
Bill Ackman Supports Amazon's Response To Employee Kidnapping By Hamas, Advocates for Patience: 'Speaking Publicly Is Harmful'

Bill Ackman Supports Amazon's Response To Employee Kidnapping By Hamas, Advocates for Patience: 'Speaking Publicly Is Harmful'

Benzinga ·  05/27 10:41

Bill Ackman, a billionaire investor, and hedge fund manager, has supported Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) in the ongoing employee hostage crisis. He has urged the public to remain patient and has emphasized the company's ethical and responsible nature.


What Happened: Ackman took X to voice his thoughts on the situation. He stated that the safety and well-being of Amazon's employees are the top priority for the company. Ackman also acknowledged that Amazon is not making any public statements about the crisis, which he believes is a strategic decision made in the best interest of the situation.

發生了什麼:阿克曼讓 X 表達了他對情況的看法。他表示,亞馬遜員工的安全和福祉是公司的重中之重。阿克曼還承認,亞馬遜沒有就這場危機發表任何公開聲明,他認爲這是一項符合局勢最大利益的戰略決策。

"One would therefore assume that Amazon is doing everything it can to help, but it has said nothing publicly. One must therefore conclude that Amazon does not believe it is advisable to say anything about the situation. It must believe that speaking publicly is harmful rather than helpful," Ackman wrote.

“因此,人們會認爲亞馬遜正在盡其所能提供幫助,但它沒有在公開場合說任何話。因此,必須得出結論,亞馬遜認爲對這種情況說任何話都是不明智的。它必須相信公開發言是有害的,而不是有用的,” 阿克曼寫道。

Ackman, in a separate post, questioned Amazon CEO Andy Jassy and former CEO Jeff Bezos about the situation.


Earlier, Ackman had shared a post by Dr. Eli David, which highlighted the case of an Amazon employee, Sasha Troufanov, being held hostage by Hamas. The post also mentioned Amazon's alleged refusal to acknowledge its "Jewish Affinity" employee group, while recognizing the "Arabs at Amazon" group.

此前,阿克曼分享了埃利·戴維博士的一篇文章,該帖子重點介紹了亞馬遜員工薩沙·特魯法諾夫被哈馬斯扣爲人質的案例。該帖子還提到,亞馬遜據稱拒絕承認其 “猶太親和力” 員工群體,同時承認 “亞馬遜的阿拉伯人” 團體。

Thinking more about the Amazon employee hostage situation:
I believe @amazon is a responsible and ethical company.
The first priority of every CEO is the health and safety of his/her employees.
One of Amazon's employees is being held hostage by Hamas.
One would therefore...

— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) May 26, 2024

我相信 @amazon 是一家負責任和有道德的公司。

— 比爾·阿克曼 (@BillAckman) 2024 年 5 月 26 日

Sasha, who was kidnapped by Hamas, represents the thousands affected by the escalating tensions. Close acquaintances like Shiri Grosbard and Ilan Shusterman fervently advocate for Sasha's safe return, underscoring the pressing need for resolution amid the region's mounting challenges, according to the NBC News report in November.


Amazon did not immediately respond to Benzinga's request for comment.


Why It Matters: This development comes in the wake of a series of events in the region. Just two days before Ackman's tweet, the International Court of Justice mandated Israel to halt operations in Rafah, a move that could have significant implications for the Israel-Hamas conflict.


Furthermore, the Israel-Hamas conflict has led to widespread boycotts in the Middle East and Asia, with major fast-food chains like McDonald's and KFC being among the hardest hit.


Earlier in the year, Ackman, along with his wife Neri Oxman, made headlines for acquiring a 5% stake in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange amid the Israel-Hamas conflict.


Before that, Ackman had publicly criticized President Joe Biden for his inaction on the American hostage issue, stating that the President was too focused on other talking points to get re-elected.


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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

這個故事是使用 Benzinga Neuro 創作的,由 Kaustubh Bagalkote

