
港股异动 | 内房股高开低走 “517”新政后一周效果温和 新房累计成交不及4月

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Domestic housing stocks opened higher and went lower in the week after the “517” New Deal, the results were moderate, and the cumulative transactions of new homes were less than in April

Zhitong Finance ·  May 28 14:56

Domestic housing stocks opened higher and lower today. As of press release, Zhongliang Holdings (02772) fell 9.57% to HK$0.17; Vanke Enterprise (02202) fell 4.42% to HK$5.84; and Ocean Group (03377) fell 4.26% to HK$0.45.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that domestic housing stocks opened higher and lower today. As of press release, Zhongliang Holdings (02772) fell 9.57% to HK$0.17; Vanke Enterprise (02202) fell 4.42% to HK$5.84; Ocean Group (03377) fell 4.26% to HK$0.45; and R&F Real Estate (02777) fell 1.94% to HK$1.01.

According to the news, policy actions in the real estate industry have continued recently after an important conference proposed to absorb existing real estate in an integrated manner and optimize incremental housing. First, housing purchase restrictions were lifted in Hangzhou and Xian, then on May 17, the central bank issued three consecutive positive news. On May 27, Shanghai issued a new real estate policy to optimize real estate policies. CICC said earlier that considering that there will be a certain time lag and uncertainty from the release of the policy to the effective implementation of fundamentals, the market may also experience a phased correction as the cumulative increase gradually expands. A period of observation on the effects of the policy followed.

According to monitoring by the Zhuge Housing Search Data Center, judging from the current online registration transaction data for new homes, the overall sales volume of new homes in key cities has maintained an upward trend for 3 consecutive weeks, but the growth rate has gradually slowed down, and the effects of the 517 New Deal have been moderate, falling short of expectations. According to the data, in the 21st week of 2024 (5.20-5.26), the volume of newly built commercial residential units in the 15 key cities was 16,929 units, up 0.85% month-on-month and down 31.81% year-on-year. In terms of cumulative transactions, from May to 26, 2024, 50,636 newly built commercial residential units were sold in 15 key cities, down 3.49% from the same period last month and 38.63% year-on-year.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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