
Aflac Voices - Jeri Hawthorne: Cultivating Mental Wellness at Work

Aflac Voices - Jeri Hawthorne: Cultivating Mental Wellness at Work

Aflac Voices-Jeri Hawthorne:在工作中培養心理健康
Accesswire ·  05/30 22:15

By Jeri Hawthorne, Chief Human Resources Officer, Aflac Incorporated

作者:Aflac Incorporated首席人力資源官傑裏·霍桑

Originally published on Aflac Newsroom

最初發表在 Aflac 新聞編輯室

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / May 30, 2024 / Early in my career, I was leading a global HR function and traveling all over the world to help open facilities in various countries. It was a very intense job - when I wasn't on a plane, I was commuting almost three hours a day - but it was work for which I felt proud and enjoyed.

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE /2024年5月30日/在我職業生涯的早期,我曾領導全球人力資源部門,並環遊世界以幫助在不同國家開設設施。這是一項非常艱鉅的工作 —— 當我不在飛機上時,我每天要通勤將近三個小時 —— 但我爲此感到自豪和享受。

The company presented an opportunity to participate in a leadership training program that emphasized the importance of work-life balance across professional life, family life, community involvement and self-care. Each of us drew a button with four holes, one for each of those four categories. The size of the hole was supposed to represent how much time and energy we were spending on that particular category.


My button had only three holes: an extra-large one for work; two very tiny ones that represented family life and self-care; and community was missing entirely. I loved my job at the time, but that one exercise made me realize that I was placing too much focus on just that one aspect of my life at the expense of quality time in other, more important areas.


I have carried this analogy with me throughout my career and use it regularly to help ensure I integrate each of these facets in a more deliberate way - especially now that the topic of burnout is more top of mind than ever before.


In fact, the recent Aflac WorkForces Report confirmed what I knew to be true from my own experience then and what many Americans are experiencing today - it showed that 74% of American workers are stressed, and 57% currently face at least moderate levels of burnout.

實際上,最近的Aflac WorkForces報告證實了我當時的親身經歷以及當今許多美國人的經歷所知道的真實情況——該報告顯示,74%的美國工人承受壓力,目前有57%的工人面臨至少中等程度的職業倦怠。

Now that I'm in a position to influence change and help ensure the well-being of those at my workplace, I have some advice that helped me in my journey to build mental wellness at work:


  • Draw your own button. The only way to know what you need to do is to assess where you are today. Draw a button with four holes representing your professional life, family life, community involvement and self-care, and make the size of each hole bigger or smaller based on how much of your time is spent in each category. Use that to find where you need to adjust how you spend your time and energy. Know that your priorities will likely change based on life circumstances. So, use this analogy over time as your think about priorities.
  • Get to know your benefits. Trying to understand your benefits in a time of distress can create more stress. If you have access to benefits, take time to learn them so you can take advantage of available services, apps and classes dedicated to enhancing your mental health. Some employers even provide programs that address other aspects - such as financial, social and physical wellness - that can also play a role in mental health.
  • Find the line. There is a fine line between beneficial stress that leads to growth and stress that leads to burnout. I've learned that mental wellness is like physical wellness in a lot of ways. Much like strength training helps build muscle, mentally challenging work can help build resilience. But in that same vein, working out too hard or too often can put you at risk for injury, just as being overwhelmed with daily responsibilities with no chance for rest can put you at risk for burnout. The line between the two is different for everyone, but it's important to find where it is for you.
  • Use your PTO. If you're in the workforce, you may earn paid time off (PTO) - use it. Whether you take a big, weeklong trip or just a day to unplug at home, use that time to reset and recharge. (And if you manage employees, encourage them to use their PTO, especially if it's at risk of expiring. Having that level of support from leadership goes a long way in building trust.)
  • Get your health checkups. Whether you feel fine or not, it's always important to get your regular checkups - they help ensure you're in good health, and they present opportunities to have open conversations with health care professionals about building mental wellness.
  • 畫你自己的按鈕。知道你需要做什麼的唯一方法是評估你今天的狀況。畫一個有四個洞的按鈕,代表你的職業生活、家庭生活、社區參與和自我保健,並根據你在每個類別中花費的時間來擴大或縮小每個洞的大小。利用它來找到需要調整時間和精力的消耗方式。知道你的優先事項可能會根據生活環境而改變。因此,隨着時間的推移,使用這個比喻來思考優先事項。
  • 了解您的福利。在困境中試圖了解自己的好處會帶來更大的壓力。如果您有機會獲得福利,請花點時間學習這些福利,這樣您就可以利用專門用於改善心理健康的現有服務、應用程序和課程。一些僱主甚至提供針對其他方面的計劃,例如財務、社交和身體健康,這些計劃也可以在心理健康中發揮作用。
  • 找到那條線。在導致生長的有益壓力和導致精疲力盡的壓力之間有一條細微的界限。我了解到,心理健康在很多方面就像身體健康。就像力量訓練有助於鍛鍊肌肉一樣,具有精神挑戰性的工作也有助於增強韌性。但同樣,過於努力或過於頻繁地鍛鍊會使你面臨受傷的風險,就像日常工作不堪重負,沒有休息機會會讓你面臨精疲力盡的風險一樣。兩者之間的界限對每個人來說都不一樣,但重要的是要找到適合你的位置。
  • 使用您的 PTO。如果你在工作,你可以獲得帶薪休假(PTO)——使用它。無論您是進行爲期一週的大規模旅行,還是隻需要一天時間在家中拔掉電源,都可以利用這段時間進行重置和充電。(而且,如果你管理員工,鼓勵他們使用他們的PTO,尤其是在它有到期風險的情況下。獲得領導層的這種支持對於建立信任大有幫助。)
  • 去做健康檢查。無論你是否感覺良好,定期檢查總是很重要的,它們有助於確保你的健康狀況,也爲你提供了與醫療保健專業人員就建立心理健康進行公開對話的機會。

Work is a significant part of who we are - after all, we spend at least a third of our weekdays at work - but it's important to remember that it is just one component of who we are and just one component of what impacts our mental health. Set aside time regularly to take stock of where your time and energy are going, so that you can ensure you're bringing your best self across all areas of life.


Aflac includes American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus and American Family Life Assurance Company of New York
Aflac WWHQ | 1932 Wynnton Road | Columbus, GA 31999

Aflac WWHQ | Wynnton Road 1932 號 | 喬治亞州哥倫布 31999



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SOURCE: Aflac Incorporated

來源:Aflac Incorpor

