
Radisson Expands Drill Program to 35,000 Metres at the O'Brien Gold Project in Quebec

Radisson Expands Drill Program to 35,000 Metres at the O'Brien Gold Project in Quebec

GlobeNewswire ·  05/29 18:30

ROUYN-NORANDA, Quebec, May 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Radisson Mining Resources Inc. (TSX-V: RDS, OTCQB: RMRDF) ("Radisson" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has expanded its drill program to approximately 35,000 metres ("m") at its high-grade O'Brien Gold Project located along the Larder-Lake-Cadillac Break (see location map 1 and location map 2), halfway between Rouyn-Noranda and Val-d'Or in Quebec, Canada.

魁北克魯安諾蘭達,2024年5月29日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——雷迪森礦業資源公司(TSX-V:RDS,OTCQB:RMRDF)(“Radisson” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈,其位於拉德湖凱迪拉克斷裂地沿線的高品位奧布萊恩黃金項目的鑽探計劃已擴大到約35,000米(“m”)(參見位置圖 1 和位置圖 2),位於加拿大魁北克省魯安-諾蘭達和瓦爾德奧之間。

Expanded Drill Program Highlights:


  • 60-70% of drilling will focus on resource expansion between Trends 0 and 4
    • Approximately 15,000 m for 27 drill holes (See Figure 1 and 2)
  • 60-70% 的鑽探將集中在趨勢0和4之間的資源擴張上
    • 27 個鑽孔大約 15,000 米(參見圖 1 和圖 2)
  • 30-40% of drilling will focus high-priority step-out and exploration targets
    • Historic O'Brien Deep and Trend 1 Deep: 8,200 m for 6 holes (See Figure 1 and 2)
    • New Alger target: 2,400 m for 5 holes (See Figure 3)
  • 30-40% 的鑽探將集中於高優先級的跨出和勘探目標
    • 歷史悠久的 O'Brien Deep 和 Trend 1 Deep:6 個洞 8,200 米(參見圖 1 和圖 2)
    • 新的 Alger 目標:2,400 m,打出 5 個洞(參見圖 3)

Fully-funded for 35,000 m Program (22,000 m left to complete)


  • To date 24 drill holes have been completed for a total of 12,960 m
  • Assays are pending for 5,804 m in 11 drill holes, including 8 intersections of visible gold on Trend 1, 2 and 3 (see VG in hole OB-24-320 and OB-24-317)
  • With approximately $6.5 m1 in treasury, Radisson is fully-funded to complete the remaining portion of the 35,000 m drill program.
    1 Estimated as of May 27, 2024
  • 迄今爲止,已經完成了24個鑽孔,總長度爲12,960米
  • 11 個鑽孔中 5,804 米的化驗尚待進行,其中包括趨勢 1、2 和 3 上的 8 個可見金交叉點(參見 OB-24-320 和 OB-24-317 孔中的 VG)
  • 大約有 650 萬美元1 在財政方面,雷迪森已獲得全額資金,可以完成35,000米鑽探計劃的剩餘部分。
    1 截至 2024 年 5 月 27 日的估計

This substantial expansion to the drill program will allow the company to accelerate both resource expansion and exploration efforts, simultaneously. The expanded program will dedicate 60-70% of drilling to growing the current resources in the near high-grade mineralized zones. Concurrently, the Company will prioritize a high-potential 2-kilometre ("km") target outlined earlier in 2024 in the north-west region of the 74 km2 New Alger area with the objective of making a new discovery. In addition, the Company will be drill-testing below the historic O'Brien Mine underground workings and, 300 metres below the current resources, on Trends 0 and 1. This two-pronged approach underscores Radisson's commitment to unlocking the full value of the highly prospective O'Brien Gold project through resource growth and further exploration upside.

鑽探計劃的實質性擴張將使該公司能夠同時加快資源擴張和勘探工作。擴大的計劃將把60-70%的鑽探工作用於在接近高品位的礦化區發展現有資源。同時,公司將優先考慮在2024年早些時候在74公里的西北地區概述的高潛力2千米(“km”)目標2 新的阿爾及爾區域,目的是做出新的發現。此外,該公司將在歷史悠久的奧布萊恩礦地下工作區下方進行鑽探測試,在當前資源下方300米處,在趨勢0和1上進行鑽探測試。這種雙管齊下的方法凸顯了雷迪森致力於通過資源增長和進一步的勘探上行空間來釋放極具前景的O'Brien Gold項目的全部價值。

A total of 24 drill holes (12,960 m) have been completed to date as part of the initial phase of the program. The Company expects to report additional assay results from Phase I in the coming weeks.


"We are excited to expand our drill program to 35,000 metres at O'Brien," commented Denis V. Lachance, Interim President and Chief Executive Officer. "This substantial increase allows us to focus on growing the current resources, while also pursuing new discoveries across our prospective New Alger area and, for the first time, at depth below the prolific historic O'Brien mine, Trend 0 and Trend 1 where we see strong potential for gold mineralization. With the recent acceleration and upsize of our fully-funded drill campaign, we look forward to an abundance of drill results beginning in the coming weeks."

“我們很高興能將我們在奧布萊恩的鑽探計劃擴大到35,000米,” 臨時總裁兼首席執行官丹尼斯·拉尚斯評論道. “這種大幅增長使我們能夠專注於發展現有資源,同時也可以在我們潛在的新阿爾及爾地區尋求新發現,並首次在歷史悠久的奧布萊恩礦山Trend 0和Trend 1下方的深度尋找新發現,在那裏我們看到了巨大的金礦化潛力。 隨着我們資金充足的鑽探活動的加速和規模擴大,我們期待在未來幾周內開始取得豐碩的鑽探結果。”

Figure 1. Longitudinal section – O'Brien project exploration potential

圖 1。縱向剖面 — O'Brien 項目的勘探潛力

Figure 2. Longitudinal section – O'Brien East

圖 2。縱向截面 — O'Brien East

Figure 3. New Alger sector

圖 3.新的阿爾及爾行業

Visible gold encountered in hole OB-24-320

在 OB-24-320 洞中遇到了可見的黃金

Visible gold encountered in hole OB-24-317

在 OB-24-317 洞中遇到了可見的黃金

Exploration Potential – O'Brien Project

勘探潛力 — O'Brien 項目

Historic O'Brien Mine


The historic O'Brien Mine is considered to be Québec's highest-grade gold producer during its production between 1926 and 1957 returning over 587,121 ounces of gold at 15.25 g/t Au. Based on the historic data and geometry of the O'Brien mine, it is interpreted that 90% of gold production came from a high-grade trend formed at the crossing of a conjugated system of veins. While the O'Brien mine currently hosts historic resources, the depth extension of that high-grade trend has never been tested below the bottom of the mine sitting at 1,050 m depth. As part of the expanded program, two pilot holes, which could eventually accommodate wedges, have been planned to test the vertical extension of the prolific O'Brien mine.

歷史悠久的奧布萊恩礦被認爲是魁北克省在1926年至1957年間生產的最高品位黃金生產商,以15.25克/噸金的價格回收了超過587,121盎司的黃金。根據奧布萊恩礦的歷史數據和幾何形狀,可以解釋說,90%的黃金產量來自於共軛礦脈系統交叉處形成的高品位趨勢。儘管奧布萊恩礦目前擁有歷史資源,但這種高品位趨勢的深度延伸從未在深度爲1,050 m的礦山底部以下進行過測試。作爲擴展項目的一部分,已計劃建造兩個最終可以容納楔子的試孔,以測試多產的奧布萊恩礦的垂直延伸部分。

O'Brien East – Area hosting majority of current resources

O'Brien East — 擁有大部分當前資源的地區

The resource expansion will focus on the highest priority targets out of more than 100 targets established near the current resources at O'Brien East, primarily within vertical depths between surface and 500 m within less explored areas, such as high-grade trends ("Trends") 3 and 4. Under-explored sectors, such as the sector between high-grade Trends 1 and 2, will also be targeted.

資源擴張將側重於在O'Brien East當前資源附近確立的100多個目標中最優先的目標,主要是在較少勘探區域的地表和500米之間的垂直深度內,例如高等級趨勢(“趨勢”)3和4。未開發的行業,例如介於高等級趨勢1和2之間的行業,也將成爲目標。

Given the current geological understanding and refined geological model, the Company believes there is strong potential for additional high-grade gold trends to be discovered along the 5.2 km prospective land package on the prolific Larder-Lake Cadillac Break ("LLCB"). Mineral resources are open for an additional 750 m to the east and underexplored for 2.5 km to the west of the historic O'Brien mine. The continuity of mineralized zones along steeply plunging trends (80° to 85°) provides good predictability for resource growth and exploration potential.

鑑於目前對地質學的認識和完善的地質模型,該公司認爲,在多產的Larder-Lake Cadillac Break(“LLCB”)5.2公里的潛在土地一攬子計劃沿線有很大的潛力發現更多高品位的金礦趨勢。歷史悠久的奧布萊恩礦以東再開放750米的礦產資源,而歷史悠久的奧布萊恩礦以西2.5公里處的礦產資源開發不足。礦化區沿急劇下降趨勢(80°至85°)的連續性爲資源增長和勘探潛力提供了良好的可預測性。

The high-grade Trends which remain open in the resource area are:


  • Trend 0: Open to the west and below 750 m
  • Trend 1: Open laterally and below 950 m
  • Trend 2: Open laterally and below 900 m
  • Trend 3: Open laterally and below 500 m
  • Trend 4: Open laterally and below 500 m
  • 趨勢 0:向西開放且位於 750 米以下
  • 趨勢 1:橫向開口且低於 950 米
  • 趨勢 2:橫向開口且低於 900 米
  • 趨勢 3:橫向開口且低於 500 米
  • 趨勢 4:橫向開口且低於 500 米

O'Brien West


In 2023, modelling and re-interpretation of drilling data available on the LLCB portion of O'Brien West allowed the Company to establish Inferred resources totalling 293,000 tonnes at 7.59 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au") for 72,000 ounces.


With approximately 2.5 km of ground along the prolific LLCB having seen limited exploration work in recent years, O'Brien West also remains open in all directions. Exploration targets, following on an historic intercept of 5.63 g/t Au over 9.00 m, have been established on this sector and are expected to eventually be integrated into the drill program.

近年來,這座多產的LLCB沿線約2.5公里的地面勘探工作有限,因此O'Brien West也向四面八方開放。繼歷史上超過9.00米的5.63 g/t Au之後,該區域的勘探目標已經確定,預計最終將納入鑽探計劃。

About New Alger Exploration Target


New Alger is an over 74 km2 land package in the Pontiac sediments with geological characteristics similar to those of historical and operating mines in the area, with potentially prolific shear-zones, intermediate to felsic dykes and intrusions present. The 2023 glacial till sampling program identified an area in the northwest region of the property with 14 anomalous samples forming a southward dispersion gold grain tail, which matched with a geophysical survey to establish a 2 km drill target. Previous sampling in the area included the collection of a 7.33 g/t Au sample (boulder), indicating the presence of at least one gold-rich zone in the area.

新阿爾及爾全長超過 74 公里2 龐蒂亞克沉積物中的一攬子土地,其地質特徵與該地區歷史礦山和正在運營的礦山相似,可能存在多產的剪切帶、長英質巖中段和入侵物。2023年冰川採樣計劃確定了該物業西北地區的一個區域,其中有14個異常樣本形成了向南分散的金粒尾巴,這與確定2公里鑽探目標的地球物理調查相匹配。先前在該地區的採樣包括採集了7.33克/噸的金樣品(巨石),這表明該地區至少存在一個富金區。

Qualified Person
Richard Nieminen, P. Geo, Geological advisor for Radisson is the Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. The Company's Qualified Person has reviewed and approved the technical content of this press release.

理查德·尼米寧,P. Geo,雷迪森的地質顧問,是 NI 43-101 定義的合格人士。公司的合格人員已審查並批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。

Radisson Mining Resources Inc.


Radisson is a gold exploration company focused on its 100% owned O'Brien project, located in the Bousquet-Cadillac mining camp along the world-renowned Larder-Lake-Cadillac Break in Abitibi, Québec. The Bousquet-Cadillac mining camp has produced over 25,000,000 ounces of gold over the last 100 years. The project hosts the former O'Brien Mine, considered to have been Québec's highest-grade gold producer during its production.

Radisson是一家黃金勘探公司,專注於其100%控股的奧布萊恩項目,該項目位於魁北克省阿比提比舉世聞名的Larder-Lake-Cadillack Break沿線的布斯凱迪拉克礦區。在過去的100年中,Bousquet-Cadillac採礦營地已經生產了超過2500萬盎司的黃金。該項目擁有前奧布萊恩礦,該礦被認爲是魁北克生產期間品位最高的黃金生產商。

For more information on Radisson, visit our website at or contact:

如需了解有關 Radisson 的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站 或者聯繫:

Denis V. Lachance
Chairman, Interim President and CEO


Kristina Pillon
Manager, Investor Relations


Forward-Looking Statements


All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained in this press release including, but not limited to, those relating to the intended use of proceeds of the Offering, the development of the O'Brien project and generally, the above "About Radisson Mining Resources Inc." paragraph which essentially describes the Corporation's outlook, constitute "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws, and are based on expectations, estimates and projections as of the time of this press release. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by the Corporation as of the time of such statements, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. These estimates and assumptions may prove to be incorrect. Many of these uncertainties and contingencies can directly or indirectly affect, and could cause, actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements and future events, could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. A description of assumptions used to develop such forward-looking information and a description of risk factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from forward looking information can be found in Radisson's disclosure documents on the SEDAR website at .

除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿中包含的所有陳述,包括但不限於與本次發行收益的預期用途、奧布萊恩項目的發展有關的陳述,以及上述 “關於雷迪森礦業資源公司”(主要描述公司前景的段落)構成適用證券法所指的 “前瞻性信息” 或 “前瞻性陳述”,基於截至目前的預期、估計和預測本新聞稿發佈時間。前瞻性陳述必須基於許多估計和假設,儘管截至此類陳述發佈時,公司認爲這些估計和假設是合理的,但本質上會受到重大的業務、經濟和競爭不確定性和突發事件的影響。這些估計和假設可能被證明是不正確的。這些不確定性和突發事件中有許多可以直接或間接地影響並可能導致實際結果與任何前瞻性陳述和未來事件中表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異,可能與此類陳述中預期的結果存在重大差異。有關用於生成此類前瞻性信息的假設的描述以及對可能導致實際結果與前瞻性信息存在重大差異的風險因素的描述,可在Radisson在SEDAR網站上發佈的披露文件中找到,網址爲 .

By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and risks exist that estimates, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will not be achieved or that assumptions do not reflect future experience. Forward-looking statements are provided for the purpose of providing information about management's endeavours to develop the O'Brien project and, more generally, its expectations and plans relating to the future. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements as a number of important risk factors and future events could cause the actual outcomes to differ materially from the beliefs, plans, objectives, expectations, anticipations, estimates, assumptions and intentions expressed in such forward-looking statements. All of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements and those made in our other filings with the securities regulators of Canada. The Corporation disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law.


