
Purple Biotech Announces Positive Late-Breaking Interim Randomized Phase 2 Data at ASCO 2024 Demonstrating CM24 Improved Overall Survival and Other Efficacy Endpoints in Pancreatic Cancer

Purple Biotech Announces Positive Late-Breaking Interim Randomized Phase 2 Data at ASCO 2024 Demonstrating CM24 Improved Overall Survival and Other Efficacy Endpoints in Pancreatic Cancer

Purple Biotech在2024年ASCO 上公佈了最新公佈的正面中期隨機2期數據,表明CM24改善了胰腺癌的總體存活率和其他療效終點
GlobeNewswire ·  06/01 20:00
  • 26% reduction in risk of death (HR=0.74) and 28% risk reduction in progression or death (HR=0.72) in previously-treated patients administered with CM24+nivolumab+Nal/IRI/5FU/LV vs. standard-of-care(SoC) based on preliminary interim data

  • Prolongation of 2.1 months in median overall survival (OS) and 1.9 months in median progression-free survival (PFS) in the CM24+nivolumab+Nal-IRI/5FU/LV regimen vs. standard-of-care

  • Data supported by higher objective response rate (ORR) (25% vs 7%), disease control rate (DCR) (63% vs 40%), and decrease in CA19-9 level (61% decrease vs. 34% increase)

  • 根據初步的中期數據,與標準護理(SoC)相比,先前接受過cm24+nivolumab+NAL/IRI/5FU/LV治療的患者的死亡風險(HR=0.74)降低 26%,進展或死亡風險降低 28%(HR=0.72)

  • 與標準護理相比,cm24+nivolumab+nal-iri/5FU/LV 方案的中位總生存期(OS)延長2.1個月,中位無進展存活率(PFS)延長1.9個月

  • 數據得到更高的客觀反應率(ORR)(25% 對 7%)、疾病控制率(DCR)(63% 對 40%)以及 CA19-9 水平下降(降低 61%,增幅爲 34%)的支持

REHOVOT, Israel, June  01, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Purple Biotech Ltd. ("Purple Biotech" or "the Company") (NASDAQ/TASE: PPBT), a clinical-stage company developing first-in-class therapies that harness the power of the tumor microenvironment and immune system to overcome tumor immune evasion and drug resistance, today announced positive interim data from its randomized, controlled, open label, multicenter Phase 2 study of CM24 in second-line metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) presented at a late-breaking abstract poster presentation at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting.  

以色列雷霍沃特,2024年6月1日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——紫色生物技術有限公司(“紫色生物科技” 或 “公司”)(納斯達克/TASE:PPBT)是一家臨床階段的公司,正在開發利用腫瘤微環境和免疫系統的力量來克服腫瘤免疫逃避和耐藥性的同類首創療法,今天公佈了其隨機、對照、開放標籤、多中心階段的積極中期數據 2 CM24在二線轉移性胰腺導管腺癌(PDAC)中的研究在2024年的最新摘要海報發佈會上發表美國臨床腫瘤學會(ASCO)年會。

"These exciting interim data demonstrate the potential of CM24 in combination with nivolumab plus the standard-of-care chemotherapy regimen Nal-IRI/5FU/LV to improve clinical outcomes for advanced metastatic PDAC patients. We are highly encouraged by the meaningful results of our primary endpoint, Overall Survival, as well as by the concordant and consistent improvement in all secondary endpoints including PFS, ORR, DCR and CA19-9" stated Gil Efron, Chief Executive Officer of Purple Biotech.

“這些令人興奮的中期數據表明,CM24與nivolumab加上標準護理化療方案nal-iri/5fu/LV聯合使用有可能改善晚期轉移性PDAC患者的臨床療效。Purple Biotech首席執行官吉爾·埃夫隆表示:“我們的主要終點——總體存活率——取得了有意義的結果,以及包括PFS、ORR、DCR和CA19-9在內的所有次要終點都取得了一致而持續的改善,這使我們深受鼓舞。”

Michael Cecchini, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Yale Cancer Center, a principal investigator in this study, commented, "As a clinician, it is encouraging to see these interim data in the Nal-IRI arm suggesting the potential for improved clinical outcomes for patients with late-stage metastatic PDAC who are in dire need of new effective therapies. These patients face very limited time with their families, and the prospect of potentially lengthening their lives while delaying their disease progression by approximately two months overall is clinically meaningful. These data justify further investigation of CM24 in combination with nivolumab together with standard-of-care chemotherapy to potentially improve outcomes for patients facing a very poor prognosis from this type of tumor".


The Phase 2 study is evaluating CM24, a novel first-in-class multi-functional anti-CEACAM1 antibody, in combination with Bristol Myers Squibb's immune checkpoint inhibitor nivolumab plus SoC chemotherapy in second-line PDAC patients versus SoC chemotherapy alone. CM24 is a humanized monoclonal antibody that blocks CEACAM1, an immune checkpoint protein responsible for tumor immune evasion and poor tumor response and/or resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors. The primary endpoint of the study is OS and the secondary endpoints include PFS, ORR and DCR. A Bayesian methodology was used to estimate the magnitude of effect of the experimental arm versus the SoC arm and the study is not powered for hypothesis testing. A total of 63 patients have been enrolled, across 18 centers in the U.S., Spain, and Israel in 2 parallel independent randomized study cohorts (total of 2 arms per cohort). The experimental arms administered patients with CM24 plus nivolumab and a choice of one of two SoC chemotherapies for second-line PDAC, dependent on prior first line therapy regimen; either gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel or liposomal irinotecan (Nal-IRI)/5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and leucovorin (LV) (Nal-IRI/5FU/LV), while the control arms administered either respective chemotherapy alone. CA19-9 as well as additional exploratory biomarkers are also being evaluated. Of the 63 patients enrolled, 32 were in the gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel study (experimental and control) and 31 were in the Nal-IRI/5FU/LV study (experimental and control). An analysis of the gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel study will be performed when the data are sufficiently mature. Topline final data are expected by the end of 2024.  

該二期研究正在評估CM24,一種同類首創的多功能抗CEACAM1抗體,與百時美施貴寶的免疫檢查點抑制劑nivolumab和SoC化療聯合用於二線PDAC患者的SoC化療與單獨使用SoC化療相比。CM24 是一種人源化單克隆抗體,可阻斷 CEACAM1,這是一種免疫檢查點蛋白,負責腫瘤免疫逃避、腫瘤反應差和/或對免疫檢查點抑制劑的耐藥性。該研究的主要終點是操作系統,次要終點包括PFS、ORR和DCR。使用貝葉斯方法來估計實驗組對比 SoC 組的效應強度,該研究不支持假設檢驗。在美國、西班牙和以色列的18箇中心共招收了63名患者,分爲2個平行的獨立隨機研究群組(每個隊列共2組)。實驗組給患者服用CM24加nivolumab和二線PDAC的兩種SoC化療中的一種,具體取決於先前的一線治療方案:吉西他濱/nab-紫杉醇或脂質體伊立替康(nal-IRI)/5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)和亞葉酸(LV)(nal-iri/5FU/LV),而對照組單獨使用各自的化療。CA19-9 以及其他探索性生物標誌物也在評估中。在63名入組患者中,有32名參加吉西他濱/nab-紫杉醇研究(實驗和對照),31名參加NAL-IRI/5FU/LV研究(實驗和對照)。當數據足夠成熟時,將對吉西他濱/nab-紫杉醇研究進行分析。預計最終數據將於2024年底公佈。

The study interim efficacy results as of the cutoff date of May 8, 2024, are summarized in the following table:



CM24 + Nivolumab + Nal/IRI/5FU/LV Arm
(n = 16)

Nal/IRI/5FU/LV Arm
(n = 15)

Hazard ratio for OS

0.74 (95% CI: 0.31-1.77)

Median OS

7.72 months

5.62 months

6 months OS rate



Hazard Ratio for PFS

0.72 (95% CI: 0.33-1.60)

Median PFS

3.8 months

1.9 months

3 months PFS rate



6 months PFS rate










CM24 + Nivolumab + Nal/iri/5fu/LV Arm
(n = 16)

nal/iri/5fu/LV Arm
(n = 15)


0.74(95% 置信區間:0.31-1.77)


7.72 個月

5.62 個月

6 個月的操作系統速率



PFS 的危險比率

0.72(95% 置信區間:0.33-1.60)

PFS 中位數

3.8 個月

1.9 個月

3 個月的 PFS 費率



6 個月的 PFS 費率








A consistent and continuous decrease of CA19-9, a validated and clinically predictive PDAC biomarker, was observed in the experimental arm (61% on average) vs. an increase in the control arm (34% on average).    

實驗組觀察到經驗證且具有臨床預測性的 PDAC 生物標誌物 CA19-9 持續減少(平均 61%),而對照組的增加(平均爲 34%)。

The CM24+nivolumab+Nal/IRI/5FU/LV regimen was well tolerated, with the most frequent treatment emergent Grade 3 or higher adverse events being diarrhea (19%), fatigue (19%) and anemia (6%).


