
Earnings Call Summary | RYMAN HEALTHCARE LIMITED UNSP ADR EA REPR 5 ORD NZD0.00(RYHTY.US) Q4 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | RYMAN HEALTHCARE LIMITED UNSP ADR EA REPR 5 ORD NZD0.00(RYHTY.US) Q4 2024 Earnings Conference

富途資訊 ·  05/29 02:06  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Ryman Healthcare Limited (RYHTY) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Ryman Healthcare Limited (RYHTY) 2024年第四季度業績會簡報摘錄:

Financial Performance:


  • Ryman Healthcare reported an underlying profit of $270 million, meeting the given guidance.

  • The company experienced a significant loss of $324.5 million before tax and fair value, mainly due to balance sheet adjustments to more conservative valuations.

  • Ryman recognised non-cash impairments and one-off charges of $244 million, primarily from written down land bank sites and impaired care centres.

  • The firm reported a negative free cash flow of $187 million, a substantial improvement from the previous year.

  • The company's net debt stands at $2.51 billion, in line with earlier predictions.

  • Gross margin for Q4 decreased from 31% to 28%.

  • Ryman faces significant capital recycling shortfalls but expects a residual amount of around $800 million.

  • Ryman Healthcare報告了2.7億新西蘭元的核心利潤,符合給定的指引。

  • 該公司在稅前和公允價值方面經歷了3.245億新西蘭元的重大損失,主要是由於平衡表對更爲保守的估值進行了調整。

  • Ryman認定了2.44億新西蘭元的非現金減值和一次性費用,主要來自減記土地儲備地點和受損的護理中心。

  • 該公司報告了1.87億新西蘭元的負自由現金流,相比往年有大幅度改善。

  • 該公司的淨債務爲2.51億新西蘭元,與之前的預測相符。

  • 第四季度毛利率從31%下降到28%。

  • Ryman面臨重大的資本回收縮水,但預計仍有大約8億新西蘭元的剩餘金額。

Business Progress:


  • Ryman has 48 active villages and is constructing in 9 locations, along with 10 greenfield sites.

  • Changes in management were announced, including new appointments for Group CFO, Head of Corporate Finance and Treasury, Chief Transformation and Strategy Officer, and the resignation of the Group CEO.

  • The company is shifting its focus towards 'completed and able to be occupied' properties.

  • There are plans to enhance the profitability and efficiency of existing villages, improve new developments, and reset revenue models.

  • Ryman was awarded the Most Trusted Brand in New Zealand for aged care and retirement villages for the 10th time by Reader's Digest.

  • The company has plans to manage core debt levels through improved performance and recycling capital on new debt, with an aim of reducing core debt to just above $1 billion.

  • Ryman maintains a disciplined approach towards new capital allocation and is considering reassessing its offerings and strategies due to broader economic and market conditions.

  • The company is prioritizing sustainability initiatives, evidenced by their recent 2024 Sustainability Report and upcoming climate-related disclosures.

  • Ryman plans for a scale-up in unit completions in the next three years, with a tighter management of land bank in the given market conditions.

  • Ryman擁有48個活躍的養老村並在9個位置進行建設,同時有10個綠地項目。

  • 公司宣佈管理層變動,包括集團首席財務官、企業融資和財務負責人、首席轉型和策略官的任命,以及集團首席執行官的辭職。

  • 該公司正在將重點轉向“已完成且可被佔用”的物業。

  • 計劃提高現有養老村的盈利能力和效率,改善新開發項目,並重新制定收入模型。

  • Ryman Healthcare連續10年成爲“讀者文摘”評選的新西蘭最值得信賴的老年護理養老村品牌。

  • 該公司計劃通過提高業績和在新債務上回收資本來管理核心債務水平,目標是將核心債務降至略高於1億新西蘭元。

  • Ryman對新的資本分配保持謹慎的態度,並考慮重新評估其產品和策略,以適應更廣泛的經濟和市場狀況。

  • 該公司以可持續性倡議爲重點,通過最近的2024年可持續性報告和即將公佈的與氣候相關的披露來證明其努力。

  • Ryman計劃在未來三年內擴大單位竣工規模,在給定的市場條件下對土地儲備進行更嚴格的管理。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


