
Plural Energy Raises $2.33M to Pioneer On-chain Investing for Renewable Energy Projects, Secures Solaris as First Investment Opportunity

Plural Energy Raises $2.33M to Pioneer On-chain Investing for Renewable Energy Projects, Secures Solaris as First Investment Opportunity

Plural Energy籌集了233萬美元,先驅可再生能源項目的鏈上投資,確保Solaris成爲第一個投資機會
PR Newswire ·  05/31 00:31

With a 40,000+ investor-strong waitlist, Plural plans to issue tokenized assets for small and mid-sized investments that allow anyone to participate in accelerating the global clean energy transition.


SAN FRANCISCO, May 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Plural Energy, the on-chain investing platform powering the global transition to clean energy, today announces:

舊金山,2024 年 5 月 30 日 /PRNewswire/-- 多元能量推動全球向清潔能源過渡的鏈上投資平台今天宣佈:

  • $2.33 million in pre-seed funding led by Necessary Ventures and Compound, with participation from Volt Capital and Maven11.
  • The first tokenized investment asset to go live on Plural will be a portfolio of solar projects developed by Solaris Energy (Solaris) planned for later this summer.
  • Using its blockchain-powered investing platform to tokenize clean energy assets, Plural will introduce a high-impact asset class to a much broader and diverse range of investors operating both in and outside of traditional financial institutions.
  • 233萬美元的種子前資金由以下人士領投 必要的企業化合物,參與者有 Volt CapitalMaven11。
  • 首個在Plural上線的代幣化投資資產將是開發的太陽能項目組合 索拉里斯能源 (Solaris)計劃在今年夏天晚些時候推出。
  • Plural將利用其區塊鏈驅動的投資平台對清潔能源資產進行代幣化,將向在傳統金融機構內外運營的更廣泛和多樣化的投資者引入高影響力的資產類別。

$4 trillion more dollars needs to be invested into clean energy by 2030 to reach global climate goals. Plural is doing its part to close this funding gap by allowing investors direct access to renewable energy investments.

到2030年,需要在清潔能源上再投資4萬億美元,以實現全球氣候目標。 Plural正在儘自己的一份力量通過允許投資者直接獲得可再生能源投資來縮小這一資金缺口。

"Plural is building a new financial system for the clean energy transition that is accessible to all, and won't let access to capital stand in the way of a clean energy future," said Adam Silver, Co-Founder and CEO of Plural Energy. "We're connecting all types of investors to high-quality renewable energy projects so that everyone can benefit from a distributed grid that is powered by renewables."

Plural Energy聯合創始人兼首席執行官亞當·西爾弗表示:“Plural正在爲清潔能源轉型建立一個所有人都能獲得的新金融體系,並且不會讓資本渠道阻礙清潔能源的未來。”“我們正在將所有類型的投資者與高質量的可再生能源項目聯繫起來,這樣每個人都可以從由可再生能源提供動力的分佈式電網中受益。”

First investment offering: Solaris
Soon, Plural users can invest in a portfolio of operational solar farms across the U.S. developed by Solaris. Investors will accrue dividends whenever the sun shines through Plural's blockchain-powered smart contract infrastructure.


"We chose Plural because its solution makes the entire capital raising process easy," said Alex Blackmer, Chief Executive Officer & Co-Owner of Solaris. "Fundraising is challenging in this environment, especially for smaller-scale renewable energy projects. Working with Plural, we see a path towards the democratization of solar finance where anyone can become a part of the revolution that is greening the energy sector. Partnering with Plural has been a great experience, and we can't wait to expand the community around the assets that we build."


Plural brings clean energy investing to the masses
Plural's easy-to-navigate blockchain investing platform makes investing approachable for every type of investor, from fund and asset managers to alternative retail investors to retirement savers, featuring:

Plural 爲大衆帶來了清潔能源投資

  • Top renewable energy partners. Plural works with highly regarded renewable energy developers and CleanTech companies around the world, increasing direct climate impact and yield.
  • Diverse, impactful assets. Plural focuses on assets for projects under $100M, which are often overlooked by infrastructure investors despite their vital role in transitioning the power grid.
  • Regulatory compliance. Plural has become a registered transfer agent and works directly with SEC-registered broker-dealers, Know Your Customer (KYC) providers, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Technology, and more to secure a stack that is compliant for US investors to access. Blockchain-powered smart contracts create a transparent ledger of secure, low-cost transactions that are aligned with SEC rules and regulations.
  • 頂級可再生能源合作伙伴。 Plural與世界各地備受推崇的可再生能源開發商和清潔技術公司合作,增加了對氣候的直接影響和產量。
  • 多樣化、有影響力的資產。 Plural專注於1億美元以下項目的資產,儘管這些資產在電網過渡中起着至關重要的作用,但它們經常被基礎設施投資者忽視。
  • 監管合規性。 Plural已成爲註冊的轉賬代理,並直接與美國證券交易委員會註冊的經紀交易商、了解您的客戶(KYC)提供商、反洗錢(AML)技術等合作,以保護美國投資者可以訪問的合規堆棧。區塊鏈驅動的智能合約創建了符合美國證券交易委員會規章制度的透明安全、低成本交易賬本。

"Investing in renewable assets has been highly profitable and stable for institutional investors, consistently generating double-digit IRRs domestically and abroad. It's time to unlock this opportunity for all investors," said Neil Devani, Founder and Managing Partner at Necessary Ventures. "Plural is effectively accelerating the infrastructure needed for a brighter future by democratizing this asset class. Anyone can now invest in green energy, track the financials and production data for the projects they invest in, and sell their investments at any time."

“投資可再生資產對機構投資者來說利潤豐厚且穩定,在國內外持續產生兩位數的內部收益率。現在是爲所有投資者解鎖這個機會的時候了。” Necessided Ventures的創始人兼管理合夥人尼爾·德瓦尼說。“通過使這種資產類別民主化,Plural正在有效地加速實現更光明未來所需的基礎設施。現在,任何人都可以投資綠色能源,跟蹤所投資項目的財務和生產數據,並隨時出售投資。”

Blockchain makes investing more efficient and profitable
Plural partners with renewable energy companies to create security tokens that can be purchased via blockchain-powered smart contracts, reducing the logistical friction that deters investors from funding distributed energy projects.


The user experience will feel as simple and accessible as trading traditional stocks, but on the backend, this Web3 approach:

用戶體驗將像交易傳統股票一樣簡單易用,但在後端,這種 Web3 方法:

  • Automates complicated fund flows by templatizing agreements and models.
  • Tokenizes and securitizes projects for high-speed, low-cost transactions.
  • Requires fewer financial intermediaries.
  • 通過模板化協議和模型來自動化複雜的資金流。
  • 對項目進行代幣化和證券化,以實現高速、低成本的交易。
  • 需要更少的金融中介機構。

The resulting savings on transaction fees and management fees delivers additional yield to investors and a lower cost of capital to renewable energy companies.


"As we saw immense interest from both institutional and retail-focused investors in real-world assets on-chain, we were really excited by what Plural is building – not only for the need, but also for the impact," said Mike Dempsey, Managing Partner of Compound. "We're honored to partner with the entire Plural team as they accelerate towards enabling at-scale funding of renewable energy projects, big and small."


Rapid growth and interest
Founded in early 2023, Plural has already attracted the support of renewable energy veterans, grown its team, and cultivated an impressive waitlist:

Plural 成立於 2023 年初,已經吸引了可再生能源資深人士的支持,壯大了團隊,並培養了一份令人印象深刻的候補名單:

  • Expert advisors:
    • Benoit Allehaut, a renewable energy industry veteran with over 25 years of experience overseeing billions of dollars of energy transition investments, most recently as advisor and managing director at a large private equity firm.
    • Paula Zagrecki, founder and CEO of Zorya Energy, has developed and financed billions of dollars of renewable energy projects over the past 30 years with a recent focus on distributed energy assets.
  • Recent full-time hires:
    • Chief Technology Officer: Kent Kolze, the former head of Global Petroleum Engineering at Citadel known for leading the development of advanced trading systems for energy markets, joined Plural as CTO.
    • General Counsel: Howard "Wood" Steinberg brings more than two decades of experience as GC/CLO/CCO to his role with Plural. Formerly General Counsel and Head of Regulatory at Forge Global and General Counsel and Chief Regulatory Officer at LTSE, Wood has also led the legal and compliance effort at Scotiabank and Nomura and has served in senior roles with Goldman Sachs' regulatory practice group and Merrill Lynch's investment banking and equity trading groups.
  • Early user sign-ups:
    • 40,000+ investors have already joined the Plural waitlist for the company's first on-chain asset launch.
  • 專家顧問:
    • Benoit Allehaut,可再生能源行業資深人士,在監督數十億美元的能源轉型投資方面擁有超過25年的經驗,最近曾在一家大型私募股權公司擔任顧問和董事總經理。
    • 寶拉·扎格雷基,的創始人兼首席執行官 佐里亞能源,在過去的30年中開發和資助了數十億美元的可再生能源項目,最近重點是分佈式能源資產。
  • 最近的全職招聘人數:
    • 首席技術官: 肯特·科爾茲, Citadel前全球石油工程負責人以領導能源市場先進交易系統的開發而聞名,他加入Plural擔任首席技術官。
    • 總法律顧問: 霍華德 “伍德” 斯坦伯格 他在 Plural 的角色中擁有二十多年的擔任 GC/CLO/CCO 的經驗。伍德曾任Forge Global的總法律顧問兼監管主管以及LTSE的總法律顧問兼首席監管官,還領導豐業銀行和野村證券的法律和合規工作,並曾在高盛監管業務組和美林證券的投資銀行和股票交易集團擔任高級職務。
  • 早期用戶註冊:
    • 40,000多名投資者已經加入了該公司首次鏈上資產發佈的Plural候補名單。

In this next phase of growth, Plural aims to launch more clean energy financing on-chain and bring more renewable assets to market with its novel approach.


Learn more about Solaris's portfolio
Click here to learn more about Solaris's portfolio offering on Plural: Ace Portfolio Overview.

了解有關 Solaris 產品組合的更多信息
單擊此處了解有關Solaris在Plural上提供的投資組合的更多信息: Ace 投資組合概述

Plural Energy is powering the clean energy transition by enabling everyone, from fund and asset managers to alternative retail investors to retirement savers, to invest directly in the clean energy transition. Plural's easy-to-navigate blockchain platform simplifies green energy financing, expands access to a profitable asset class, and helps close the 4 trillion dollar financing gap needed to meet 2030 climate goals. Learn more at .

Plural Energy使所有人,從基金和資產管理公司到另類散戶投資者再到退休儲蓄者,都能直接投資於清潔能源轉型,從而推動清潔能源轉型。Plural易於操作的區塊鏈平台簡化了綠色能源融資,擴大了獲得盈利資產類別的機會,並幫助縮小了實現2030年氣候目標所需的4萬億美元融資缺口。要了解更多,請訪問

Discussion of Solaris Renewable Equity A. Portfolio offering is in preparation for the offering going live. At this time: No money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. No offer to buy the securities can be accepted, and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement is filed and only through the platform of an intermediary (funding portal or broker-dealer). A person's indication of interest includes no obligation or commitment of any kind.

關於Solaris可再生股票的討論 A. 投資組合的發行正在爲該發行的上線做準備。目前:沒有人要求任何款項或其他對價,如果作爲回應,將不予接受。只有通過中介平台(融資門戶網站或經紀交易商)提交發行聲明,才能接受任何購買證券的提議,也不能收到任何購買價格的一部分。個人的利益表示不包括任何形式的義務或承諾。

SOURCE Plural Energy


