
COSCO SHIPPING Completed the Delivery of the Ultra-Large FPSO Module

COSCO SHIPPING Completed the Delivery of the Ultra-Large FPSO Module

中遠海運完成超大型 FPSO 模塊的交付
中遠海運 ·  05/30 12:00

COSCO SHIPPING Logistics has successfully delivered all 18 ultra-large modules for the FPSO Maria Quiteria. This marks the client's second FPSO designed and built in China. With our technical capabilities, we completed the delivery in 10 voyages over six months, providing seamless end-to-end services. We are pleased to have received high praise and a letter of thanks from the client.

中遠海運物流已成功交付FPSO Maria Quiteria的全部18個超大型模塊。這標誌着該客戶在中國設計和建造的第二個 FPSO。憑藉我們的技術能力,我們在六個月內完成了10次航次的交付,提供了無縫的端到端服務。我們很高興收到客戶的高度讚揚和感謝信。

The FPSO Maria Quiteria is sailing towards the oil field in Brazil.

FPSO Maria Quiteria正在駛向巴西的油田。


