
Gladiator Highlights Large Scale Copper Magnetic Anomalies

Gladiator Highlights Large Scale Copper Magnetic Anomalies

newsfile ·  06/03 15:05



  • Gladiator has recently received the processed results from a high-definition drone-borne aeromagnetic survey completed over the Whitehorse Copper Belt, the survey has successfully:
    • Identified potential extensions to known mineralization;
    • Highlighted significant un-drilled exploration targets associated with high-magnetic responses; and
    • Supports a strong correlation between occurrences of magnetite-copper skarn mineralization and reported magnetic anomalies.
  • The results of the survey supports Gladiator's belief that a survey of this detail and extent can be utilised effectively as a direct detection tool of mineralized bodies under cover.
  • An initial review of the survey has identified significant new target areas associated with high magnetic responses that has driven Gladiator to stake an additional 54 km2 of claims, bringing the total area of the Whitehorse Copper Project to 133 km2
  • In response to the acquisition of a significant quality data set and the new staking, Gladiator has advanced its summer field campaigns to immediately commence follow up on magnetic targets having already commenced geological mapping, rock chipping and soil sampling with ground-based geophysics (IP and EM) to commence shortly ahead of planned drilling.
  • Gladiator最近收到了在懷特霍斯銅帶上完成的高清無人機航空磁測量的處理結果,該調查成功了:
    • 確定了已知礦化的潛在延伸;
    • 重點介紹了與高磁響應相關的未鑽探的重要勘探目標;以及
    • 支持磁鐵礦銅硅卡納的出現之間存在很強的相關性 礦化和報告的磁異常.
  • 調查結果支持了Gladiator的信念,即對這些細節和範圍的調查可以有效地用作直接探測掩護下的礦化體的工具。
  • 對該調查的初步審查已經確定了與高磁響應相關的重要新目標區域,這促使角鬥士又增加了54千米2 索賠額,使懷特霍斯銅業項目的總面積達到133千米2
  • 爲了應對大量高質量數據集的獲取和新的賭注,Gladiator已將其夏季野外活動推遲到立即開始對磁性目標進行後續跟進。Gladiator已經開始使用地面地球物理學(IP和EM)進行地質測繪、岩石碎裂和土壤採樣,將在計劃鑽探前不久開始。

Gladiator CEO, Jason Bontempo commented:


"With historical, economic discoveries of copper mineralization in the Whitehorse area largely driven by outcropping occurrences, this first-time survey of its size, coverage and latest technology was designed to explore prospective sections of geology for magnetite-copper skarns hidden under thin cover. Given the high magnetic response of previously identified bodies of magnetite-copper skarn mineralization, Gladiator is confident that this survey can act as a direct detection tool for further zones of high-grade copper mineralization.


Multiple, new, undrilled magnetic anomalies have been identified by the survey indicating the extensive new discovery potential of high-grade copper in the Whitehorse Copper Project area. Gladiator's field crews are now active, on the ground, following up on these identified anomalies and we look forward to updating the market on the developing target areas ahead of drilling later this year."


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 3, 2024) - Gladiator Metals Corp. (TSXV: GLAD) (OTCQB: GDTRF) (FSE: ZX7) ("Gladiator" or the "Company"), provides an update on exploration at the Whitehorse Copper Project with multiple, significant, undrilled, large scale magnetic anomalies identified from recently completed drone magnetic surveys along strike of historical mining operations at the Cowley Park and Cub Trend deposits (refer to Figure 1 below for location and recently completed drone magnetics). Newly identified key target areas include:

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 6 月 3 日)- 角鬥士金屬公司 (TSXV: GLAD) (OTCQB: GDTRF) (FSE: ZX7) (”角鬥士“或者”公司“)提供了懷特霍斯銅業項目勘探的最新情況,其中發現了多個重大、未鑽探的大規模磁異常,這些異常是在考利公園和Cub Trend礦牀歷史採礦作業沿線完成的無人機磁場勘測中發現的(位置和最近完成的無人機磁力學參見下圖1)。新確定的關鍵目標領域包括:

Figure 1: Plan map of the Southern Whitehorse Copper Belt showing recently returned Analytical Signal magnetics (data processing by Southern Geoscience Ltd. And collected by Pioneer Geophysics Pty.) and highlighting existing target areas and recently highlighted targets.

圖 1:南部懷特霍斯銅帶的平面圖顯示了最近返回的分析信號磁場(數據由南方地球科學有限公司處理,由先鋒地球物理有限公司收集),並突出顯示了現有目標區域和最近突出顯示的目標。

Historical exploration of the Whitehorse Copper Belt was largely driven by the discovery of outcropping zones of copper skarn mineralization with drilling stepping out from these initial discoveries to determine the size and potential of prospective areas.


This survey was designed to target areas of prospective geology under the thin glacial tills and glaciofluvial sediments that cover much of the Whitehorse Copper Belt. Most of the mineralization in the belt consists of magnetite-copper skarn mineralization that eludes a high magnetic response and, as such the drone magnetics have the potential to be a direct detection tool for concealed bodies of mineralization.


The drone magnetics also acts as a preliminary geological tool to help map out the contact between the Cretaceous Whitehorse Batholith and the Triassic Lewes Carbonate sediments. This contact is the primary vector for mineralization in the district with all bodies of mineralization discovered to date lying within 150m of this boundary. Therefore, the constraint of this prospective horizon under the thin cover sequences will help to open-up multiple, new areas for exploration in the coming months and to focus Gladiator's efforts on the more prospective targets.


The magnetic survey will also be processed to derive a three-dimensional inversion model to target prospective magnetite-skarn bodies below the surface and to aid in drill planning and targeting.


Summer field campaigns have now commenced and will follow up on all identified targets and magnetic anomalies with mapping, rock chipping and soils sampling to be shortly followed by ground based geophysical surveys (IP and EM). These surveys are designed to advance and prioritise target areas ahead of planned drilling campaigns in Q3 2024.


Work completed to date, including the review of the aeromagnetic data received to date, has identified more than 30, drill ready, high-grade regional targets associated with copper rich skarns at the contact between the Cretaceous age Whitehorse Plutonic Suite and the Triassic to Jurassic Lewes River Group's clastic and carbonate metasediments. Cumulatively, there is more than 35km of underexplored strike on the contact which is highly prospective for high-grade copper+/-molybdenum+/-silver+/- gold.

迄今爲止完成的工作,包括對迄今爲止收到的航空磁學數據的審查,已經確定了30多個準備鑽探的高品位區域目標,這些目標與白堊紀懷特霍斯Plutonic Suite和三疊紀至侏羅紀劉易斯河群的碎屑和碳酸鹽變沉積物接觸處的富銅錫卡巖有關。累計而言,該觸點上有超過35千米的未充分開發走向,這對於高品位銅+/-鉬+/-銀+/-金極具前景。

QA / QC and Data Verification


The Company engaged industry specialist contractor Pioneer Exploration Consultants Ltd. to complete an ~6,050 line-km high-resolution drone airborne magnetic survey over its Whitehorse Copper Project. The survey was carried out with traverse lines oriented 030 degrees with a 25m line spacing within highly prospective geological settings and a regional 50 m line spacing in prospective geological settings to generate a high-resolution data set.

該公司聘請了行業專業承包商先鋒勘探顧問有限公司對其懷特霍斯銅業項目完成了約6,050行千米的高分辨率無人機空中磁場測量。該調查以030度的橫向線進行,在極具前景的地質環境中,線間距爲25米,在潛在地質環境中,區域線間距爲50 m,以生成高分辨率的數據集。

The data was subsequently provided to Western Australian based Southern Geoscience Limited for processing. Southern Geoscience, a long-standing geophysical consulting completed standard checks and minor repairs to the data set before processing the data. Southern Geoscience provided Gladiator with a significant suite of images, including but not limited to total magnetic intensity (TMI), reduced to pole (RTP), analytical signal (AS) and various vertical derivatives (VD). Southern Geosciences will be undertaking further processing of the data including three-dimensional inversions of select areas.

數據隨後被提供給總部位於西澳大利亞州的南方地球科學有限公司進行處理。Southern Geoscience是一家長期的地球物理諮詢公司,在處理數據之前完成了對數據集的標準檢查和小幅修復。南方地球科學爲角鬥士提供了一套重要的圖像,包括但不限於總磁強度(TMI)、簡化爲極點(RTP)、分析信號(AS)和各種垂直導數(VD)。南方地球科學將對數據進行進一步處理,包括對選定區域進行三維反演。

This survey has successfully provided better definition of the magnetic anomalies that appear to be related to magnetite-copper skarn mineralization. The Company will be reviewing the magnetic survey data over the coming months to aid the current field programs and planned drilling.


The Whitehorse Copper Project


The Whitehorse Copper Project is an advanced-stage copper (Cu) ± molybdenum (Mo) ± silver (Ag) ± gold (Au) skarn exploration project in the Yukon Territory, Canada. The project comprises 133km2 of prospective geology in the Whitehorse Mining District.

懷特霍斯銅業項目是加拿大育空地區一個處於後期階段的銅(Cu)± 鉬(Mo)± 銀(Ag)± 金(Au)矽卡巖勘探項目。該項目總長133千米2 懷特霍斯礦區的潛在地質情況。

Copper mineralization was first discovered in 1897 on the Whitehorse Copper Belt, as it became to be known. The Whitehorse Copper Belt comprised over 40 prospect areas, primarily copper skarn occurrences, within a 25km radius of historical mining operations. Exploration and mining development have been carried out intermittently since that time with the main production era lasting between 1967 and 1982 where production totaled 267,500,000 pounds copper, 225,000 ounces of gold and 2,838,000 ounces of silver from 11.1 million tons of mineralized material milled (Watson, 1984).

銅礦化於 1897 年在懷特霍斯銅帶首次被發現,現已爲人所知。懷特霍斯銅帶包括40多個勘探區域,主要是銅矽卡巖礦點,位於歷史採礦作業的25公里半徑範圍內。自那時以來,勘探和採礦開發一直斷斷續續,主要生產時代持續到1967年至1982年之間,從磨碎的1,110萬噸礦化材料中總產量爲26.75萬磅銅、22.5萬盎司黃金和283.8萬盎司銀(Watson,1984年)。

The Project is accessible through numerous access roads and trails located within 2 km of the South Klondike Highway and the Alaska Highway. An extensive network of historical gravel exploration and haul roads exists throughout the project area, providing excellent access to the majority of the claim package. Access to existing electric power facilities is available through the main Yukon power grid.


Qualified Person


All scientific and technical information in this news release has been prepared or reviewed and approved by Kell Nielsen, the Company's Vice President Exploration, a "qualified person" as defined by NI 43-101.

本新聞稿中的所有科學和技術信息均由公司勘探副總裁凱爾·尼爾森編寫、審查和批准,凱爾·尼爾森是NI 43-101定義的 “合格人士”。

Watson P.H. (1984) The Whitehorse Copper Belt - A Compilation. Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 1984-1. ()

Watson P.H.(1984)《懷特霍斯銅帶》——彙編。育空地質調查局,打開檔案 1984-1。()

Tenney D. (1981) - The Whitehorse Copper Belt: Mining, Exploration and Geology (1967-1980). ()

Tenney D.(1981)-懷特霍斯銅帶:採礦、勘探和地質學(1967-1980)。()



"Jason Bontempo"
Jason Bontempo
President and CEO


For further information contact:
Dustin Zinger, Investor Relations


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Forward-Looking statements or information are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements or information, including, without limitation, the need for additional capital by the Company through financings, and the risk that such funds may not be raised; the speculative nature of exploration and the stages of the Company's properties; the effect of changes in commodity prices; regulatory risks that development of the Company's material properties will not be acceptable for social, environmental or other reasons; availability of equipment (including drills) and personnel to carry out work programs; and that each stage of work will be completed within expected time frames. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements or information. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, described or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.


The Company's forward-looking statements and information are based on the assumptions, beliefs, expectations and opinions of management as of the date of this news release, and other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements and information if circumstances or management's assumptions, beliefs, expectations or opinions should change, or changes in any other events affecting such statements or information.


