
Maxis Spreads Kaamatan Joy With a Series of Festive Themed Community Engagements in Sabah

Maxis Spreads Kaamatan Joy With a Series of Festive Themed Community Engagements in Sabah

明訊 ·  05/31 12:00
Maxis spreads Kaamatan joy with a series of festive themed community engagements in Sabah — 3
  • Large scale participation in the two-week Kaamatan Festival at the Kadazan Dusun Cultural Association (KDCA) village
  • Branded collaboration with top East Malaysian musical talent to present festive music videos
  • English language skills workshop and laptop donation for students of SK Pomotodon, Kota Kinabalu
  • 大規模參與在 Kadazan Dusun 文化協會 (KDCA) 村舉行的爲期兩週的 Kaamatan 音樂節
  • 與東馬頂級音樂人才進行品牌合作,呈現節日音樂視頻
  • 爲哥打基納巴盧 SK Pomotodon 的學生舉辦英語技能研討會和筆記本電腦捐贈

This Kaamatan season, Maxis celebrated the harvest festival in a big way with the communities of Sabah by weaving together a cultural celebration through music, a two-week long series of fun cultural village activities, and digital education and creative workshops.



Kaamatan is such a major festival in Sabah and we're happy to be able to play a positive role in connecting with all the communities we serve. Our harvest season celebrations were a delightful blend of fun, cultural appreciation, and not to mention learning too. We truly hope everyone involved had a joyful time celebrating and learning with Maxis, - Melvin Yap, Maxis Head of Regional Sales Management for Sabah

Kaamatan 是沙巴州一個非常重要的節日,我們很高興能夠在與我們所服務的所有社區建立聯繫方面發揮積極作用。我們的豐收季慶祝活動融合了樂趣、文化欣賞,更不用說學習了。我們真誠地希望所有參與其中的人度過愉快的時光與Maxis一起慶祝和學習,——Maxis沙巴地區銷售管理主管Melvin Yap

Maxis spreads Kaamatan joy with a series of festive themed community engagements in Sabah — 1

Maxis representatives were warmly welcomed with a traditional dance performance by SK Pomotodon students.

Maxis的代表受到了SK Pomotodon學生的傳統舞蹈表演的熱烈歡迎。

Festive Fun at KDCA village: The spirit of Kaamatan was captured at the Maxis and Hotlink booth at KDCA village from 18 to 31 May 2024. Festival visitors were treated to live performances by local artists such as Marsha Milan, Sumandax, Felix Agus, and more. Additionally, visitors were also engaged in interactive sessions with Kupi-Kupi FM announcers and participated in a variety of exciting mini-games including Tikam Guli and Lontar Gelang.

KDCA 村的節日樂趣: Kaamatan 的精神於 2024 年 5 月 18 日至 31 日在 KDCA 村的 Maxis 和 Hotlink 展位上展現出來。音樂節參觀者可以欣賞瑪莎·米蘭、蘇曼達克斯、費利克斯·阿古斯等當地藝術家的現場表演。此外,參觀者還與Kupi-Kupi FM播音員進行了互動環節,並參與了各種激動人心的小遊戲,包括 蒂卡姆·古利Lontar Gelang。

Maxis spreads Kaamatan joy with a series of festive themed community engagements in Sabah — main banner

Adding to the celebratory atmosphere was a special appearance by all the Unduk Ngadau finalists for the year, an annual state-wide beauty pageant held during the Kaamatan festival. The competition was also live streamed on Maxis and Hotlink's Facebook page.

所有人的特別露面爲慶祝氣氛增添了歡樂氣氛 Unduk Ngadau 年度決賽入圍者,一年一度的全州選美大賽,在Kaamatan音樂節期間舉行。比賽還在Maxis和Hotlink的Facebook頁面上進行了直播。

Maxis spreads Kaamatan joy with a series of festive themed community engagements in Sabah — 4

Participants of the Maxis Kaamatan festive charity from SK Pomotodon with their gifts.

來自 SK Pomotodon 的 Maxis Kaamatan 節日慈善活動的參與者帶着禮物。

Six lucky customers who signed up with Maxis or Hotlink latest 5G plans during the festival also walked away with lucky draw prizes such as 65-inch and 55-inch smart TV, karaoke system, robot vacuum, and other consumer appliances.


Celebrating culture through music: To help spread the festive cheer, Maxis also collaborated with talented East Malaysian artists to present two music videos that were a blend of fresh melodies and cultural exploration.

通過音樂慶祝文化: 爲了幫助傳播節日的歡樂,Maxis還與才華橫溢的東馬藝術家合作,呈現了兩段融合了新鮮旋律和文化探索的音樂視頻。

A heartwarming track, 'Idola' by KUPIKUPI FM Sabah, captures the innocent excitement of young love. The music video takes viewers on a nostalgic journey through a traditional Sabah village, nestled against the breathtaking backdrop of Mount Kinabalu, and features special guest appearances by past Unduk Ngadau winners.

一首令人心動的曲目, 沙巴 KUPIKUPI FM 的《偶像》,捕捉了年輕愛情的純真興奮。該音樂視頻帶領觀衆踏上懷舊之旅,穿越傳統的沙巴村莊,坐落在京那巴魯山的壯麗背景下,並以過去的特別嘉賓爲特色 Unduk Ngadau 贏家們。

'Original Sabahan (remake)' by Sumandax meanwhile, injects a vibrant pop twist into the classic song, celebrating the pride of being Sabahan. The music video showcases a unique choreography that complements the song's high energy.

Sumandax 的《原創 Sabahan(重製版)》 同時,爲這首經典歌曲注入了充滿活力的流行氣息,慶祝成爲沙巴罕的自豪感。音樂視頻展示了獨特的編舞,與這首歌的高能量相得益彰。

Empowering young minds: Last but not least, at SK Pomotodon, Kota Kinabalu, Maxis hosted a special event that engaged students in fun activities that aimed to empower the students and support their digital education.

賦予年輕人思維能力: 最後但並非最不重要的一點是,在哥打京那巴魯的SK Pomotodon,Maxis舉辦了一場特別活動,讓學生參與有趣的活動,旨在增強學生能力並支持他們的數字教育。

Maxis spreads Kaamatan joy with a series of festive themed community engagements in Sabah — 2

Maxis representatives providing English language storytelling guidance to the rapt attention of SK Pomotodon students.

Maxis代表爲SK Pomotodon的學生提供英語講故事指導。

Recognising the importance of digital access for learning, Maxis also contributed 11 laptops as an additional resource for the school. The laptop will enable more students to access Maxis eKelas content, especially digital learning materials in Science, Mathematics, English, Bahasa Melayu and History as well as digital and soft skills related topics.

明訊認識到數字訪問對學習的重要性,還捐贈了11檯筆記本電腦作爲學校的額外資源。筆記本電腦將使更多學生能夠訪問 Maxis eKelas 內容,尤其是科學、數學、英語、馬來語和歷史方面的數字學習材料,以及與數字和軟技能相關的主題。

Year 4 to Year 6 students participated in an English storytelling workshop, where they were given tips and skills to improve their English fluency and communication in an immersive way. The workshop is part of Maxis eKelas' HIPMaX StoryFest roadshow, an annual English Language theatre and storytelling competition open to all Year 4 to Form 5 Malaysian students.

四年級至六年級的學生參加了英語講故事研討會,向他們提供了提示和技能,以身臨其境的方式提高英語流利度和溝通能力。該研討會是其中的一部分 Maxis eKelas 的 HipMax StoryFest 路演,一年一度的英語戲劇和講故事比賽,向所有四年級至中五年級的馬來西亞學生開放。

