
Welcome to China. You Probably Can't Buy Anything, Though.

Welcome to China. You Probably Can't Buy Anything, Though.

道琼斯 ·  2019/11/11 03:55

DJ Welcome to China. You Probably Can't Buy Anything, Though.


By Shan Li


BEIJING -- On her first trip to China, 30-year-old Courtney Newnham from Portland, Ore., eagerly lined up at a street pushcart to buy a skewer of candied hawthorn berries, a traditional snack.

北京--來自俄勒岡州波特蘭的30歲的考特妮·紐納姆(Courtney Newnham)第一次來中國時,就急切地在街上的手推車前排隊購買一串蜜餞山楂,這是一種傳統的小吃。

Then she realized nobody was giving the pushcart guy money. "Everyone was just scanning and walking away, and I was like, 'Wait, what?' " she said. She left empty-handed.


China was never an easy place for tourists, but lately just about everything seems to have gone square-shaped -- as in the payment-app QR code needed to unlock much of the Middle Kingdom.


It's how people hail taxis, consult doctors, pay for meals and book flights. Even beggars are asking for money via QR code. Not needing a wallet has simplified life for China's 1.4 billion people, but it can leave the 140 million tourists arriving in the mainland each year helpless.


They can't rely on familiar apps. Google is blocked in China. Uber has ceded the field to local ride-hailing app Didi. Yelp doesn't operate in China.


The dominant payment platforms -- Tencent Holdings Ltd.'s WeChat Pay and Ant Financial Services Group's Alipay -- have been near-impossible to use without a Chinese bank account.

占主導地位的支付平台--騰訊控股有限公司(Tencent Holdings Ltd.)的微信支付和螞蟻金融服務集團(Ant Financial Services Group)的支付寶--幾乎不可能在沒有中國銀行賬户的情況下使用。

Credit cards are no big help. On a family vacation, Alex Lee, 44, took his father and brother for massages at a spa in Hangzhou. When he handed over his credit card, the receptionist dug out a card reader from storage and then stared at it like an alien artifact.

信用卡幫不了什麼大忙。在一次家庭度假中,44歲的亞歷克斯·李(Alex Lee)帶着父親和弟弟在杭州的一家水療中心按摩。當他交出信用卡時,接待員從儲藏室裏挖出一個讀卡器,然後像外星神器一樣盯着它看。

"She was swiping it backward, forward, horizontally, vertically," said Mr. Lee, the co-founder of a startup in Sunnyvale, Calif. He finally showed her how to run the thing.


Susanna Sjogren, a 50-year-old teacher from Stockholm who has taken several vacations in China, said with each visit, the country has become harder to navigate.

來自斯德哥爾摩的50歲教師蘇珊娜·肖格倫(Susanna Sjogren)已經在中國度過了幾次假期,她説,每次來中國,這個國家都變得更難駕馭了。

First it was a shopkeeper at the Great Wall who wouldn't take cash for a bottle of water.


Then she managed to use a 50-yuan note, or about $7, to pay a taxi driver, but had to give him a big tip because he could only provide change through WeChat Pay.


"Ten years ago it was cash for everything. Now it's WeChat for everything," Ms. Sjogren said. "I'm getting used to being a dinosaur in China."


Foreigners aren't the only ones bewildered by China's fast transition to a cashless society. "I can't even eat!" said Gong Cheng, a 61-year-old retired Shenzhen auto mechanic, who has resorted to asking strangers to pay for his takeout noodles and then giving them money.


Josh Copley, a South African who teaches English in Beijing, said he lost touch with his family for two days when he arrived because WhatsApp and Gmail weren't available.

在北京教英語的南非人喬希·科普利(Josh Copley)説,他來的時候有兩天與家人失去了聯繫,因為WhatsApp和Gmail不可用。

A few weeks later, Mr. Copley, 25, was stranded outside a bar at 4 a.m. He finally begged a Chinese couple to call him a taxi on a local ride-hailing app and repaid them in cash for the fare.


Elena Shortes, a 20-year-old college student who spent the summer studying in Beijing and Dalian, said she had to find a Chinese friend every time she did laundry, because the washers and dryers in the dorm designed for foreign students only accepted WeChat Pay.

20歲的大學生埃琳娜·肖特斯(Elena Shortes)暑假在北京和大連學習,她説每次洗衣服都要找一箇中國朋友,因為宿舍裏為外國學生設計的洗衣機和烘乾機只接受微信支付。

"We felt like little kids who couldn't do anything by ourselves," said Ms. Shortes, a junior at Clemson University in South Carolina. "We always had to say, 'Please help us!' "

南卡羅來納州克萊姆森大學(Clemson University)大三學生肖特斯説:“我們覺得自己就像是什麼都做不了的小孩子。”“我們總是要説,‘請幫幫我們!’”

Shanghai-based UnTour Food Tours skirts the problem by having its guides help travelers pay for snacks and souvenirs, said Kyle Long, a co-founder.

總部位於上海的UnTour Food Tours的聯合創始人凱爾·龍(Kyle Long)説,UnTour Food Tours讓導遊幫助遊客支付零食和紀念品的費用,從而避開了這個問題。

That's no help for young people who want to travel independently. "They have to join a tour group," said James Liang, chairman of Chinese travel giant Group Ltd., at a tourism conference.

這對想要獨立旅行的年輕人沒有任何幫助。中國旅遊巨頭 Group Ltd.董事長詹姆斯·樑(James Leung)在一次旅遊會議上説:“他們必須參加旅遊團。”

Regulators are trying to help. The People's Bank of China has declared it illegal for businesses to refuse cash. The bank's Shanghai branch recently said it was examining payment barriers for foreigners.


Tencent last week announced a pilot program to open up WeChat Pay to foreigners. UnTour's Mr. Long, an American, was initially excited about the program. As of Friday, he'd had no success making his Visa or Mastercard work.


Tencent, which called lack of access to mobile payments a "major pain point" for foreigners, said the rollout is initially limited to certain situations, such as booking train tickets on a travel site.


The site is only available in Chinese.


Travelers have had more luck on Alipay, which introduced a seven-step process last week that requires visitors to submit passport and visa information to Alipay, before loading money using an overseas card onto a prepaid card.


In a bathroom near the Great Wall recently, Catherine De Witte, a Belgian marketing consultant, was getting frustrated. She waved her hands in front of a high-tech toilet-paper dispenser, jammed her fingers into the slot and finally pounded on the machine. She wasn't amused when she saw the QR code.

最近,在長城附近的一間浴室裏,比利時營銷顧問凱瑟琳·德·維特(Catherine De Witte)感到沮喪。她在一台高科技廁紙自動售紙機前揮舞着雙手,把手指塞進縫隙,最後敲打着自動售紙機。當她看到二維碼時,她並不覺得好笑。

"You really need the restroom, and the restroom only gives you toilet paper if you can do something strange with your phone," she fumed.


Liao Yuxing, chief executive of the toilet-paper-dispenser maker Yunzhi Zhilian Network Technology Co., defends the preoccupation with QR codes as "a unique Chinese specialty."


"Just like we go to Japan to enjoy their culture, foreigners can experience Chinese culture by scanning codes," he said, suggesting the machines could act as conversation starters. "If you don't know how to scan this, ask a Chinese person," he said.


Ms. De Witte was in no mood for a cross-cultural chat. Her quandary was finally solved when a Chinese visitor whipped out a phone and handed over a few squares of paper.


--Yin Yijun contributed to this article.


Write to Shan Li at


(END) Dow Jones Newswires


November 10, 2019 14:55 ET (19:55 GMT)


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