
Gladiator Extends Cowley Park Geological Model to Include Additional High-Grade Copper Mineralization

Gladiator Extends Cowley Park Geological Model to Include Additional High-Grade Copper Mineralization

Gladiator 擴展了考利公園地質模型,將其他高品位銅礦化包括在內
newsfile ·  05/28 15:05
  • Gladiator has received assay results for additional holes drilled at the Cowley Park prospect ("Cowley Park") comprising part of the remaining historic drill core. These results are from historical holes drilled but not previously logged or assayed and further define the continuity of the high-grade copper skarn mineralization at Cowley Park.
  • Gladiator收到了在考利公園勘探區(“Cowley Park”)鑽探的其他鑽孔的化驗結果,這些鑽孔是剩餘的歷史鑽芯的一部分。這些結果來自歷史上鑽探但之前未記錄或分析的鑽孔,進一步定義了考利公園高品位銅錫卡巖礦化的連續性。

Results include:


  • 19-CP-14: 10.3m @ 1.92% Cu and 1,459ppm Mo from 131.7m

  • CP-149: 10m @ 1.07% Cu from 49m (within: 24m @ 0.63% Cu from 35m)

  • CP-159: 8m @ 1.02% Cu from 105m

  • 19-CP-14: 103m @ 1.92% Cu 和 1,459ppm Mo,來自 1.317 億

  • CP-149: 從 49m 開始 10m @ 1.07% Cu(範圍內:24m @ 35m 起 0.63% Cu)

  • CP-159: 從 105m 開始 8m @ 1.02% Cu

The interval in CP-159 represents the most south easterly intercept of copper skarn mineralization to date, with mineralization remaining open under cover.

CP-159 中的間隔是迄今爲止銅錫卡巖礦化最東南的截距,在掩護下礦化仍處於開放狀態。

Figure 1: Isometric view of recently remodeled zone of mineralization showing position of Sub Parallel and Southeastern Extension zones of mineralization.

圖 1:最近改建的礦化區的等距視圖,顯示了亞平行和東南延伸礦化帶的位置。

  • These results are from holes drilled but not previously logged or assayed by prior owners of the project, and further define the continuity of the high-grade copper skarn mineralization at Cowley Park.

  • The incorporation of these results into geological modelling of the Cowley Park prospect has highlighted areas of significant exploration upside with identified targets including:

    • Southeastern Extensions: The interval reported in CP-159 represents the most south easterly intercept of copper skarn mineralization reported to date, potentially extending the known mineralized system over 100m to the east, with mineralization remaining open under cover.

    • Northeastern Extension: The most north easterly copper skarn intercept at Cowley Park reported to date is 43.28m @ 2.24% Cu from 93.27m with mineralization remaining open to the east under cover.

    • Sub-Parallel Trends: Additional, unexplored sub-parallel trends under cover indicated by initial drilling including 10m @ 1.23% Cu from 204m in CPG-015.

    • Western Extension: Recent mapping undertaken at Cowley Park has identified a significant fault that may have displaced the main mineralized body on the western side, opening up significant potential for the mineralization to extend west.

    • Depth Extensions: Mineralization remains open at depth with the deepest intervals drilled to date, including 14.33m @ 1.22% Cu from 130.15m (18-CP-03) remaining open at depth

  • 這些結果來自該項目前所有者先前鑽探但未記錄或分析的鑽孔,進一步定義了考利公園高品位銅錫卡巖礦化的連續性。

  • 將這些結果納入考利公園勘探區的地質建模中,突顯了具有重大勘探潛力的區域,已確定目標包括:

    • 東南擴展: CP-159 中報告的間隔是迄今爲止報告的銅錫卡巖礦化最東南的截距,這有可能將已知的礦化系統向東延伸 100 米以上,礦化在掩護下仍處於開放狀態。

    • 東北延伸: 迄今爲止在考利公園報告的最東北的銅矽卡巖截距爲4,328m @ 2.24% Cu,高於93.27m,礦化區在掩護下向東仍處於開放狀態。

    • 次級平行趨勢: 初始鑽探表明了掩護下其他未開發的亞平行趨勢,包括 CPG-015 中從 204 米的 100 米 @ 1.23% 銅含量。

    • 西部擴展: 最近在考利公園進行的測繪已經發現了一個重要的斷層,該斷層可能已經取代了西側的主要礦化體,這爲礦化向西延伸開闢了巨大的潛力。

    • 深度擴展: 礦化區在深度仍處於開放狀態,迄今爲止鑽探的最深間隔,包括從 130.15 米 (18-CP-03) 處鑽出的 14.33 米 @ 1.22% 銅在深度仍處於開放狀態

Gladiator CEO, Jason Bontempo commented:


"Results from the ongoing logging and sampling of unassayed core from exploration drilling completed in recent years has identified further, previously unreported, high-grade mineralization. The results from Gladiator's sampling continues to define the continuity and scale of high-grade copper mineralization at Cowley Park, as well as providing further definition to the potentially significant coincident molybdenum mineralization.


These new results, combined with geological modelling of the Cowley Park prospect have highlighted multiple new areas of exploration upside under cover away from the known mineralization. These areas are key targets for summer exploration programs.


Of particular significance is the identification of the continuity of copper mineralization to the unexplored south-east of existing drill grids in CP-159.

特別重要的是確定 CP-159 中現有鑽探網格東南部未開發的銅礦化的連續性。

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 28, 2024) - Gladiator Metals Corp. (TSXV: GLAD) (OTCQB: GDTRF) (FSE: ZX7) ("Gladiator" or the "Company") is pleased to announce further results from the high-grade Cowley Park prospect at the Whitehorse Copper Project and provide an update on its exploration upside.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 5 月 28 日)- 角鬥士金屬公司 (TSXV: GLAD) (OTCQB: GDTRF) (FSE: ZX7) (”角鬥士“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈懷特霍斯銅業項目高品位考利公園勘探的進一步業績,並提供其勘探上行的最新情況。

Cowley Park - First Time Assaying of Historic Drill Core

Cowley Park-首次對歷史鑽探岩心進行化驗

Gladiator has been logging and assaying historical backlogged uncut core holes drilled but not previously logged or assayed by prior owners. Gladiator has received assay results for an additional three holes drilled at the Cowley Park prospect, with results including:


  • 19-CP-14: 10.3m @ 1.92% Cu and 0.1459 ppm Mo from 131.7m

  • CP-149: 10m @ 1.07% Cu from 49m (within: 24m @ 0.63% Cu from 35m)

  • CP-159: 8m @ 1.02% Cu from 105m

  • 19-CP-14: 103m @ 1.92% Cu 和 0.1459 ppm 鉬來自 1.3170 億

  • CP-149: 從 49m 開始 10m @ 1.07% Cu(範圍內:24m @ 35m 起 0.63% Cu)

  • CP-159: 從 105m 開始 8m @ 1.02% Cu

The recently returned assay results (refer Table 1 & Figure 2) continue to support Gladiator's interpretation that mineralization at Cowley Park consists of multiple bodies, dipping shallowly to the southwest.

最近返回的化驗結果 (參見表 1 和圖 2)繼續支持角鬥士的解釋,即考利公園的礦化由多個巖體組成,向西南傾斜。

Recent geological modelling of the Cowley Park prospect has identified multiple areas of significant exploration upside (refer to Figure 1 below) including:

最近對考利公園勘探區進行的地質建模已經確定了多個具有重大勘探潛力的區域(請參考下面的圖 1) 包括:

  • Southeastern Extension: The interval in CP-159 represents the most south-easterly intercept of copper skarn mineralization to date with mineralization remaining open under cover.

  • Northeastern Extension: The most north-easterly copper-skarn intercept at Cowley Park is 43.28m @ 2.24% Cu from 93.27m, including 13.72m @ 5.41% Cu (19-CP-08) with mineralization remaining open to the east under cover.

  • Sub-Parallel Trends: Additional, unexplored sub-parallel trends under cover indicated by initial drilling including 10m @ 1.23% Cu from 204m in CPG-015.

  • Western Extension: Recent mapping undertaken at Cowley Park has identified a significant fault that may have displaced the main mineralized body on the western side, opening up significant potential for the mineralization to extend west.

  • Depth Extensions: Mineralization remains open at depth with the deepest intervals drilled to date, including 14.33m @ 1.22% Cu from 130.15m (18-CP-03) including 5m @ 2.78% Cu, remaining open at depth.

  • 東南擴展: CP-159 中的間隔是迄今爲止銅錫卡巖礦化最東南的截距,礦化層在掩護下仍處於開放狀態。

  • 東北延伸: 考利公園最東北方向的銅硅卡巖截距爲4,328m @ 2.24% Cu(來自9,327m),包括1372m @ 5.41% Cu(19-CP-08),其礦化作用在掩護下向東仍處於開放狀態。

  • 次級平行趨勢: 初始鑽探表明了掩護下其他未開發的亞平行趨勢,包括 CPG-015 中從 204 米的 100 米 @ 1.23% 銅含量。

  • 西部擴展: 最近在考利公園進行的測繪已經發現了一個重要的斷層,該斷層可能已經取代了西側的主要礦化體,這爲礦化向西延伸開闢了巨大的潛力。

  • 深度擴展: 礦化區在深度仍處於開放狀態,迄今爲止鑽探的最深間隔,包括來自130.15米(18-CP-03)的14.33m @ 1.22% Cu,包括5m @ 2.78% Cu,在深度保持開放狀態。

Figure 2: Plan map of the advanced Cowley Park Copper Prospect. Select recent and historical drill results with a cumulative Copper%*m of >40 highlighted. Map shows recently identified areas of exploration upside from geological modelling.

圖 2:先進的 Cowley Park 銅礦勘探區的平面圖。選擇最近和歷史的鑽探結果,突出顯示累計 Copper%*m 大於 40。地圖顯示了最近通過地質建模確定的勘探上行區域。

Hole ID Depth East North Dip Azim Note From To Interval
(+ Mo)
(Cu* Int)
CP-149 134.11 506,078 6,715,445 -90 11 35.00 59.00 24.00 0.70 0.63 0.01 5.37 17 15.08
CP-149 134.11 506,078 6,715,445 -90 11 49.00 59.00 10.00 1.18 1.07 0.01 9.26 26 10.67
CP-155 79.30 505,589 6,715,514 -50 11 66.00 71.07 5.07 0.48 0.36 0.04 2.16 146 1.81
CP-159 123.40 506,420 6,715,185 -65 11 Incl. 69.00 75.00 6.00 0.75 0.59 0.12 4.10 60 3.57
Plus 69.00 71.00 2.00 1.48 1.21 0.25 7.30 13 2.42
Plus 105.00 113.00 8.00 1.25 1.02 0.09 6.70 210 8.13
19-CP-02 173.74 506,082 6,715,373 -45 191 76.20 91.44 15.24 0.82 0.62 0.02 4.67 316 9.42
102.41 110.03 7.62 0.88 0.66 0.01 1.75 450 5.05
Incl. 105.16 108.20 3.04 1.68 1.27 0.01 3.11 853 3.86
Plus 118.57 121.19 2.62 1.40 0.87 0.00 2.08 1,157 2.28
19-CP-11 188.98 506,183 6,715,492 -75 191 75.00 76.00 1.00 1.41 1.12 0.22 7.50 107 1.12
19-CP-06 152.40 506,209 6,715,334 -45 11 NSA
19-CP-14 251.46 506008 6715419 -90 0 74.60 80.00 5.40 1.14 0.56 0.10 6.20 1,004 3.03
Plus 131.70 149.79 18.09 1.86 1.20 0.20 9.19 951 21.79
Incl. 131.70 142.00 10.30 2.94 1.92 0.31 14.35 1,459 19.80
19-CP-15 249.94 506,008 6,715,419 -70 11 9.00 15.00 6.00 0.43 0.34 0.03 2.10 110 2.05
Plus 62.00 72.00 10.00 0.88 0.61 0.03 4.04 480 6.10
Plus 80.00 110.00 30.00 0.47 0.35 0.01 1.97 210 10.44
Plus 125.00 128.00 3.00 0.69 0.59 0.00 1.50 197 1.77
Plus 138.00 142.00 4.00 1.78 0.35 0.00 1.20 3,216 1.40
Plus 148.00 161.00 13.00 0.43 0.33 0.01 0.92 182 4.29
LDN16-01 236.22 505,738 6,715,416 -90 11 109.00 111.00 2.00 0.40 0.35 0.02 1.10 44 0.71
Previously Reported Intersections
CP-097 144.78 506,393 6,715,161 -55 0 68.88 71.93 3.05 2.12 2.12 6.47
Plus 119.63 130.00 10.37 1.95 1.95 20.25
CPG-015 248.72 506,084 6,715,326 -50 190 42.00 59.00 17.00 1.10 0.91 0.12 9.59 23 15.42
Incl. 42.00 45.00 3.00 2.08 1.71 0.28 16.30 9 5.13
And 52.00 59.00 7.00 1.76 1.45 0.18 16.23 51 10.15
And 55.00 57.00 2.00 4.52 3.77 0.38 41.85 135 7.54
Plus 80.00 111.00 31.00 0.91 0.58 0.03 2.54 642 18.01
Plus 184.00 190.00 6.00 0.79 0.74 0.01 2.10 47 4.46
Plus 204.00 218.00 14.00 1.16 0.97 0.04 5.82 246 13.54
Incl. 204.00 214.00 10.00 1.48 1.23 0.05 7.37 319 12.33
18-CP-03 187.45 506,065 6,715,400 -45 M1 81.38 93.57 12.19 1.81 1.45 0.12 9.03 413 17.72
Incl. 83.82 92.96 9.14 2.28 1.85 0.15 11.75 450 16.92
Plus 100.77 122.22 21.45 1.38 0.66 0.06 5.33 1,408 14.16
Incl. 108.20 122.22 14.02 1.74 0.89 0.08 7.08 1,639 12.43
Incl. 114.00 117.96 3.96 3.18 1.96 0.18 15.06 2,114 7.77
Plus 130.15 144.48 14.33 1.35 1.22 0.05 4.22 119 17.54
Incl. 139.29 144.48 5.19 2.95 2.78 0.06 7.00 123 14.44
19-CP-08 176.78 506,233 6,715,329 -45 11 70.10 76.81 6.71 1.36 0.72 0.09 7.17 1,139 4.80
Plus 84.12 85.04 0.92 2.13 1.01 0.15 10.80 2,040 0.93
Plus 93.27 136.55 43.28 2.59 2.24 0.10 9.49 406 96.75
Incl. 109.42 123.14 13.72 5.81 5.41 0.17 19.21 208 74.24
Plus 151.00 157.00 6.00 1.44 1.18 0.09 3.47 353 7.05
洞 ID 深度 東方 北方 阿齊姆 注意 來自 間隔
(+ Mo)

(銅* Int)
CP-149 134.11 506,078 6,715,445 -90 11 35.00 59.00 24.00 0.70 0.63 0.01 5.37 17 15.08
CP-149 134.11 506,078 6,715,445 -90 11 49.00 59.00 10.00 1.18 1.07 0.01 9.26 26 10.67
CP-155 79.30 505,589 6,715,514 -50 11 66.00 71.07 5.07 0.48 0.36 0.04 2.16 146 1.81
CP-159 123.40 506,420 6,715,185 -65 11 包括。 69.00 75.00 6.00 0.75 0.59 0.12 4.10 60 3.57
再加上 69.00 71.00 2.00 1.48 1.21 0.25 7.30 13 2.42
再加上 105.00 113.00 8.00 1.25 1.02 0.09 6.70 210 8.13
19-CP-02 173.74 506,082 6,715,373 -45 191 76.20 91.44 15.24 0.82 0.62 0.02 4.67 316 9.42
102.41 110.03 7.62 0.88 0.66 0.01 1.75 450 5.05
包括。 105.16 108.20 3.04 1.68 1.27 0.01 3.11 853 3.86
再加上 118.57 121.19 2.62 1.40 0.87 0.00 2.08 1,157 2.28
19-CP-11 188.98 506,183 6,715,492 -75 191 75.00 76.00 1.00 1.41 1.12 0.22 7.50 107 1.12
19-CP-06 152.40 506,209 6,715,334 -45 11 國家安全局
19-CP-14 251.46 506008 6715419 -90 0 74.60 80.00 5.40 1.14 0.56 0.10 6.20 1,004 3.03
再加上 131.70 149.79 18.09 1.86 1.20 0.20 9.19 951 21.79
包括。 131.70 142.00 10.30 2.94 1.92 0.31 14.35 1,459 19.80
19-CP-15 249.94 506,008 6,715,419 -70 11 9.00 15.00 6.00 0.43 0.34 0.03 2.10 110 2.05
再加上 62.00 72.00 10.00 0.88 0.61 0.03 4.04 480 6.10
再加上 80.00 110.00 30.00 0.47 0.35 0.01 1.97 210 10.44
再加上 125.00 128.00 3.00 0.69 0.59 0.00 1.50 197 1.77
再加上 138.00 142.00 4.00 1.78 0.35 0.00 1.20 3,216 1.40
再加上 148.00 161.00 13.00 0.43 0.33 0.01 0.92 182 4.29
LDN16-01 236.22 505,738 6,715,416 -90 11 109.00 111.00 2.00 0.40 0.35 0.02 1.10 44 0.71
CP-097 144.78 506,393 6,715,161 -55 0 68.88 71.93 3.05 2.12 2.12 6.47
再加上 119.63 130.00 10.37 1.95 1.95 20.25
CPG-015 248.72 506,084 6,715,326 -50 190 42.00 59.00 17.00 1.10 0.91 0.12 9.59 23 15.42
包括。 42.00 45.00 3.00 2.08 1.71 0.28 16.30 9 5.13
而且 52.00 59.00 7.00 1.76 1.45 0.18 16.23 51 10.15
而且 55.00 57.00 2.00 4.52 3.77 0.38 41.85 135 7.54
再加上 80.00 111.00 31.00 0.91 0.58 0.03 2.54 642 18.01
再加上 184.00 190.00 6.00 0.79 0.74 0.01 2.10 47 4.46
再加上 204.00 218.00 14.00 1.16 0.97 0.04 5.82 246 13.54
包括。 204.00 214.00 10.00 1.48 1.23 0.05 7.37 319 12.33
18-CP-03 187.45 506,065 6,715,400 -45 M1 81.38 93.57 12.19 1.81 1.45 0.12 9.03 413 17.72
包括。 83.82 92.96 9.14 2.28 1.85 0.15 11.75 450 16.92
再加上 100.77 122.22 21.45 1.38 0.66 0.06 5.33 1,408 14.16
包括。 108.20 122.22 14.02 1.74 0.89 0.08 7.08 1,639 12.43
包括。 114.00 117.96 3.96 3.18 1.96 0.18 15.06 2,114 7.77
再加上 130.15 144.48 14.33 1.35 1.22 0.05 4.22 119 17.54
包括。 139.29 144.48 5.19 2.95 2.78 0.06 7.00 123 14.44
19-CP-08 176.78 506,233 6,715,329 -45 11 70.10 76.81 6.71 1.36 0.72 0.09 7.17 1,139 4.80
再加上 84.12 85.04 0.92 2.13 1.01 0.15 10.80 2,040 0.93
再加上 93.27 136.55 43.28 2.59 2.24 0.10 9.49 406 96.75
包括。 109.42 123.14 13.72 5.81 5.41 0.17 19.21 208 74.24
再加上 151.00 157.00 6.00 1.44 1.18 0.09 3.47 353 7.05

Table 1: Cowley Park Significant Intersections (Recent Logging & Sampling of Historic Holes & Intersections quoted in text and Figures in this release).

表 1: 考利公園重要十字路口(本新聞稿的文字和數字中引用的歷史洞穴和十字路口的最新記錄和採樣)。

Copper Equivalent (CuEq) was based on the following assumed metal prices on the 21 April 2024 of $US 9.876 per tonne Cu, $US2,390 per Ounce Au, $US28.69 per Ounce Ag & $US43,725 per tonne Mo. Recovery is assumed to be 100% as no metallurgical test work has been completed.


For further details on quoted mineralization intersected in drilling contained in this release, plus any relevant information regarding QAQC can be found at:


  • "Gladiator Discovers New Zone of Copper Mineralization at Cowley Park"
    - News Release dated December 11, 2023

  • "Gladiator Metals Announces Results of Maiden Drill Program at Cowley Park Copper Prospect"
    - News Release dated July 24, 2023.

  • "Gladiator Metals Intersects Copper in Maiden Drill Campaign at Cowley Park"
    - News Release dated June 5, 2023.

  • "Gladiator Metals Assays 32.92m @ 2.08% Copper from Historical Drill Core at Cowley Park"
    - News Release dated May 15, 2023.

  • "Gladiator Metals Samples 12.5m @ 8.02% Copper at the Cowley Park and Commences Drilling at the Whitehorse Copper Project"
    - News Release dated April 27, 2023.

  • "Gladiator Metal Announces Additional High-Grade Copper Drill Intercepts"
    - News Release dated April 3, 2023.

  • “角鬥士在考利公園發現了新的銅礦化區域”
    -2023 年 12 月 11 日的新聞稿

  • “Gladiator Metals公佈了考利公園銅礦勘探區的首次鑽探計劃的結果”
    -2023 年 7 月 24 日的新聞稿。

  • “角鬥士金屬在考利公園的首次鑽探活動中與銅相交”
    -2023 年 6 月 5 日的新聞稿。

  • “Gladiator Metals 分析了來自考利公園歷史鑽芯的 3292 萬 @ 2.08% 的銅”
    -2023 年 5 月 15 日的新聞稿。

  • “Gladiator Metals 在考利公園採樣 1250 萬個 @ 8.02% 的銅,並開始在懷特霍斯銅礦項目進行鑽探”
    -2023 年 4 月 27 日的新聞稿。

  • “Gladiator Metal宣佈增加高等級銅鑽截獲量”
    -2023 年 4 月 3 日的新聞稿。



As part of the processing and capturing of the previously unassayed drill core, Gladiator is undertaking a systematic review of the available drill core after being retrieved from storage. This includes a review of the geological logging, marking up of lineal length of the core, undertaking a comparison of the physical ticketed sampling against historic documentation where noted, remarking any notations on the core box (including hole number, box number and nominal depths) and taking core photographs.


After the systematic review, if the core is required to be sampled or resampled where it is deemed to not match the historical record of the hole, it is then marked up for sampling with a new sampling ticket that matches the submitted sample for analysis at the start of the sample interval, the drill core is then cut in half (for un-cut core) or quartered (for resampled core where required) utilizing a core saw equipped with a diamond saw blade. The core samples are then sent for analysis and the remaining half (or quarter core) retained for future reference. Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) or known blank material is placed within the sampling sequence at a nominal sampling rate of 1 in 25 samples to monitor the laboratory. Samples are submitted to the ALS Global laboratory (Canada).

系統審查後,如果需要對岩心進行採樣或重新採樣,但該岩心被認爲與孔的歷史記錄不符,則在採樣間隔開始時使用與提交的樣本相匹配的新採樣單對其進行抽樣,然後使用裝有金剛石鋸片的芯鋸將鑽芯切成兩半(對於未切割的岩心)或切成四等分(如果需要重採樣芯)。然後將核心樣本送去分析,剩餘的一半(或四分之一的核心)保留以備將來參考。將經認證的參考材料 (CRM) 或已知的空白材料置於採樣序列中,標稱採樣率爲每25個樣本中就有1個,以監測實驗室。樣本提交給 ALS 全球實驗室(加拿大)。

Samples are then crushed to 70% passing less than 2mm before pulverizing to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Samples are then analysed by ALS method ME-ICP41 (Aqua Regia with ICP-MS finish) or ME-ICP61 (Aqua Regia with ICP-AES finish), with over limits for Cu analysed by method CU-OG46 (Aqua Regia with ICP-MS finish). Au is analysed by ALS method Au-AA25 (Ore grade Fire Assay 30g with AA finish).

然後將樣品粉碎至 70%,通過小於 2 毫米,然後粉碎至 85 微米以上。然後使用 ALS 方法 ME-ICP41(採用 ICP-MS 表面處理的 Aqua Regia)或 ME-ICP61(採用 ICP-AES 表面處理的 Aqua Regia)對樣品進行分析,使用 CU-OG46 方法(Aqua Regia 採用 ICP-MS 表面處理)分析的銅含量超限。通過 ALS 方法 Au-AA25(礦石級火焰試驗 30g,表面處理 AA)對金進行分析。

As part of this process, Gladiator also captures the required sampling metadata to potentially utilize the core and analysis for any future requirements if deemed acceptable. Further drilling will need to be completed by Gladiator at some stage to confirm the reliability or usability of this data in the future including but not limited to twinning of reported mineralization. This may be required as Gladiator may not be able to confirm the accuracy of the stated drill collar location or be able to re-enter the holes to confirm depths and undertake directional surveys, or that the QA/QC might not meet the current required standards under reporting instruments, such as NI-43-101. At this point the Company is treating the data collected from this exercise as reliable for the purposes of identifying future exploration targets and may be used to inform future drilling and exploration campaigns.

作爲該過程的一部分,Gladiator還會捕獲所需的採樣元數據,以便在認爲可接受的情況下,有可能利用核心和分析來滿足未來的任何需求。Gladiator需要在某個階段完成進一步的鑽探,以確認這些數據在未來的可靠性或可用性,包括但不限於對報告的礦化進行配對。這可能是必需的,因爲 Gladiator 可能無法確認所述鑽環位置的準確性,也無法重新進入鑽孔以確認深度並進行定向測量,或者 QA/QC 可能不符合 NI-43-101 等報告工具規定的當前要求標準。目前,該公司將從本次演習中收集的數據視爲可靠的數據,以確定未來的勘探目標,並可用於爲未來的鑽探和勘探活動提供信息。

In reference to historic drill results reported in this news release from the Company's data compilation exercise, these results are historical in nature. Gladiator has not undertaken any independent investigation, nor has it independently analyzed the results of the historical exploration work in order to verify the results. The Company believes that the historical drill results currently do not conform to presently accepted industry standards. Gladiator considers these historical drill results relevant as the Company will use this data as a guide to plan future exploration and drilling programs. The Company also considers the data to be reliable for these purposes, however, the Company's future exploration work will include verification of the data through drilling. Please refer to the Company's previous news releases regarding Cowley Park for further details.

參照公司數據彙編工作在本新聞稿中報告的歷史鑽探結果,這些結果本質上是歷史性的。Gladiator沒有進行任何獨立調查,也沒有獨立分析歷史勘探工作的結果以驗證結果。 該公司認爲,歷史鑽探結果目前不符合目前公認的行業標準。 Gladiator認爲這些歷史鑽探結果很重要,因爲該公司將使用這些數據作爲指導來規劃未來的勘探和鑽探計劃。該公司還認爲這些數據對於這些目的是可靠的,但是,該公司未來的勘探工作將包括通過鑽探對數據進行驗證。更多細節請參閱公司先前發佈的有關考利公園的新聞稿。

Where Copper Equivalents have been stated, Assumptions of the pricing are referenced in the tabulated results and recovery is assumed to be 100% as no metallurgical data is available. The following equation was used to calculate copper equivalence:


Copper Equivalent (CuEq) = ((Cu% * CuPrice 1% Per Tonne) + (Au (g/t) x (AuPrice/31.105)) + (Ag (g/t) x (AgPrice/31.105)) +(Mo% * MoPrice 1% Per Tonne)) / CuPrice 1% Per Tonne

銅當量 (CueQ) = ((Cu% * CuPrice 每噸 1%) + (Au (g/t) x (AuPrice/31.105)) + (Ag (g/t) x (agprice/31.105)) + (Mo% * moPrice 每噸 1%))/銅價格 1% 每噸

Qualified Person


All scientific and technical information in this news release has been prepared or reviewed and approved by Kell Nielsen, a "qualified person" as defined by NI 43-101.

本新聞稿中的所有科學和技術信息均由凱爾·尼爾森編寫、審查和批准,凱爾·尼爾森是 NI 43-101 定義的 “合格人員”。



"Jason Bontempo"
Jason Bontempo
President and CEO


For further information contact:
Dustin Zinger, Investor Relations


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any of the securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.

本新聞稿不構成在美國出售任何證券的要約或徵求出售任何證券的要約。這些證券過去和將來都不會根據經修訂的1933年《美國證券法》進行註冊(”《美國證券法》“) 或任何州證券法,除非根據《美國證券法》和適用的州證券法進行註冊或獲得此類註冊豁免,否則不得在美國境內或向美國個人提供或出售。

Certain of the statements and information in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information". Any statements or information that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "plans", "estimates", "intends", "targets", "goals", "forecasts", "objectives", "potential" or variations thereof or stating that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these terms and similar expressions) that are not statements of historical fact may be forward-looking statements or information.

本新聞稿中的某些陳述和信息構成 “前瞻性陳述” 或 “前瞻性信息”。任何表達或涉及有關預測、期望、信念、計劃、預測、目標、假設或未來事件或績效的討論的陳述或信息(通常,但並非總是如此)使用諸如 “期望”、“預期”、“相信”、“計劃”、“估計”、“打算”、“目標”、“預測”、“目標”、“潛在” 或其變體之類的詞語或短語,或陳述某些行動、“可能”、“可能”、“將”、“可能”、“可能” 或 “將” 被採取、發生或實現的事件或結果,或任何條款的否定性和不是歷史事實陳述的類似表達)可能是前瞻性陳述或信息。

Forward-looking statements or information are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements or information, including, without limitation, the need for additional capital by the Company through financings, and the risk that such funds may not be raised; the speculative nature of exploration and the stages of the Company's properties; the effect of changes in commodity prices; regulatory risks that development of the Company's material properties will not be acceptable for social, environmental or other reasons; availability of equipment (including drills) and personnel to carry out work programs; and that each stage of work will be completed within expected time frames. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements or information. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, described or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.


The Company's forward-looking statements and information are based on the assumptions, beliefs, expectations and opinions of management as of the date of this news release, and other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements and information if circumstances or management's assumptions, beliefs, expectations or opinions should change, or changes in any other events affecting such statements or information.


