 1,328 m, on the 4 km long 'gold camp'. Bukon Jedeh is a priority target for gold exploration and is located only 10 km southeast of the Company's Dugbe Gold Project which has a 3.3 Moz Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource Estimate[1].

Pasofino代理首席執行官禾倫·格林斯萊德評論說:“與Dugbe項目所在地區的當地社區建立了良好的關係,使該公司得以在我們的特許經營權內Bukon Jedeh進行成功的鑽探活動——這是我們優先區域之一。 Bukon Jedeh幾十年來一直進行有限的黃金生產,證實我們在掌握下的高度前途充滿的環境。小規模開採規模有限,因此我們的計劃旨在揭示Bukon Jedeh中所包含的更大潛力以及基於現有勘探證據的高品位物質機會。在我們的“處女”鑽探孔位中看到了幾個多米厚的具有可見硫化物礦物的區域,這與Tuzon和Dugbe F礦牀相似,表明硫化物區域可能含有黃金。[1].



  • Several of the holes contain multi metre wide intervals of pyroxene gneiss with sulphide minerals - this is encouraging as gold at the nearby Tuzon and Dugbe F deposits is hosted by a similar lithology.
  • The program targeted various sites, including key existing mining pits, historic drilling intersections, and new holes drilled to follow up on the most promising intervals, identified by the relative abundance of sulphide minerals.
  • Of particular interest is an apparent trend in the east of the area, now referred as the SPMC-99 Steps trend, a 1.5 km long east-west zone potentially linking two of the most important pits in the area, not drilled before.
  • The drilling was completed on time and within budget. Sampling is currently 50% complete, with the first batch of samples set to be sent to the laboratory in early June. Results of this first batch are expected during July 2024, and will be reported as they become available.
  • 正如附近的Tuzon和Dugbe F礦牀一樣,幾個孔位包含了多米寬的輝石片麻岩夾雜硫化礦物,這令人鼓舞。
  • 該計劃的目標包括關鍵的現有采礦坑,歷史鑽探交叉點以及鑽探以跟進相對富含硫化物礦物的最有前途的孔位,這些地點都經過了精心挑選。
  • 特別值得關注的是該區域東部的一個明顯趨勢,現在被稱爲SPMC-99 Steps趨勢,這是一條1.5公里長的東西向帶,可能連接該地區的兩個最重要的採石場之一,尚未鑽探過。
  • 鑽探已按時和預算完成。正在進行的採樣完成了50%,第一批樣品將在6月初送往實驗室。第一批成果預計將在2024年7月公佈,屆時將及時披露。

Pasofino Interim CEO Warren Greenslade, commented:


"Good relationships developed with the local communities in the Dugbe Project location enabled the Company to undertake a successful drilling campaign at Bukon Jedeh - a high priority gold target within our concession. Bukon Jedeh has seen limited gold production for decades confirming the highly prospective environment under our ownership. Small scale mining is limited in size and exploitation hence our programme has been undertaken to unlock the bigger potential contained at Bukon Jedeh and the opportunity for high-grade material based on existing exploration evidence. We are pleased to see several multi metre thick zones with visible sulphide minerals in our 'maiden' drillholes, as the nearby Tuzon and Dugbe F deposits, that sulphide zones may carry gold.

“在Dugbe項目所在地區與當地社區建立良好的關係使得公司得以在Bukon Jedeh進行成功的鑽探活動,Bukon Jedeh是我們特許經營權中優先深入開發的黃金目標之一。Bukon Jedeh幾十年來一直進行有限的黃金生產,證實我們在掌握下的高度前途充滿的環境。小規模開採規模有限,因此我們的計劃旨在揭示Bukon Jedeh中所包含的更大潛力以及基於現有勘探證據的高品位物質機會。在我們的“處女”鑽探孔位中看到了幾個多米厚的具有可見硫化物礦物的區域,這與Tuzon和Dugbe F礦牀相似,表明硫化物區域可能含有黃金。”

The drillholes at and between the 99 Steps and S/SPMC pits (see Figure 1) are particularly encouraging based on visual inspection of the core. There are no records of these pits having been drilled previously. We anticipate the first batch of results during July."

根據樣品的視覺檢測結果,在99 Steps和S/SPMC採石場之間的鑽孔(請參見圖1)尤其令人振奮。這些採石場以前沒有進行過鑽探記錄。預計將在7月公佈第一批結果。"

Bukon Jedeh Overview

Bukon Jedeh概觀:Bukon Jedeh地區是利比里亞幾十年來黃金生產最重要的地區之一。傳統上非正式採礦重點關注的是利用後期岩石。近年來,特別是在過去的10年中,礦山活動的發展使得這些操作都落在了公司的Dugbe許可區域內。

The Bukon Jedeh area has been one of the most important in terms of gold production in Liberia for several decades. Traditionally informal mining focused on exploiting the lateritic cover. Over more recent years, particularly in the last 10 years. These operations all fall within the Company's Dugbe licence area. In 2012, ASX-listed Equator Resources Limited ("Equator") conducted reverse circulation ("RC") drilling on a grid over part of the Bukon Jedeh area. However, the most productive pits, which developed largely after Equator's work, are located outside the previously drilled area, as shown in Figure 1.

2012年,澳大利亞證券交易所上市公司Equator Resources Limited ("Equator")在Bukon Jedeh地區的一部分上進行了倒鑽(’RC')鑽探。然而,最具生產力的採石場一般是在Equator的工作之後才得到了開發。這些新開發的採石場位於以圖1所示的已鑽探區域之外。

Figure 1. Map showing the Bukon Jedeh gold 'corridor' with Pasofino's drillholes and hard rock pits.

圖1.顯示了Bukon Jedeh黃金“走廊”,Pasofino的鑽探孔位和硬巖採石場。

The Drilled Targets

Pasofino的鑽探針對4公里長的黃金區的特定地點。測試了三個區域;“Main Ridge”、“SPMC-99 Steps趨勢”和“99-步南部”(請參見圖1)。選擇這種方法,而不是專注於單一區域,是爲了最大限度地增加成功的機會。考慮到鑽探的間隔較大,從少量新孔位的積極成果潛力巨大,將需要進一步進行鑽探以測試潛在的每個可能確定的區域的範圍。所有鑽探都使用Cestos Drilling Liberia進行鑽孔取芯。進行了11個孔位的鑽探,總長度爲1,328米。在鑽探前幾周進行的地質磁測和地質製圖指導了一些孔位的選取。總的來說,岩石的主導對片構(結構)在北部向南傾斜,在南部向北傾斜,其趨勢大約沿着一條褶皺的脊線。圖1顯示了Pasofino的孔位的位置,相對於現有的採掘場和Equator完成的以前(2012年) RC鑽孔孔位的位置。

Pasofino's drilling targeted specific sites along the 4 km long gold 'corridor'. Three areas were tested; 'Main Ridge', 'SPMC-99 Steps trend' and '99-Steps South' (Figure 1). This approach, rather than focusing on a single area, was chosen to maximise the chances of success. Given the wide-spaced nature of the drilling, positive results from a small number of the new holes would be potentially significant and further drilling would then be required to test the extent of each zone potentially identified.

值得關注的一個地區可能是“SPMC-99 Steps趨勢”。在這裏,孔位BKDD06、BKDD12、BKDD10、BKDD07和BKDD11跟蹤了一個可能被東西向構造所控制的成礦趨勢。該趨勢連接“99-Steps採石場”和“S/SPMC採石場”,兩個採石場都從地表以下20-40米“硬巖”中生產金。該公司在2022年從後者取回的含金量可達20克/噸。先前沒有對99 Steps和S/SPMC採石場進行過鑽探測試。有關一些活動採石場的照片詳見圖2。

All drilling was conducted using diamond coring, by Cestos Drilling Liberia. A total of 11 holes were completed totalling 1,328 metres. A ground magnetic survey and geological mapping conducted during the weeks prior to drilling guided the placement of some the holes. Broadly speaking, the dominant foliation (fabric) of the rocks dips southwards in the north and northwards in the south, with the centre of the trend approximately along a fold hinge. Figure 1 shows the position of Pasofino's holes in relation to the existing mining pits and the previous (2012) RC drill-holes completed by Equator.

所有鑽探都使用Cestos Drilling Liberia進行鑽孔取芯。進行了11個孔位的鑽探,總長度爲1,328米。在鑽探前幾周進行的地質磁測和地質製圖指導了一些孔位的選取。總的來說,岩石的主導對片構(結構)在北部向南傾斜,在南部向北傾斜,其趨勢大約沿着一條褶皺的脊線。圖1顯示了Pasofino的孔位的位置,相對於現有的採掘場和Equator完成的以前(2012年) RC鑽孔孔位的位置。

A stand-out area may be the 'SPMC-99 Steps trend'. Here holes BKDD06, BKDD12, BKDD10, BKDD07 and BKDD11 follow what seems to be a mineralised trend, possibly controlled by an east-west structure. The trend links '99-Steps pit' and the 'S/SPMC pit' both of which are actively producing gold from 'hard-rock' 20-40 m below surface. The Company's 2022 rock-chip samples from the latter retuned up to 20 g/t Au[2]. The 99 Steps and S/SPMC pits have not been drill tested before. Photographs of some of the active pits are provided in Figure 2.

值得關注的一個地區可能是“SPMC-99 Steps趨勢”。在這裏,孔位BKDD06、BKDD12、BKDD10、BKDD07和BKDD11跟蹤了一個可能被東西向構造所控制的成礦趨勢。該趨勢連接“99-Steps採石場”和“S/SPMC採石場”,兩個採石場都從地表以下20-40米“硬巖”中生產金。該公司在2022年從後者取回的含金量可達20克/噸。先前沒有對99 Steps和S/SPMC採石場進行過鑽探測試。有關一些活動採石場的照片詳見圖2。[2]圖1.顯示了Bukon Jedeh黃金“走廊”,Pasofino的鑽探孔位和硬巖採石場。

At '99-Steps South' (Figure 1) Pasofino drilled 2 holes to test trenches by Equator that returned 152m @ 0.81 g/t Au, and 66m @ 1.05 g/t Au[3]. RC drillholes by Equator at this site were negative but may have suffered recovery issues as can be the case with RC drilling.

在“99-Steps南面”(請參見圖1),Pasofino進行了2個孔位的鑽探,以測試Equator發掘出的進行了250m @ 0.81 g/t Au的切溝和進行了66m @1.05 g/t的Au的切溝。[3]在該地點,赤道公司進行的反循環鑽孔測試結果不佳,但可能存在回收問題,因爲反循環鑽孔往往會出現這種情況。

In the west of the area at Main Ridge, drillholes were completed to test the Sekou North, THWR pit and the TH Disco Pit (Figure 1), all of which have gold mining taking place.

該地區西部的主要山脈地帶完成了鑽孔測試,以測試塞庫北、THWR 礦坑和 TH 專業礦坑 (圖1),所有這些地方都有黃金股採礦活動。

Detailed geological logging is ongoing. A preliminary inspection reveals sulphide-bearing zones in over half of the drill-holes, zones being several to tens of meters in thickness within pyroxene-bearing gneiss. Sulphides are minor disseminated pyrrhotite and pyrite and lesser arsenopyrite. Of interest are intervals with silicification of the gneiss in the form of quartz stringers on the foliation and on contacts of with the adjacent garnet gneiss.


The visual results are encouraging but laboratory analyses are needed to establish if the rock-types are gold bearing. Analyses are to be carried out at ALS in Ghana, a laboratory with ISO accreditation for gold analyses, with results expected in July 2024.

眼觀結果令人鼓舞,但需要進行實驗室分析來確定岩石類型是否具有含金能力。這些分析將在 ALS (一個擁有黃金分析 ISO 認證的實驗室)在加納進行,預計於 2024 年 7 月公佈結果。

Figure 2. Photos of some of the hard-rock pits in the area.


Table 1. Coordinates and azimuth and inclination of Pasofino's drillholes.

表1。Pasofino 的鑽孔座標、方位角和傾角。

BHID EastUTM29N NorthUTM29N Azimuth Inclination Final depth
BKDD001 560034 556827 180 -60 118.5
BKDD002 559864 556986 0 -55 124.3
BKDD003 561440 556831 180 -55 70.3
BKDD004 561129 556870 180 -60 100.7
BKDD005 562927 556736 0 -55 130.4
BKDD006 561957 557133 180 -60 151.3
BKDD007 563227 557190 180 -55 100.8
BKDD009 562808 556838 NA -90 122.1
BKDD010 562693 557168 180 -60 145.3
BKDD011 563227 557291 180 -55 130.6
BKDD012 562446 557081 180 -55 133.5
BHID 東UTM29N 北UTM29N 方位角(度) 傾角 最終深度
BKDD001 560034 556827 180 -60 118.5
BKDD002 559864 556986 0 -55 124.3
BKDD003 561440 556831 180 -55 70.3
BKDD004 561129 556870 180 -60 100.7
BKDD005 562927 556736 0 -55 130.4
BKDD006 561957 557133 180 -60 151.3
BKDD007 563227 557190 180 -55 100.8
BKDD009 562808 556838 NA -90 122.1
BKDD010 562693 557168 180 -60 145.3
BKDD011 563227 557291 180 -55 130.6
BKDD012 562446 557081 180 -55 133.5

BKDD008 failed at 6m depth due to fractured ground.
All hole positions collected using a hand-held GPS.


Figure 3. Map showing the Dugbe MDA area and the location of Bukon Jedeh relative to the Tuzon and Dugbe F deposits.

圖3 - 特斯拉-地圖顯示Dugbe MDA地區及布孔傑德夫與圖宗和Dugbe F礦牀的位置關係。



Scientific or technical information in this disclosure that relates to exploration results was prepared and approved by Mr. Andrew Pedley. Mr. Pedley is a consultant of Pasofino Gold Ltd.'s wholly-owned subsidiary ARX Resources Limited. He is a member in good standing with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) and is as a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

本披露的與勘探結果有關的科學或技術信息由Andrew Pedley先生編制並批准。Pedley先生是Pasofino Gold Ltd.的全資子公司ARX Resources Limited的顧問。他是南非自然科學專業委員會(SACNASP)的合格成員,也是根據43-101號國家儀器的有資格人。



The 2,302 km2 Dugbe Gold Project is in southern Liberia and situated within the southwestern corner of the Birimian Supergroup which is host to most West African gold deposits. To date, two deposits have been identified on the Project; Dugbe F and Tuzon discovered by Hummingbird Resources Plc ("Hummingbird") in 2009 and 2011 respectively. The deposits are located within 4 km of the Dugbe Shear Zone which is thought to have played a role in large scale gold mineralization in the area.

2302公里Dugbe金礦項目位於利比里亞南部,位於Birimian超群的西南角,這裏是大部分西非金礦牀的宿主。迄今爲止,在該項目上已確定了兩個礦牀;由Hummingbird Resources Plc(“Hummingbird”)於2009年和2011年分別發現的Dugbe F和Tuzon。這些礦牀距離Dugbe斷層帶僅4公里,該斷層帶被認爲在該地區的大規模金礦化過程中發揮了作用。 Hummingbird在該地區進行了大量的勘探工作,直至2012年,包括7.4萬米的金剛石鑽孔。 Pasofino在2021年在Tuzon和Dugbe鑽探了額外的14,584米。 兩個礦牀都有2021年11月17日的礦物資源估算,總測得和指示爲3.3 Moz,平均品位爲1.37 g/t Au,推斷度爲0.6 Moz。在2022年6月完成明確可行性研究後,宣佈了礦物儲量估算,基於開放式採礦的兩個礦牀,礦山壽命爲14年。 Dugbe金礦項目的技術報告是根據43-101號國家儀器編制的,並在SEDAR和公司網站上進行了提交。2這裏是大部分西非金礦牀的宿主。迄今爲止,在該項目上已確定了兩個礦牀;由Hummingbird Resources Plc(“Hummingbird”)於2009年和2011年分別發現的Dugbe F和Tuzon。這些礦牀距離Dugbe斷層帶僅4公里,該斷層帶被認爲在該地區的大規模金礦化過程中發揮了作用。

A significant amount of exploration in the area was conducted by Hummingbird up until 2012 including 74,497 m of diamond coring. Pasofino drilled an additional 14,584 m at Tuzon and Dugbe during 2021. Both deposits have Mineral Resource Estimates dated 17 November 2021 with total Measured and Indicated of 3.3 Moz with an average grade of 1.37 g/t Au, and 0.6 Moz in Inferred. Following the completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study in June 2022 a Mineral Reserve Estimate was declared, based on the open-pit mining of both deposits over a 14-year Life of Mine. A technical report for the Dugbe Gold Project was prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 and filed on SEDAR at and on the Company's website.

Hummingbird在該地區進行了大量的勘探工作,直至2012年,包括7.4萬米的金剛石鑽孔。 Pasofino在2021年在Tuzon和Dugbe鑽探了額外的14,584米。 兩個礦牀都有2021年11月17日的礦物資源估算,總測得和指示爲3.3 Moz,平均品位爲1.37 g/t Au,推斷度爲0.6 Moz。在2022年6月完成明確可行性研究後,宣佈了礦物儲量估算,基於開放式採礦的兩個礦牀,礦山壽命爲14年。 Dugbe金礦項目的技術報告是根據43-101號國家儀器編制的,並在SEDAR和公司網站上進行了提交。

In addition to the existing deposits there are many gold prospects within the Project including the Bukon Jedeh area and the DSZ target on the Tuzon-Sackor trend where Pasofino has discovered a broad zone of surface gold mineralisation in trench and outcrop along strike from Tuzon.


In 2019, Hummingbird signed a 25-year Mineral Development Agreement ("MDA") with the Government of Liberia providing the necessary long-term framework and stabilization of taxes and duties. Under the terms of the MDA, the royalty rate on gold production is 3%, the income tax rate payable is 25% (with credit given for historic exploration expenditures), the fuel duty is reduced by 50%, and the Government of Liberia is granted a free carried interest of 10% in the Project.



Pasofino Gold Ltd.是一家總部位於加拿大的礦業勘探公司,股票在TSX-V(VEIN)上交易。

Pasofino Gold Ltd. is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company listed on the TSX-V (VEIN).

Pasofino,通過其全資子公司,在發放到利比里亞政府10%的搭帶權益之前擁有Dugbe Gold Project的全部權益。

Pasofino, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, owns 100% of the Dugbe Gold Project (prior to the issuance of the Government of Liberia's 10% carried interest).


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


For further information, please visit or contact:
Lincoln Greenidge, CFO
T: 416 451 0049

電話:416 451 0049



This news release contains "forward-looking statements" that are based on expectations, estimates, projections and interpretations as at the date of this news release. Forward-looking statements are frequently characterised by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "seek", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", "suggest", "indicate" and other similar words or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur, and include, without limitation, statements regarding the ability to raise the funds to finance its ongoing business activities including the acquisition of mineral projects and the exploration and development of its projects. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and other factors may include, but are not limited to, the results of exploration activities; the ability of the Company to complete further exploration activities; timing and availability of external financing on acceptable terms and those risk factors outlined in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis as filed on SEDAR. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


[1] Measured and Indicated MRE of 3.3 Moz with average grade 1.37g/t Au using a 0.5g/t cut-off grade ("Dugbe Gold Project, Liberia NI 43-101 Technical Report, Effective Date 17 November 2021," prepared by SRK Consulting (UK) Limited

[1]測定和指示的3.3萬盎司金屬資源量,平均含金量1.37克/噸Au("Dugbe Gold項目,利比里亞NI 43-101技術報告,有效日期2021年11月17日",由SRK Consulting(英國)有限公司編制)

[2] Pasofino announcement dated 22 August 2022


[3] 2012 Annual Report by Bukon Jedeh Resources.

[3]Bukon Jedeh Resources的2012年年度報告。

