
Regency Centers Wins First Coast Healthiest Companies Award for 15th Consecutive Year

Regency Centers Wins First Coast Healthiest Companies Award for 15th Consecutive Year

Accesswire ·  05/28 20:30

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / May 28, 2024 / For the 15th year in a row, Jacksonville's First Coast Worksite Wellness Council (FCWWC) has honored Regency Centers with the First Coast Healthiest Companies award. Regency reached the Platinum level - the highest level of the award - for its ninth consecutive year, and is one of just 20 companies to earn this achievement.

Jacksonville的First Coast工作場所健康委員會(FCWWC)連續15年爲Regency Centers頒發First Coast Healthiest Companies獎項。Regency連續第九年獲得最高級別的白金獎,是僅有的20家獲此殊榮的公司之一。

This award recognizes companies that are committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of their employees. Platinum award winners have best-in-class wellness programs and facilitate a culture of health within their organizations, as demonstrated by robust programming that supports multiple pillars of well-being (e.g., physical, mental, social).


Prioritizing a Culture of Wellness

優先考慮健康文化:Regency Centers重視員工的安全、健康和整體福祉。我們的綜合福利計劃涵蓋了四個主要的健康類別。

At Regency Centers, we prioritize our people's safety, health, and overall well-being. Our comprehensive benefits package addresses four main categories of wellness.


  • Physical health: Empowering employees to adopt positive habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Financial security: Improving quality of life and alleviating stress associated with financial insecurity
  • Emotional balance: Providing tools and resources to build resiliency and support mental wellness
  • Connected community: Building a strong community and fostering positive social interactions
  • 財務安全:改善生活品質,緩解與財務不安全相關的壓力。
  • 情感平衡:提供工具和資源,建立韌性,支持心理健康。
  • 聯繫社區:建立強大的社區,促進積極的社交互動。
  • Regency爲獲得此榮譽的計劃之一是每年舉辦一次健康博覽會,以及與受僱員工保持健康生活方式有關的生物測量定量和激勵措施的合作伙伴關係。Virgin Pulse是一個免費的在線平台,爲我們的員工提供健康和健康教育和意識的工具。我們還提供健康儲蓄賬戶(HSA)基金和醫療保健靈活支出賬戶(FSA),併爲心理健康諮詢提供員工援助計劃(EAP)的接口。

Among the programs that have earned Regency this honor are an annual Health Fair and a partnership that offers biometric screening and incentives for employees to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Virgin Pulse, a complimentary online platform, provides our employees with access to tools that focus on health and wellness education and awareness. We also offer a Health Savings Account (HSA) Fund and Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA), and provide access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for mental health counseling.

“連續第15年獲得東北地區最健康公司白金獎是一種巨大的榮譽,”薪酬福利高級經理Reese Dowell說。“這個獎項強調了Regency致力於提供最佳計劃,爲員工創造健康和支持性的工作場所文化。我們爲擁有一個支持爲我們設計、實施和衡量計劃的資源的領導團隊感到自豪,以提高員工的整體健康和福祉並獲得這場勝利體現了我們不懈的承諾。”

It's a great honor to receive another Platinum award for being among Northeast Florida's healthiest companies," said Reese Dowell, Senior Manager of Compensation and Benefits. "This award underscores Regency's commitment to providing best-in-class programs that create a healthy and supportive workplace culture. We're proud to have a leadership team who supports investing in resources that help us design, implement, and measure programs to improve the overall health and well-being of our employees and this win demonstrates our ongoing dedication.

我們每年評估我們的福利計劃並尋找機會進一步與員工的需求保持一致。 2022年,我們將牙科福利擴展到每年三次預防護理潔牙,並將牙周植入納入“主要”的額外覆蓋範圍。此外,短期殘疾每週支付和有薪產假增加。

We evaluate our benefit offerings yearly and look for opportunities to align further with our employees' needs. In 2022, we expanded our dental benefits to three preventive care cleanings per year and periodontal implants as a 'Major' added coverage. Furthermore, short-term disability weekly payout and paid parental leave increased.


Learn more about Regency's commitment to health, wellness, and Corporate Responsibility here.


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Spokesperson: Regency Centers

發言人:Regency Centers

SOURCE: Regency Centers

消息來源:Regency Centers

