
Newborn Town's TopTop Gets Featured on the App Store Due to Its Deep Dive Into MENA Mobile Games Market

Newborn Town's TopTop Gets Featured on the App Store Due to Its Deep Dive Into MENA Mobile Games Market

Neborn Town 的 TopTop 因深入挖掘中東和北非移動遊戲市場而在應用商店中脫穎而出
PR Newswire ·  05/31 15:00

HONG KONG, May 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TopTop, Newborn Town's game-oriented social app, was recently featured by the Apple App Store, reaching out to dozens of countries and regions such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar and Oman.

香港,2024年5月31日 /PRNewswire/ — Bornborn Town以遊戲爲導向的社交應用程序TopTop最近在蘋果應用商店上市,覆蓋了沙特阿拉伯、阿聯酋、卡塔爾和阿曼等數十個國家和地區。

TopTop is one of the results of Newborn Town's thorough investigation of MENA users' social habits. By integrating locally popular games with audio-centric social features, this app quickly caught users' eyes upon its launch.


TopTop consistently ranks at the top of the list of highest-grossing social media apps in GCC countries, with active users spending an average of 60 minutes a day on it, according to Newborn Town's previous financial disclosure.

根據Neborn Town先前的財務披露,TopTop一直位居海灣合作委員會國家收入最高的社交媒體應用程序列表的首位,活躍用戶平均每天在上面花費60分鐘。

By offering regional favourites like Ludo and Domino as well as highly interactive games like UNO within the app, TopTop has focused on facilitating real-time multi-player interactions as it also embeds voice chat room features and avatar design tools, enhancing user engagement and stickiness.


Extending its localization strategy beyond product design, TopTop organizes multiple events to celebrate local holidays and festivals while customizing virtual gifts for online users, catering to their diverse social demands.

TopTop 將其本地化戰略擴展到產品設計之外,組織了多項活動來慶祝當地的節日和節日,同時爲在線用戶定製虛擬禮物,以滿足他們不同的社會需求。

As a leading player in the social entertainment sector expanding overseas, Newborn Town has deeply rooted itself in the MENA market since 2017. The company continually unlocks market potential through a diversified product portfolio and comprehensive localization efforts.


Newborn Town's operating data for Q1 2024 revealed a YoY growth of more than 65% in its social networking business, with revenue exceeding 1 billion yuan.


According to Newborn Town's 2023 annual results, the later-launched products SUGO and TopTop have shown outstanding performance. In the MENA market, both their scale and commercialization capabilities have seen significant breakthroughs. In 2023, SUGO's monthly active users increased more than threefold year-on-year, with revenue and profit growing over threefold as well.


TopTop's revenue more than doubled year-on-year, and its profit grew more than six times. Meanwhile, earlier-launched products MICO and YoHo have maintained stable growth, continually contributing to cash flow and profit.


Meanwhile, Newborn Town has also ventured into mobile game development, and its quality game business is running smoothly.


Aiming to create positive emotional values for global users, Newborn Town will maintain its lead in the global social entertainment track by staying centred on the "Pan-audience Social Networking" realm while expanding "Diverse-audience Social Networking" and quality games businesses.

爲了爲全球用戶創造積極的情感價值,Newborn Town將保持其在全球社交娛樂領域的領先地位,在擴大 “多元受衆社交網絡” 和優質遊戲業務的同時,保持其在 “泛受衆社交網絡” 領域的領先地位。

