

Explode! BYD's big move: battery life of over 2000 kilometers! Wang Chuanfu: Chinese brands rewrite global automobile fuel consumption history!

Securities Times ·  May 29 10:12

Source: e-company

Currently, the “volume” of the automobile market is not only reflected in pricing, but also in product definition and technology updates.

May 28, leading new energy vehicles$BYD COMPANY (01211.HK)$Further steps were taken to release the latest plug-in hybrid technology, the fifth-generation DM-i dual-mode hybrid system, to continue to refresh and reduce vehicle fuel consumption.

According to reports, the system allows the engine to achieve 46.06% thermal efficiency, 2.9 L of fuel consumption per 100 kilometers, and a comprehensive battery life of 2,100 kilometers.

At the press conference, models equipped with the above hybrid technology — the Qin L DM-i and SEAL 06 DM-i — were officially unveiled. It is worth mentioning that these two models achieved the same price, with a price range of 99,800 yuan to 139,800 yuan.

Wang Chuanfu, chairman and president of BYD Co., Ltd., explained that in terms of plug-in hybrid technology, the Chinese automobile industry is already at the top of the world.

The data shows that in 2023, sales of plug-in hybrid models in the Chinese market reached 2.804 million units, an increase of 84.7% over the previous year, greatly exceeding the sales growth rate of pure electric models.

“For every 4 plug-in hybrid models sold in the world today, 3 are from Chinese brands.” At the press conference, Wang Chuanfu proudly stated that the most advanced plug-in mixing technology is in China.

The time when the world mixed up and entered China

Ten years ago, plug-in mixing technology was almost untouched; only BYD was fully committed. After ten years of continuous research and development, BYD's plug-in mixing technology continues to be updated. At the same time, SAIC Motor, Guangzhou Automobile, etc. are also following the hybrid route one after another.

Wang Chuanfu recalled that he thought BYD's hybrid technology could usher in a bright moment in 2018, but the opposite is true. Consumers are not buying into it. The hybrid technology route has even reached the point of “life and death,” and even within BYD, there have been some differences within BYD.

“But I just have the energy in my heart to not give up.” Wang Chuanfu said that if BYD gives up, then China's plug-in hybrid technology will probably have no tomorrow. Until 2021, the birth of BYD's fourth-generation DM-i brought fuel consumption of Chinese brand vehicles into the “3 liter era” and achieved “the same price for oil and electricity.”

It is thanks to this generation of plug-in hybrid technology that BYD's plug-in hybrid models have achieved good sales. According to the data, in 2023, BYD sold a total of 3,024,400 vehicles throughout the year, an increase of 62.30% over the previous year, a large part of which was contributed by plug-in hybrid models.

Wang Chuanfu said that at present, China's plug-in hybrid market is no longer a “no-man's land”. Changan, SAIC, Chery, Geely, Great Wall, etc. have launched their own plug-in hybrid technology. There are more than 100 plug-in hybrid models from Chinese brands, and various car companies are showing a trend where you are catching up with me and everything is flourishing. In the international market, the Japanese-dominated hybrid myth has been completely shattered by Chinese brands.

“It should be said that the global mess has entered China's moment.” Wang Chuanfu said that now global car companies are paying attention to China's car mixing technology and are following suit.

The model with a battery life of 2000 kilometers is here!

Along with the release of BYD's fifth-generation DM-i dual-mode hybrid system, models equipped with corresponding technology were also unveiled and launched simultaneously.

Wang Chuanfu explained that BYD's fifth-generation DM-i dual-mode hybrid system is the best plug-in hybrid system in the world. The engine's thermal efficiency has reached 46.06%, the fuel consumption is 2.9 L per 100 kilometers, and the comprehensive battery life is 2,100 kilometers.

Yang Dongsheng, director of BYD's Product Planning and New Automotive Technology Research Institute, revealed that BYD's rapid improvement in hybrid technology has benefited from BYD's insistence on self-research throughout the entire industry chain over the years, and has thus achieved autonomy and control over the core hybrid technology.

“The fifth-generation DM-i dual-mode hybrid system is the result of BYD's ultimate innovation.” Yang Dongsheng said that taking the increase in engine thermal efficiency as an example, the current 46.06% achieved by BYD's fifth-generation DM-i dual-mode hybrid system has set a new record for the highest mass-produced gasoline engine in the world.

At the press conference, BYD also officially launched models equipped with the above hybrid technology — the Qin L DM-i and SEAL 06 DM-i. The battery life of both models in actual tests exceeded 2,100 kilometers, and even reached more than 2,300 kilometers.


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