
Bill Gates Says It Took Him 'Far Too Long' To Learn This Lesson From Warren Buffett

Bill Gates Says It Took Him 'Far Too Long' To Learn This Lesson From Warren Buffett

比爾·蓋茨說他花了 “太長時間” 才從禾倫·巴菲特那裏吸取教訓
Benzinga ·  05/25 13:34

In a recent admission, Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates acknowledged that he could have learned a crucial lesson from his friend Warren Buffett much earlier in his career.


What Happened: Gates, in a post on Meta Platforms Inc.'s Threads, revealed that he wished he had realized the importance of maintaining a lighter schedule much earlier in his career.

發生了什麼:蓋茨在 Meta Platforms Inc. 上的一篇文章中s Threads 透露,他希望自己在職業生涯的早期就意識到保持較短日程安排的重要性。

"It took far too long for me to realize that you don't have to fill every second of your schedule to be successful," Gates wrote. "In hindsight, it's a lesson I could have learned a lot sooner had I taken more peeks at Warren Buffett's intentionally light calendar."


He admitted that during his tenure as CEO of Microsoft, he had every minute of his schedule packed. It wasn't until he saw Buffett's sparse schedule that he realized the importance of not filling every minute of his day.


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"You control your time ... It's not a proxy of your seriousness that you fill every minute in your schedule," Gates said, quoting Buffett and recalling an instance where the Oracle of Omaha showed him his calendar.

“你可以控制自己的時間...蓋茨引用巴菲特的話說,並不能說明你的認真態度。” 他回憶起奧馬哈甲骨文向他展示日曆的例子。

Buffett's approach, "work smarter, not harder," is supported by research. A 2014 Stanford University study found that workers' efficiency steeply declines after 50 hours of work per week.

巴菲特的 “更聰明地工作,而不是更努力地工作” 的方法得到了研究的支持。斯坦福大學2014年的一項研究發現,每週工作50小時後,員工的效率急劇下降。

The study also revealed that people who work up to 70 hours a week get the same amount of work done as those who work 55 hours.


Buffett's Unique Success Formula


A Harvard expert recently unveiled Buffett's unique formula for success, emphasizing the importance of not just correcting weaknesses but also leveraging strengths.


Gates has also shed light on the secret to captivating presentations, attributing Steve Jobs' success to his natural ability. These insights into the practices and philosophies of successful business leaders provide valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and professionals.


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