
港股异动 | 中国儒意(00136)现涨超6% 收购有爱互娱有望扩大游戏版图 与万达电影多个业务产生协同

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | China's Ruyi (00136) is now up more than 6%, and the acquisition of Youai Mutual Entertainment is expected to expand the game layout and create synergy with Wanda Film's various businesses

Zhitong Finance ·  May 29 14:59

The Zhitong Finance App learned that China's Ruyi (00136) is now up more than 6%. As of press release, it has risen 6.28% to HK$2.2 million, with a turnover of HK$247 million.

According to the news, on May 7, China's Ruyi announced the acquisition of 100% of Byte's assets, Beijing Youai Mutual Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd., with a transaction consideration of 259 million yuan. Currently, the core asset of Ai Mutual Entertainment is “Red Alert OL.” CITIC Construction Investment pointed out that after the equity transfer is completed, relying on the “Red Alert” IP's broad player base, it is expected to further expand the company's game layout, optimize resource allocation, and promote overall performance growth. In the short term, games will contribute to new business growth. In the long run, the company is expected to further extend the IP life cycle, explore copyright value, and enhance the company's ability to monetize its film and television intellectual property rights through film and game linkages.

China Merchants Securities pointed out that after the renewal of Wanda Film's actual controllers and management, the company is expected to further collaborate with China's Confucius in the production and distribution related business of film and television content; it is also expected to further expand through various methods such as asset-light models in strong business institutions; and focus on IP to empower the sales business and enhance the business's contribution to performance through strong online and offline channel advantages. Furthermore, as a leading cinema company, Wanda Film is expected to fully benefit from the rise in industry prosperity.

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