
Shoppers Drug Mart Reaffirms Commitment to a #PeriodFriendlyWorld on Menstrual Hygiene Day

Shoppers Drug Mart Reaffirms Commitment to a #PeriodFriendlyWorld on Menstrual Hygiene Day

Shoppers Drug Mart 在月經衛生日重申對 #PeriodFriendlyWorld 的承諾
Loblaw Companies Ltd ·  05/28 12:00

Committed to donating 40 million period care products to schools across Canada, Shoppers aims to eliminate Period Poverty, one community at a time


Toronto, May 28, 2024 – May 28 marks Menstrual Hygiene Day, a global day of action with a common goal of creating a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. First observed ten years ago with a focus on women in developing countries, Menstrual Hygiene Day has since grown, shining a light on the impact period poverty can have on people who menstruate in countries around the world, including Canada.

多倫多,2024 年 5 月 28 日 — 5月28日是月經衛生日,這是一個全球行動日,其共同目標是創建 #PeriodFriendlyWorld.月經衛生日首次在十年前以發展中國家的女性爲重點,此後逐漸增多,這凸顯了貧困對包括加拿大在內的世界各國月經期的人可能產生的影響。

Period poverty – or the lack of access to adequate menstrual products – can force students to miss school, work and other important life events, putting them at a significant disadvantage. In fact, 17 per cent of Canadians who menstruate are unable to access period care products and that number jumps to 25 per cent in low-income households1.


"For too long, inequitable access to menstrual products has held millions back from reaching their full potential - every absent day of school or sick day at work is a missed opportunity to learn, grow and thrive," said Jeff Leger, President of Shoppers Drug Mart. "We're proud to do our part in the fight for menstrual equity, but until every Canadian has equal access to the menstrual products they need and deserve, we know there's more work to be done. Today, on Menstrual Hygiene Day, we recommit ourselves to the vision of a #PeriodFriendlyWorld and a Canada where no one is left behind."

Shoppers Drug Mart總裁傑夫·萊傑說:“長期以來,獲得月經用品的不公平機會阻礙了數百萬人充分發揮其潛力——每缺課一天或上班病假都是錯失的學習、成長和成長的機會。”“我們很自豪能夠在爭取月經公平的鬥爭中儘自己的一份力量,但除非每個加拿大人都能平等地獲得他們需要和應得的月經產品,否則我們知道還有更多工作要做。今天,在月經衛生日,我們再次承諾實現 #PeriodFriendlyWorld 和一個不讓任何人掉隊的加拿大的願景。”

Working with business partners, as well as governments from Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan and in conjunction with Shoppers Foundation for Women's HealthTM, the charitable arm of Shoppers Drug Mart, Shoppers has committed to donating 40 million period care products to schools across Canada since 2021, donating almost 25 million to date. In addition to improved attendance, access to free, quality menstrual products in schools can help reduce stigma, improve self-esteem and confidence, and avoid health risks if alternatives such as rags and socks are used.

與商業夥伴以及安大略省、曼尼托巴省和薩斯喀徹溫省的政府合作,並與購物者婦女健康基金會合作TMShoppers是Shoppers Drug Mart的慈善機構,自2021年以來,Shoppers已承諾向加拿大各地的學校捐贈4000萬種經期護理產品,迄今已捐贈近2500萬件。除了提高出勤率外,在學校獲得免費、優質的月經用品還有助於減少恥辱感,提高自尊心和信心,並避免使用抹布和襪子等替代品的健康風險。

"It is clear that menstrual products are not a luxury, but a necessity for any girl in Ontario schools. That is why our government launched a free program across all Ontario high schools, in conjunction with Shoppers Drug Mart who provided millions of products that will support positive mental and physical health of children. We will continue to empower girls in our schools to overcome each and any barrier so they can achieve their dreams." - Hon. Stephen Lecce, Ontario's Minister of Education

“很明顯,月經用品不是奢侈品,而是安大略省學校中任何女孩的必需品。這就是爲什麼我們的政府與Shoppers Drug Mart合作,在安大略省所有高中啓動了一項免費計劃,後者提供了數百萬種支持兒童身心健康的產品。我們將繼續賦予學校女生權力,使她們能夠克服一切障礙,實現自己的夢想。” ——安大略省教育部長斯蒂芬·萊切閣下

"Last fall, we proudly launched this three-year initiative alongside our partners at the Shoppers Foundation for Women's HealthTM, providing products in a dignified way to those who need them most," Minister Responsible for the Saskatchewan Status of Women Office Laura Ross said. "On behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan, we continue to thank Shoppers Drug Mart for their generosity and commitment to building access to menstrual products across Canada."

“去年秋天,我們自豪地與購物者女性健康基金會的合作伙伴一起啓動了這項爲期三年的計劃TM,以有尊嚴的方式向最需要的人提供產品。” 薩斯喀徹溫省婦女地位辦公室負責部長勞拉·羅斯說。“我們繼續代表薩斯喀徹溫省政府感謝Shoppers Drug Mart的慷慨捐助,並承諾在加拿大各地增加獲得月經產品的渠道。”

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About Shoppers Drug Mart Inc. Shoppers Drug Mart Inc. is one of the most recognized and trusted names in Canadian retailing. The company is the licensor of full-service retail drug stores operating under the name Shoppers Drug Mart (Pharmaprix in Québec). With almost 1,350 Shoppers Drug Mart and Pharmaprix stores operating in prime locations in each province and two territories, the company is one of the most convenient retailers in Canada. The company also licenses or owns 47 medical clinic pharmacies operating under the name Shoppers Simply Pharmacy (Pharmaprix Simplement Santé in Québec). As well, the company owns and operates 43 corporate Wellwise by Shoppers Drug MartTM stores and an ecommerce site, making it the largest Canadian retailer of home health care products and services. In addition to its retail store network, the company owns Shoppers Drug Mart Specialty Health Network Inc., a provider of specialty drug distribution, pharmacy and comprehensive patient support services, MediSystem Inc., a provider of pharmaceutical products and services to long-term care facilities and Lifemark Health Group, Canada's leading provider of outpatient physiotherapy, massage therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic, mental health, and other ancillary rehabilitation services. Shoppers Drug Mart is an independent operating division of Loblaw Companies Limited.

Shoppers 藥品市場公司簡介 Shoppers Drug Mart Inc. 是加拿大零售業中最受認可和最值得信賴的公司之一。該公司是以Shoppers Drug Mart的名義運營的提供全方位服務的零售藥店的許可人 (Pharmaprix 在魁北克)。藥店有將近 1,350 名購物者 還有 Pharmaprix 該公司在每個省和兩個地區的黃金地段經營門店,是加拿大最便捷的零售商之一。該公司還許可或擁有47家名爲Shoppers Simply Pharmacy的醫療診所藥房 (Pharmaprix Simplement Sante) 在魁北克)。此外,該公司還擁有並經營着43家由Shoppers Drug Mart旗下的Wellwise公司TM 商店和電子商務網站,使其成爲加拿大最大的家庭保健產品和服務零售商。除了零售商店網絡外,該公司還擁有特種藥物分銷、藥房和綜合患者支持服務提供商Shoppers Drug Mart Specialty Health Network Inc.、爲長期護理機構提供藥品產品和服務的MediSystem Inc.和加拿大領先的門診物理治療、按摩療法、職業治療、脊椎療法、心理健康和其他輔助康復服務提供商Lifemark Health Group。Shoppers Drug Mart 是洛布勞公司有限公司的獨立運營部門。



