
MDA Space Joins Starlab Space as Strategic Partner, Equity Owner in Commercial Space Station Joint Venture

MDA Space Joins Starlab Space as Strategic Partner, Equity Owner in Commercial Space Station Joint Venture

MDA Space 以戰略合作伙伴身份加入 Starlab Space,成爲商業空間站合資企業的股權所有者
PR Newswire ·  05/29 20:05

MDA Space brings unparalleled space robotics and human spaceflight heritage to Starlab

MDA Space 爲 Starlab 帶來了無與倫比的太空機器人和載人太空飛行遺產

HOUSTON, May 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Starlab Space LLC (Starlab Space), the global joint venture between Voyager Space, Airbus, and Mitsubishi Corporation, today welcomed MDA Space Ltd. (TSX:MDA), a trusted mission partner to the rapidly expanding global space industry, as a strategic partner and equity owner in Starlab Space. The Starlab US-led partnership continues to expand, extending the joint venture's global reach into Canada.

休斯頓,2024 年 5 月 29 日 /PRNewswire/ — Voyager Space、空中客車和三菱商事的全球合資企業 Starlab Space LLC(Starlab Space)今天歡迎 MDA 空間 Ltd.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:MDA)是快速擴張的全球航天工業值得信賴的任務合作伙伴,也是Starlab Space的戰略合作伙伴和股權所有者。美國主導的Starlab合作伙伴關係繼續擴大,將合資企業的全球業務範圍擴展到加拿大。

MDA Space Joins Starlab Space as Strategic Partner, Equity Owner in Commercial Space Station Joint Venture
MDA Space 以戰略合作伙伴身份加入 Starlab Space,成爲商業空間站合資企業的股權所有者

As a global leader in human-rated space robotics, MDA Space is synonymous with excellence and innovation, pioneering groundbreaking technologies that have shaped and set the standard for the space robotics industry. As the developer of the Canadarm family of robotics that have provided mission critical support to astronauts and mission operators on the International Space Station for more than two decades, MDA Space will play a pivotal role in Starlab's development. The company joins the Starlab team to provide the full range of external robotics, robotics interfaces and robotic mission operations to the station, including its recently launched full suite of scalable and modular robotics solutions, MDA SKYMAKER, which can be tailored to support a diverse range of missions.

作爲人類級太空機器人領域的全球領導者,MDA Space是卓越和創新的代名詞,它開創了開創性的技術,爲太空機器人行業塑造和設定了標準。作爲Canadarm機器人系列的開發者,二十多年來一直爲國際空間站上的宇航員和任務操作員提供關鍵任務支持,MDA Space將在Starlab的發展中發揮關鍵作用。該公司加入Starlab團隊,爲空間站提供全方位的外部機器人、機器人接口和機器人任務操作,包括其最近推出的全套可擴展和模塊化機器人解決方案MDA SKYMAKER, 可以對其進行定製, 以支持各種各樣的任務.

"With MDA Space joining Starlab, we're not just embracing innovation, we're wielding it," said Tim Kopra, CEO of Starlab Space and former NASA astronaut. "Having experienced firsthand the exceptional reliability and versatility of robotic technologies developed by MDA Space during my time on the International Space Station, I am confident that this partnership will drive innovation and unlock new possibilities for Starlab. MDA Space robotic technologies, which have long been a cornerstone of space exploration, will be integral to our operations, ensuring precision and excellence in every endeavor."

Starlab Space首席執行官、前美國宇航局宇航員蒂姆·科普拉說:“隨着MDA Space加入Starlab,我們不僅在擁抱創新,還在運用創新。”“在國際空間站任職期間,我親身體驗了MDA Space開發的機器人技術的卓越可靠性和多功能性,我相信這種合作將推動創新,爲Starlab開啓新的可能性。長期以來一直是太空探索基石的MDA Space機器人技術將成爲我們運營不可或缺的一部分,確保每項努力的精度和卓越性。”

"Our integration into the Starlab Space team is more than a program collaboration—it strategically fuses together highly complementary and best-in-class expertise with the higher purpose of accelerating the space economy on Earth and in orbit," said Mike Greenley, CEO of MDA Space. "It is also a validation of the capability and value that MDA SKYMAKER offers to the emerging commercial space exploration and infrastructure market, and the high-level of trust and confidence the industry has in MDA Space robotics."

MDA Space首席執行官邁克·格林利表示:“我們融入Starlab Space團隊不僅僅是項目合作,它戰略性地將高度互補和一流的專業知識融合在一起,其更高的目標是加速地球和軌道上的太空經濟。”“這也是對MDA SKYMAKER能力和價值的驗證 爲新興的商業太空探索和基礎設施市場提供服務,以及該行業對MDA Space機器人的高度信任和信心。”

The addition of MDA Space to the Starlab Space team reinforces the joint venture's commitment to assembling an international consortium of strategic and high-profile companies with flight heritage and proven experience, including Voyager Space, Airbus, and Mitsubishi Corporation, further expanding Starlab Space's global partner network set to expand the commercial space economy. The U.S., European, Japanese, and Canadian industry partners enable the continuation of the International Space Station partner network via commercial entities.

將MDA Space加入Starlab Space團隊強化了該合資企業的承諾,即組建一個由具有飛行傳統和久經考驗的戰略和知名公司組成的國際聯盟,包括旅行者太空、空中客車和三菱商事,進一步擴大Starlab Space旨在擴大商業太空經濟的全球合作伙伴網絡。美國、歐洲、日本和加拿大的行業合作伙伴通過商業實體使國際空間站合作伙伴網絡得以延續。

In addition to the joint venture partners, Starlab Space has a strategic teaming agreement with Northrop Grumman, a design and experience partnership with Hilton Hotels, and has secured a launch contract with SpaceX for its Starship vehicle.

除了合資夥伴外,Starlab Space還與之簽訂了戰略合作協議 諾斯羅普·格魯曼,與之建立了設計和體驗合作伙伴關係 希爾頓酒店,並已與 SpaceX 簽訂了發射合同 它的星際飛船飛行器

About Starlab Space
Starlab Space LLC is a global joint venture between Voyager Space, Airbus, Mitsubishi Corporation, and MDA Space that is designing, building, and will operate the Starlab commercial space station. Starlab will serve a global customer base of space agencies, researchers, and companies, ensuring a continued human presence in low-Earth orbit and a seamless transition of microgravity science and research from the International Space Station into the new commercial space station era.

關於 Starlab Space
Starlab Space LLC是旅行者太空公司、空中客車公司、三菱公司和MDA Space的全球合資企業,正在設計、建造並將運營Starlab商業空間站。Starlab將爲航天機構、研究人員和公司的全球客戶群提供服務,確保人類在低地軌道上的持續存在,以及微重力科學和研究從國際空間站無縫過渡到新的商業空間站時代。

For more information on Starlab, visit the Starlab website at and follow us on social media at @Starlab_Space (X, Instagram) and @Starlab (Linkedin).

有關 Starlab 的更多信息,請訪問 Starlab 網站,並在社交媒體上關注我們 @Starlab_Space(X,Instagram)和 @Starlab(Linkedin)。

Building the space between proven and possible, MDA Space (TSX:MDA) is a trusted mission partner to the global space industry. A robotics, satellite systems and geointelligence pioneer with a 55-year+ story of world firsts and more than 450 missions, MDA Space is a global leader in communications satellites, Earth and space observation, and space exploration and infrastructure. The MDA Space team of more than 3,000 space experts in Canada, the US and the UK has the knowledge and know-how to turn an audacious customer vision into an achievable mission – bringing to bear a one-of-a-kind mix of experience, engineering excellence and wide-eyed wonder that's been in the company's DNA since day one. For those who dream big and push boundaries on the ground and in the stars to change the world for the better, we'll take you there. For more information, visit .

MDA Space(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:MDA)在成熟與可能之間建立空間,是全球航天工業值得信賴的任務合作伙伴。作爲機器人、衛星系統和地理情報的先驅,MDA Space在通信衛星、地球和太空觀測以及太空探索和基礎設施領域處於全球領先地位,擁有 55 年以上的世界第一,完成了 450 多項任務。由加拿大、美國和英國的3,000多名太空專家組成的MDA Space團隊擁有豐富的知識和專有技術,可以將大膽的客戶願景轉化爲可實現的使命——將獨一無二的經驗、卓越的工程和睜大眼睛的奇蹟融爲一體,這從第一天起就在公司的DNA中。對於那些有遠大夢想,在地面和星空中突破界限,讓世界變得更美好的人,我們將帶你去那裏。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

SOURCE Starlab

來源 Starlab

