
Design With Impact: MillerKnoll Collective of Brands Welcomes Design Professionals and Enthusiasts to Showrooms for Fulton Market Design Days

Design With Impact: MillerKnoll Collective of Brands Welcomes Design Professionals and Enthusiasts to Showrooms for Fulton Market Design Days

具有影響力的設計:MillerKnoll 品牌集合歡迎設計專業人士和愛好者光臨富爾頓市場設計日的陳列室
MillerKnoll ·  05/28 12:00

With 70,000+ square feet of showroom and retail space, this year's exposition highlights leading sustainability work, test lab innovation and debut products across lifestyle, office and beyond


ZEELAND, Mich., May 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MillerKnoll (NASDAQ:MLKN), a global leader in design, will once again showcase its collective of brands during Fulton Market Design Days, taking place from June 10-12, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois. This multiple-day event includes product launches, exhibits, street activations and dynamic programming designed to engage the global contract, architecture and design communities.

密歇根州澤蘭,2024 年 5 月 28 日/PRNewswire/--設計領域的全球領導者米勒諾爾(納斯達克股票代碼:MLKN)將在2024年6月10日至12日在伊利諾伊州芝加哥舉行的富爾頓市場設計日期間再次展示其品牌集體。這項爲期多天的活動包括產品發佈會、展覽、街頭活動和動態規劃,旨在吸引全球合同、建築和設計社區的參與。

"Alongside our incredible MillerKnoll dealers, we're gearing up to welcome customers to our showrooms and retail space in Fulton Market," said Andi Owen, President and CEO of MillerKnoll. "This year is shaping up to be a truly industry-defining event. We'll be showcasing our latest products and the insights that we use each day to create impactful environments, and overall demonstrating to the design community how innovation, sustainability, and performance are shared across our collective."


As one of the original design tenants in the neighborhood, MillerKnoll has helped to shape Fulton Market into a premier destination and today is proud to support the Fulton Market Design Days efforts, partnering alongside thirty-five design-led companies with showrooms and trade spaces in the Fulton Market area of Chicago.


MillerKnoll's collective of brands come together in 70,000+ combined square feet of showroom and retail space across locations at 811 and 1100 West Fulton Market, as well as curated showrooms for some of the collective at the Merchandise Mart. Throughout these locations, MillerKnoll will host engaging events and exhibits, share insights, and collaborate with the design community and clients to address pressing questions around the future of work and home.


Highlights at 1100 West Fulton Market

西富爾頓市場 1100 號的亮點

This year, Design Days visitors have the unique opportunity to interact and immerse themselves in MillerKnoll's innovative, historied and holistic approach to sustainability. The exhibit, Second Nature, showcases MillerKnoll's collective-wide efforts to design out waste, reduce its carbon footprint, and source better materials to design a better world.

今年,設計日的參觀者有難得的機會進行互動,沉浸在MillerKnoll的創新、歷史和全面的方法中 可持續性。 展覽《第二自然》展示了MillerKnoll在設計廢物、減少碳足跡和採購更好的材料以設計更美好世界方面所做的全集體努力。

In addition, the MillerKnoll team has recreated portions of their famous Test Lab—a precision laboratory the size of an airplane hangar. The test lab is where MillerKnoll recreates the trials and tribulations of daily use, conducting some 2,500 different tests on products ranging from task chairs to height-adjustable desks to benching systems. Products don't leave the Test Lab until they've surpassed industry guidelines and standards—ensuring that products stand the test of time.

此外,MillerKnoll 團隊還重現了他們著名的部分內容 測試實驗室—一個像飛機庫一樣大小的精密實驗室。測試實驗室是 MillerKnoll 重現日常使用的試驗和磨難的地方,對從工作椅到高度可調辦公桌再到長椅系統等產品進行了大約 2,500 種不同的測試。產品在超過行業指南和標準之前不會離開測試實驗室,從而確保產品經得起時間的考驗。

Herman Miller's showroom on floor 2 features the debut of Bay Work Pod along with updates to existing performance seating from Studio 7.5 and recently introduced OE1 Workspace Collection products including OE1 Sit-to-Stand Table and OE1 Powerbox and Power Tray designed by Industrial Facility. Select workspaces in the showroom feature the recently launched Flo X Multi, a new monitor arm for large format and multi-screen support. Additionally, the brand is highlighting Chadwick Modular Seating, which is celebrating the 50-year anniversary from when it was launched in 1973.

赫爾曼·米勒位於二樓的陳列室展示了Bay Work Pod的首次亮相以及Studio 7.5現有高性能座椅的更新,最近推出了OE1工作空間系列產品,包括由工業設施設計的OE1坐立桌和OE1的Powerbox和電源托盤。陳列室的部分工作空間包括最近推出的Flo X Multi,這是一款支持大畫幅和多屏幕的新顯示器支架。此外,該品牌還重點介紹查德威克模塊化座椅,該座椅自1973年推出以來正在慶祝50週年。

Exploring over five decades of healthcare research, Herman Miller's exhibition space displays product, material and process innovations in flexible casework solutions that are change-ready for client optimization. Across the full Herman Miller floorplan, visitors can experience the breadth of the brand's product portfolio and its ability to address a wide range of space types and a variety of client needs.

Herman Miller的展覽空間探索了超過五十年的醫療保健研究,展示了靈活的案例解決方案中的產品、材料和工藝創新,這些創新可以隨時進行客戶優化。在Herman Miller的完整平面圖中,參觀者可以體驗該品牌產品組合的廣度及其滿足各種空間類型和各種客戶需求的能力。

Geiger's luxurious showroom will feature inviting lounge and collaborative spaces, top-tier executive private office and conference solutions, and an outdoor terrace appropriate for corporate office or hospitality spaces, immersed with the rich woods and other premium finishes that the brand is known for. Upon entering, guests will be greeted by a custom marble reception desk by DatesWeiser, reflecting the brand's significant customization capabilities. The space will be highlighted by a Geiger One Private Office solution featuring the new height-adjustable Cascade Leg option. Featured products will also include two finely crafted DatesWeiser Conference tables and a variety of Geiger ancillary pieces.

蓋格其豪華陳列室將設有溫馨的休息室和協作空間、一流的行政人員私人辦公室和會議解決方案,以及適合公司辦公或酒店空間的戶外露臺,並沉浸在該品牌聞名的豐富木材和其他優質飾面中。進入後,DateWeiser定製的大理石接待臺將迎接客人,這反映了該品牌強大的定製能力。Geiger One私人辦公室解決方案將突出顯示該空間,該解決方案採用了新的可調節高度的Cascade Leg選項。特色產品還將包括兩張精心製作的DateWeiser會議桌和各種蓋格配套產品。

Maharam, a leading creator of textiles for commercial and residential interiors—presents new indoor/outdoor upholstery textiles including Stepped Plaid by Paul Smith and Ladder Stripe by Paul Smith and a new addition to Maharam's wool series. The brand also showcases a selection of textiles designed in-house as well as ongoing textile collaborations with Jacob Hashimoto, Sander Lak, and Paul Smith.

馬哈拉姆,商業和住宅室內裝飾紡織品的領先創造者,推出新的室內/室外室內裝飾紡織品,包括保羅·史密斯的Steped Plaid和保羅·史密斯的Ladder Stripe以及Maharam羊毛系列的新成員。該品牌還展示了內部設計的精選紡織品以及與雅各布·橋本、桑德·拉克和保羅·史密斯正在進行的紡織品合作。

Design Within Reach showcases a variety of new and exclusive pieces within the ground-level retail space. Outdoor Collections from Gabriel Tan such as Softlands and Tide, dynamic modular configurations of Sarah Ellison's sculptural Muse Sofa, the iconic Bacco by Omar De Biaggio reintroduced as a task chair and other extensions such as the Morrison Desk from Egg Collective's assortment for DWR, deliver a variety of options for diverse environments – from spaces designed for collaboration, community, focus or rejuvenation and tranquility.

設計觸手可及 在地面零售空間內展示各種新品和獨家作品。Gabriel Tan 的戶外系列,例如 Softlands 和 Tide、Sarah Ellison 雕塑般的 Muse Sofa 的動態模塊化配置、Omar De Biaggio作爲工作椅重新推出的標誌性Bacco,以及其他擴展,例如Egg Collective爲DWR設計的莫里森辦公桌,爲不同的環境提供了多種選擇,包括專爲協作、社區、集中精力、恢復活力和寧靜而設計的空間。

Highlights at 800 West Fulton Market

西富爾頓市場 800 號的亮點

The Knoll environment showcases the power of architectural thinking in an immersive experience of color, material, and finish. Settings highlight the adaptability of the Knoll portfolio—its potential to be configured and expressed to meet a designer's vision. Knoll will feature the relaunch of its much-loved Morrison Hannah Chair. The brand will highlight products that had a strong debut at Salone del Mobile: the legendary Tugendhat Chair, designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and new finishes across several Bauhaus-era products. The exhibition will also highlight private office spaces outfitted in the newly launched Cove Collection. The Showroom will also feature a dedicated display of Knoll Textiles. This display takes advantage of generous natural lighting to feature a central table that functions both as a workspace and display area for recent and upcoming introductions by the design studio. The brand also showcases floor-to-ceiling lengths of textiles from both recent launches and classic upholsteries, including sheer drapery hung in the atrium to funnel in natural light and create viewpoints and boundaries throughout the space.

這個 小丘 環境在色彩、材料和表面處理的沉浸式體驗中展示了建築思維的力量。設置凸顯了Knoll產品組合的適應性——其配置和表達潛力以滿足設計師的願景。Knoll將以其備受喜愛的莫里森·漢娜椅子的重啓爲特色。該品牌將重點展示在傢俱展上首次亮相的產品:由路德維希·密斯·範德羅設計的傳奇Tugendhat椅子以及包豪斯時代幾款產品的新表面處理。該展覽還將重點介紹新推出的Cove系列中配備的私人辦公空間。陳列室還將專門展示以下物品 諾爾紡織品。該顯示屏利用充足的自然光線,設有一箇中央桌子,該桌子既是工作空間,也是設計工作室最近和即將推出的產品的展示區。該品牌還展示了近期新推出的紡織品和經典室內裝飾品的落地長度,包括懸掛在中庭的透明窗簾,用於吸收自然光線,爲整個空間創造視角和界限。

Muuto presents new designs and unveils its latest exploration of intentional spaces.
Through different settings Muuto is diving into the field of neuroaesthetics, focusing on five key elements to design a space that feels just right: Color, Light, Shapes, Tactility, and Biophilia. The Scandinavian brand will feature new designs including the Fiber Soft Armchair, new additions to the Connect Modular Sofa and Soft Table Series, two new lamps; the Dedicate Lamp and the Set Lamp, new accessories, as well as an outdoor display highlighting pieces from its Linear Steel and Fiber outdoor collection. The brand will also preview the Doze Lounge Chair Low Back and new additions to the Stacked Storage System that will be available this fall.

Muuto 展示新設計並揭開其對有意空間的最新探索。
通過不同的場景,Muuto正在潛入神經美學領域,專注於五個關鍵元素來設計一個感覺恰到好處的空間:色彩、光線、形狀、觸覺和生物親和力。這個斯堪的納維亞品牌將採用新的設計,包括纖維軟扶手椅、Connect模塊化沙發和軟桌系列的新成員、兩款新燈;專用燈和套裝燈、新配件以及戶外展示架,重點展示其Linear Steel和Fiber戶外系列的作品。該品牌還將預覽Doze休閒椅Low Back以及將於今年秋天上市的堆疊式存儲系統的新增產品。

Highlights at the Merchandise Mart


NaughtOne debuts its "World of Possibility," highlighting the near endless opportunities for customization and illustrating how the brand's portfolio of products empowers designers to be creative, through configuration and endless choice of color, material, and finish. NaughtOne brings these opportunities to life through the presentation of its Morse Table System, Percy Lounge Chair, and the Rhyme, Hatch and Symbol Seating Collections. Visitors to NaughtOne's showroom can use the brand's new product configurator, instantaneously offering designers the ability to personalize, change layouts and solve design problems.

Naught 首次推出其 “可能性世界”,重點介紹了近乎無限的定製機會,並說明了該品牌的產品組合如何通過配置和無限的顏色、材料和表面處理選擇來賦予設計師創造力。NaughtOne通過展示其莫爾斯桌系統、Percy休閒椅以及Rhyme、Hatch和Symbol座椅系列,將這些機會變爲現實。NaughtOne展廳的訪客可以使用該品牌的新產品配置器,即時爲設計師提供個性化設置、更改佈局和解決設計問題的能力。

Also unveiling will be a new residential textile showroom in the Merchandise Mart - the first multi-brand showroom for Edelman, Knoll Textiles, and Maharam. Designed with architect Neil Logan, the new showroom includes a large, partitioned display table and open-shelved memo storage – inviting browsing of all three brands by residential clients.

商品市場的新住宅紡織品陳列室也將揭幕,這是第一個多品牌展廳 愛德曼、諾爾紡織和馬哈拉姆。新展廳由建築師尼爾·洛根設計,包括一個大型分區展示桌和開放式備忘錄存儲空間,邀請住宅客戶瀏覽所有三個品牌。

For further information, including showroom locations and hours, please visit:


About MillerKnoll
MillerKnoll is a collective of dynamic brands that comes together to design the world we live in. The MillerKnoll brand portfolio includes Herman Miller, Knoll, Colebrook Bosson Saunders, DatesWeiser, Design Within Reach, Edelman, Geiger, HAY, Holly Hunt, Knoll Textiles, Maharam, Muuto, NaughtOne, and Spinneybeck|FilzFelt. MillerKnoll is an unparalleled platform that redefines modern for the 21st century by building a more sustainable, equitable and beautiful future for all.

關於 MillerKnoll
MillerKnoll 是一個充滿活力的品牌集體,它們共同設計了我們生活的世界。米勒諾爾品牌組合包括赫爾曼·米勒、諾爾、科爾布魯克·博森·桑德斯、Datesweiser、Design Inside Reach、愛德曼、蓋格、HAY、Holly Hunt、Knoll Textiles、Maharam、Muuto、Naughtone和SpinneyBeck|FilzFelt。MillerKnoll是一個無與倫比的平台,它通過爲所有人建設一個更可持續、公平和美好的未來,重新定義了21世紀的現代世界。

SOURCE MillerKnoll

來源 MillerKnoll

