
Advanced Gold Exploration to Participate in THE Mining Investment Event of the North, Canada's Only Tier I Global Mining Investment Conference

Advanced Gold Exploration to Participate in THE Mining Investment Event of the North, Canada's Only Tier I Global Mining Investment Conference

Advanced Gold Exploration將參加加拿大唯一的一級全球礦業投資會議 “北方礦業投資活動”
newsfile ·  2024/05/30 14:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 30, 2024) - Advanced Gold Exploration (CSE: AUEX), a Canadian Junior gold explorer whose focus is reviving and enhancing abandoned and unloved projects, is pleased to announce that it will be participating in THE Mining Investment Event of the North, ("THE Event") taking place June 4-6, 2024 in Quebec City at the Centre des congrès de Québec.

多倫多,安大略省 - (Newsfile Corp. - 2024年5月30日)- 愛文思控股的黃金勘探加拿大初創黃金勘探公司Advanced Gold Exploration (CSE:AUEX)專注於復興和加強被棄置和不受歡迎的項目,很高興宣佈將參與北方礦業投資活動(以下簡稱“本次活動”)本次活動將於2024年6月4日至6日在魁北克市的Centre des congrès de Québec舉辦。

Management from Advanced Gold Exploration will be holding one-on-one investor meetings throughout the three-day conference.

Advanced Gold Exploration的管理層將在爲期三天的會議期間進行一對一的投資者會議。

Investors are invited to contact Jennifer Choi at to inquire about registering to attend.

投資者可以聯繫Jennifer Choi (電子郵件地址諮詢註冊參加。

About Advanced Gold Exploration

關於Advanced Gold Exploration

Advanced Gold Exploration is a Canadian company with gold projects in Ontario and South Carolina. In the Kirkland Lake area of Ontario our Melba Property has a small non-43-101 complaint resource of gold on surface and underground workings. The gold is present as visible gold in quartz veins and altered porphyry dikes. In South Carolina the Landrum Project has two area of gold mineralization. The former mine has a non-43-101 compliant resource of approximately 68,000 ounces in underground workings. Approximately 5 miles away the Faulkner Mountain project has an extensive gold bearing alteration zone adjacent to a highly altered intrusive with high-grade epithermal gold in drilling that has not been followed up.

Advanced Gold Exploration是一家加拿大公司,在安大略省和南卡羅來納州擁有黃金項目。在安大略省柯克蘭萊克地區,我們的Melba Property擁有非43-101申報的小規模地表和地下金儲量。金存在於石英脈和蝕變斑岩脈中的可見金中。在南卡羅來納州,Landrum項目有兩個金礦化區域。前礦有約68,000盎司的非43-101申報儲量,儲存在地下工程中。大約5英里外的Faulkner Mountain項目有一個廣泛的黃金軸承改造帶,毗鄰高度改造的侵入體,在鑽探中具有高品位的淺成熱液型金,但未跟進。

James Atkinson
CEO and Director


THE Event is invitation only - Interested investors & issuers please go here: or contact Jennifer Choi,

本次活動僅限邀請 - 有興趣的投資者和發行人請點擊這裏: 或聯繫Jennifer Choi,電子郵件地址爲

The latest Agenda, Brochure, participating companies, speakers & panelists may be found here: .

最新議程、手冊、參會公司、發言人與嘉賓可以在此處查看: .

About THE Mining Investment Event of the North - Canada's Only Tier I Global Mining Investment Conference is held annually in Québec City, Canada. THE Event is independently sponsored and designed to facilitate privately arranged meetings between mining companies, international investors, and various mining government authorities and provides a platform to hear from some of most influential thought leaders in the sector. THE Event is committed to promoting diversity, equality issues and sustainability in the mining industry via education and innovation through its unique Student Sponsorship and SHE-Co Initiatives.

關於北方礦業投資活動 - 加拿大唯一的頂級國際礦業投資會議,在加拿大魁北克市舉行。本次活動是獨立贊助和設計的,旨在促進礦業公司、國際投資者和各種礦業政府機構之間的私人安排會議,並提供一個平台聽取業界最有影響力的思想領袖之一的觀點。本次活動致力於通過教育和創新,推動礦業行業的多樣性、平等和可持續發展,通過其獨特的學生贊助和SHE-Co倡議。請在此查看2024年議程、手冊、參會公司、發言人與嘉賓: .

